in #ico6 years ago

To date, many electronic transactions have been made on the Internet and cryptography can execute transactions. Most recent transactions face many issues such as security, demand, unstable sites, poor APIs, inadequate support. In short, the current exchange does not provide services to users.

These problems need to be solved by QURREX. It is a combination of integrated CEX transactions and is the most effective solution for creating maximum liquidity for most types of trading products and DEX distributed transactions are critical to creating liquidity. It is a tool. With a less liquid device, the card is removed as part of an ICO or some altcoin. It is a versatile and centralized platform that is comparable to the performance of advanced modern traditional transactions. It has special features to meet the needs of major exchange brokers and FX users. It uses a chain block network to solve security problems and eliminate intermediaries. On the other hand, we provide integrated billing of all network nodes to users. Includes platform focus

If we try to compare with other exchanges, the trading platform of Qurrex has several exchanges with years of effort.

Hybrid Qurrex Exchange Features: CEX DEX Button

  • Composite queue formats are based on data received from all system nodes (both central nodes and hierarchical nodes).
  • Queue of aggregate queue route to block chain network.
  • Determine the system node with the best price and send orders / transactions sent by the customer (if possible negotiate with the price specified in the order).
  • Include orders in chain blocks. Get matching information.

Note: Because hybrid exchange systems do not have a consistent price, it is not possible to complete an order when it is displayed. Basically, each node of hybrid exchange provides the user with the highest execution services required by the brokerage firm in the most advanced financial markets.

What is the difference between the Qurrex and other exchanges?
According to the developers, the decentralized platform for trading will replace the classic exchanges and other ordinary trading platforms. This will solve existing platform problems, namely:

  • Low protection level. Conventional sites are vulnerable to hacker attacks. This fact is regularly confirmed by loss of traders who lose their assets after being hacked;
  • Full attention from the authorities, due to the use of crypto currency for fraud and money laundering. Even if the usual platform is secure, when it gets supervised, the work slows down, and the auction can stop (temporarily or permanently).
    The Qurrex is free from this deficiency due to decentralization and the use of blocking technology. For work quality, two types of nodes are used:
  • independent chain;
  • centralized node. Through them passing orders, which minimize transaction time, smooth the load, improve the quality of information processing. These nodes contribute to the formation of a pool of liquidity. Information goes into blocks, ensures transparency and reliability of operations, as well as guarantees of protection against robberies. They can be used as deposits.

High platform automation levels include recording of every transaction within the block. This helps ensure safety and reduce the time spent on operations.
Together with conventional assets, you can use tokens. They have entered the initial sales. Interested in promising technology, investors receive benefits in the form of bonuses and surcharges.
The token level is air related. These can be purchased for bitcoin and LTC. But on this platform do not stop: to fill the wallet, you can use fiat fund. To do this you need an escrow account at Bank of America.

Benefits of Qurrex

  • High performance. For 1 second processed up to 70 thousand transactions. In 99.9 cases, the delay between initiating and executing operations does not exceed 650 milliseconds, which is 5-10 times faster than in the existing crypto exchange market.
  • High security level. Cool wallet placed in a safe place. For "hot" is available an effective insurance system. Third party experts conduct IT system security surveillance.
  • Full transparency. Most processes are formalized. The Company regularly publishes its financial statements. With a certain periodicity, the audit is done by involving a trusted expert company. Traders can at any time estimate the total amount of funds across the stock exchange.
  • 4 API types for developers and users, providing flexible platform integration for various types of trading, including high frequency (HFT).
  • High liquidity. To be sure, the site's internal assets will be used, as well as programs that stimulate new participants and users. Planned to attract large liquidity providers.
  • Low entry threshold. Professionally oriented exchanges offer all the information necessary for newcomers looking to become bidders: educational portals, knowledge base, chat rooms, forums, their own markets.

Qurrex offers an impressive opportunity:

  • New generation trading terminal;
  • automated trading means;
  • Tools for algotrade, integrated into the basic interface;
  • ability to automatically copy trade signals.

Ending the list of tools for convenient and effective interaction from a wide variety of graphs, analytical tools.
Another interesting feature of the Qurrex is the ability to use it on modern devices, regardless of the operating system. Thanks to this, you can participate in transactions with smartphones and tablets with the appropriate characteristics.

Problems to be Solved by QREREX Hybrid CRYPTO Exchange The CEX problem is as follows.

  • Lack of inadequate protection and security (fraud, electronic money theft from purse, personal data theft).
  • Lack of liquidity, especially low fluidity tools.
  • Shortage of API is fast and friendly.
  • Ability to complete the procurement system activity is low and there is considerable delay.
  • Lack of public transparency, especially advertising and communication protocols to interact with customers in case of problems
  • Damage due to limited productivity. None ----- sufficient performance during periods of peak trading activity.
  • Non-compliance with clear business practices.
  • Damage is the result of excessive traffic.
  • Interfaces (both graphics and applications) provide only limited analysis and transaction capabilities.
  • Lack of mobile apps,
  • Incomplete toolkit for graphical and technical analysis,
  • Unfriendly interface,
  • Poor user interface.
  • Facilities related to deposits / withdrawals pending, facilities that restrict such deposits / withdrawals,
  • The level of customer satisfaction such as long response time of technical support services, lack of telephone support,
  • Choice of narrow trading tools, "hot" / lack of secrets and new tokens.

The DEX issue is as follows.

  • Safe deposit of money / encryption assets.
  • Intermediate / intermediate link susceptibility
  • Look for partners who are interested in trading.
  • Transparency of completed activities.
  • Cross chains (eg Bitcoin for Monero).
  • The same amount of demand for all market participants.

Token: QRX
PreICO price: 800 QRX = 1 ETH
Price: 1 ETH = 400 QRX
Platform: Ethereum
Reception: ETH
Minimum investment amount: 15 presale ETH
Country: Cayman Islands
US banned areas, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria

This team
developing and managing the Qurrex specialists, each of whom has more than 10 years of experience with the foreign exchange trading platform. Some leaders who want to vote:

  • founder and CEO of M. DJ. Lek has been involved in the business for 20 years, he said, he assembled a team of experienced specialists in banking and brokerage services, aimed at high returns;
  • Baikalov Slava, chief operating officer and co-founder of the company, has extensive experience in analyzing investment, corporate finance, and also in banking. In recent years he has been involved in cryptotrading;
  • Sviridenko Konstantin, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Head of Business Development Department of Qurrex Project. He has extensive experience in creating and developing a system of trading of clearing systems, as well as creating financial instruments in stock and derivatives markets throughout Eastern Europe.
  • Sitaev Andrey, project technical director, involved in software development. Together with his team, he successfully executed margin trading projects over the past ten years.


Therefore, combining CEX and DEX with a single hybrid switch makes encryption transactions easier and more reliable. Qurrex is the best solution for veterans, traders, and brokers to use in the future. Aggressively, it will attract more customers. Because it provides more stability and superior service in user processing.

for more information:

website: https://qurrex.com/
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2899211
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qurrex
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qurrex/
Telegram: https://t.me/qurrex_chat
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1klzZPHdjCBnurHCJjJbjwsed_5rx4W1U/view

author: muhammadsosa
profil link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1914532
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420

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