in #ico6 years ago

MODULE is a blockchain-based platform designed to take advantage of free storage from smartphones, PCs, servers, etc. As an asset. Using the MODULE platform, someone will be able to participate in mining even from a smartphone. Servers and companies can also participate in mining.

So imagine getting cryptocurrency in just a matter of days using only free storage from your cellphone. Just make your assets that are not used and produce them because of mining.

The algorithm consensus (mining) module allows to get rewards by lending storage space. When the storage capacity of the device develops and expands, one can expect a variety of services offered to be expanded. In addition to issuing new original coins, users will also be able to develop Dapps (decentralized applications) on the platform.

What's good about this is that even people with small profits and only having a smartphone they can use this and me. Because now people who can only mine are those who have good computers worth thousands of dollars that no one can buy. In that sense, the Module will implement real decentralization.

Who is behind the module?

Module is a medium-sized team work in Japan. The six executives managed a team of nine engineers. This team has decades of experience in software development and management.

The company is on the most popular social media sites, but has not reached many viewers. There are less than 100 followers on the Facebook, Twitter, Telegram pages. The company has not received reports from the website other than collecting information about future ICOs.

But at the time of writing, the company is less than one month, so maybe more attention will be gained because the ICO approach and platform are complete.

How the Blockchain Cloud data storage network works

The main product of this module is a block chain based data storage platform that everyone can act as "minor" (data host) with free memory from the computer. This system is intended for software developers who can manage the back end of various applications, no need to target end users.

In their white paper, the Module estimates that billions of gigabytes of data on smartphones and other devices around the world are not used. Most block chain services use very powerful computers to check transactions and store data, but the Module recommends using all of this unused memory.
All data stored on the module platform is fully encrypted, so it is protected from colleagues where the device is stored, but the host device is offline because there are several copies.

This platform developer requires a large amount of power consumption with a proven algorithm and tends to concentrate the verification method so that the most practical alternative to the most widely used chain block verification architecture This states that it is one.

Platform algorithms are designed to provide distributed systems that will continue to function well in the future because the hardware requirements of memory and computer programs continue to increase.

This module allows miners to set the price of their own hosting services, which will promote fair competition and will allow you to buy only the storage capacity you need for your intended use. Access to services requires payment with MODL tokens that are used to equip host users who provide the service.

The platform module development began in May 2018, but according to the company's roadmap, the beta version will not be released later this year. The company wants to release smart phone applications to Google Play and the App Store in early 2019.

Evaluation module
The platform module provides attractive options for block-based applications. Most programs that use this technology depend on a relatively small community of users who use strong hardware and cannot achieve decentralization which is ultimately desired. Programmers who are interested in developing distributed applications need to consider the module platform after release. However, adequate hosts are needed for smooth operations.

Investors interested in MODL tokens must explain the platform architecture in detail and read carefully the whitepaper that meets the needs of software developers. Investors must remember that the product is still in the development stage so that the refund will not be visible for at least a few months.

Platform advantages:

  • Lower security and prices
  • Track mining payments
  • Efficiency with smart contracts
  • Great potential for development and expansion
  • Advanced protection of information from hacking and losses

MODULE is suitable for storing confidential information because storage distributions store data in fragments in many different places. This can be used to store information that must be kept secret from others. SPECIFICALLY operate, by storing carefully distributed information storage, such as MODULE, you can increase exchange information through "secret exchanges". In other words, if information is secretly divided into fragments of information fragments and stored in separate places, information cannot be reproduced with only one fragment, but if several fragments are collected, information can be reproduced.

This access method will be used to store secure information to store confidential information that is safe.

ICO Token MODL Module Details

The MODL module is an Ethereum ERC-20 compatible device. Private sales will take place from 15 June to 31 July 2018. After that all public ICO sales will begin and will run until 15 August. Token MODL, discount. Token token Soft stamp measuring 5M, hard cap 30M.

  • Ticker (short title): MODL
  • Token Type: Token Type: ERC 20
  • Advance (advance): 16 July - 31, 2018
  • Price: 1 MODL = 0.008 USD
  • Bonus: 7%
  • Kraudseyl (main sales) August 1 to September 30, September 2018
  • Soft stamp (minimum target): US $ 5 million
  • Hard seal (maximum target): US $ 18 million
  • Total cap (total): 15 billion MODL
  • For sale: 22,500,000,000 MODL
  • Limited State Limited: United States, China, Dr.strany is prohibited by law
  • Payment methods: BTC, ETH, LTC, Dash, Zcash etc. Or USD (bank transfer)




author: muhammadsosa
profil link:;u=1914532
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420

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