in #ico6 years ago

What is a BGL Token?

Tokens on the Ethereum blockchain are digital assets stored in token contracts, in trust for a wallet address.

The Token buglab, identified as BGL, is based on the ERC20 standard for blockchain tokens.

BGL tokens are required for all transactions in the buglab ecosystem, from ordering contests to useful spots and whitehat.
Buglab leverages the power of the Ethereum blockchain to enable reliable, versatile and reliable penetration testing for digital enterprise solutions. This platform connects organizations that have information security needs with a certified cybersecurity penetration testing community in an incentive environment. At the center of the buglab ecosystem, there are two programs - the Buglab Contest and the Vigilante Protocol, which helps companies around the world find and correct vulnerabilities

Buglab working principle

The platform will work in the following ways: instead of compromising its software products and systems, businesses will be able to attract so-called "white" hackers to look for vulnerabilities, in turn, which can also solve the security systems provided to them and thus, give know the business about inadequate security measures.

First of all, new platform testers must go through a certain process to check and verify personal data. After this, they will be able to carry out their activities in connection with the platform or system provided by other users in Buglab. https://buglab.io/ru/#top

Buglab feature

The platform offers users a number of useful functions that enable platform customization for the needs of particular ecosystem participants. Contests (assignments) for the test system are made by businesses that prescribe their requirements for upfront testing and invite all Buglab community users to work together, while premium contests are only available for selected test groups.

The Buglab ecosystem also offers several options for selecting bids: by country, by professional activities, by assessing participants or ecosystem skills.

Buglab also uses the Vigilante Protocol that allows "white" hackers to provide businesses that do not use platforms with data about vulnerabilities. The main advantage of this protocol is collaboration with CERTs and CSIRTs around the world, getting verified reports and automatic withdrawals of "white" hacking.

All ecosystem transactions will be fair and transparent. Users can use BGL token to pay for the service. The BGL Token is a standard 20th ERC token and built in Ethereum blockchain. The BGL Token will be used by members of the Buglab community to conduct all transactions in the ecosystem, from opening a testing contest to paying a "white" hacker award.

Who is Buglab for?

SME Enterprises
small and medium enterprises from around the world looking for more effective and effective ways to protect their digital assets.

The Computer Security Incident Response Team, will be able to partner with buglab in building a sustainable vulnerability prevention system to help companies.

Pentesters & Whitehats
The Buglab platform is built for a global network of expert security researchers who look forward to helping businesses around the world and get compensation.

BGL Token

The buglab token, identified as BGL, is based on the standard ERC20 for blockchain tokens. Tokens on the Ethereum blockchain are digital assets that are stored in token contracts, in trust for wallet addresses.

BGL tokens are required for all transactions in the buglab ecosystem, from ordering contests to useful spots and whitehat.

Allocation of Token

This diagram illustrates the plan for the distribution of tokens. These values highlight the various functions that the token will serve. They include the sale itself, the Protocol Viglante Protocol (VPR), which is funded on an ongoing basis by obtaining ten percent of the contest systematically, and product development.

Buglab team

Buglab is united by a mission to help companies protect their digital solutions.

Reda Cherqaoui
Founder, CEO
After starting at a young age of 16, Reda was a veteran in cybersecurity. Companies that have helped banks from electronic banks.

Alexander BelokonDeveloper backend
Alexander is a developer with extensive experience from banking to pharmaceuticals. The code lives and breathes for more than 15 years, it loves to build a high-performing and tough backend.

Youness Aamiri Blockchain
In addition to Arabic, French, and English, Youness is also well versed in HTML, CSS, and PHP scripting languages. Currently, he focuses on building the blockchain ecosystem to reshape pentesting.

Azdine Bouhou
Software Architects
Azdine is a software designer with experience in insurance, legal and notary fields. Fascinated by the potential of blockchain technology, he now helps buglab build its own platform.

Konstantin Bditskikh
Developer Frontend
Konstantin is an experienced frontend developer who is familiar with all the latest technologies and best practices. Encouragement and perfection ensure that our platform has the best interface.

Amine Bioudi
Full Stack Developer
With years of UI design experience, Amine is excited about building platforms to enable the best user-user interaction.

Dalal Cherqaoui
Marketing and Communications Manager
Dalal is a marketing veteran with more than 11 years in global marketing groups such as TBWA and Ogilvy. He is a creative storyteller who finds new ways to engage with key stakeholders.

Herve Schauer
With more than 28 years of experience, Herve is considered a pioneer of the French IT security industry. He currently leads his own company, HSC, which was acquired by Deloitte France in 2014.

for more information:

Website: https://buglab.io/
Whitepaper: https://buglab.io/assets/docs/Buglab_WhitePaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/joinbuglab
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buglab.co
Telegram: https://t.me/buglab
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/buglabProject/

author: muhammadsosa
profil link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1914532
eth: 0x8056b4866D50eBCE01D33EDc967D38a6Bf724420

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