BitScreener PLATFORM

in #ico6 years ago

It is another stage that offers great market data about in excess of 1,200 diverse digital forms of money and makes their entrance simpler. This developing business sector is the principal establishment stone that will change the stream of the world's cash.

BitScreener monitors all encoded calls and gives refreshed costs continuously. With a couple of straightforward assignments, you can discover particular decoding and add it to the rundown. The capacity to force a second critical specialized pointer is an unmistakable advantage to experienced clients. Third, there is the capacity of coin channel as indicated by different market standard which is exceptionally advantageous capacity. You can channel coins with parameters, for example, value, volume, capitalization, et cetera. Fourth, unscrambling news will be discharged and stay up with the latest with breakthrough occasions. What's more, the last point I need to call attention to is that you can make an individual portfolio and track every exchange in your portfolio .

The BitScreener stage is a crypto stage that will enable you to remain educated of everything that is in the cryptographic money industry. Not just that, the application guarantees that probably the most precise data you will discover anyplace, yet it likewise works all around to enable you to pick up the inner information you have to completely command it with your ventures.

How does BitScreener function?

The application attempts to channel and screen the digital money recently. It additionally gives probably the most extensive information and data on in excess of twelve hundred diverse cryptographic forms of money. Furthermore, over that, BitScreener is continually refreshed. Business on the Internet has come to depend solely on budgetary establishments filling in as

confided in outsiders to process electronic installments. While the framework functions admirably enough for

most exchanges, despite everything it experiences the natural shortcomings of the trust based model.

Totally non-reversible exchanges are not by any stretch of the imagination conceivable, since money related foundations can't

abstain from interceding disputesEach coin accessible in the application is esteemed by several distinctive market criteria. For instance, they assess volume, supply, execution, and different elements, and this is done to guarantee that the client gets ideal information levels to help enhance their portfolio.

With the data they give you, the expectation is that you can at last make the sharpest, most educated choices that will enable you to prevail in the briefest time. The best piece of BitScreener is that it is planned for use by money dealers of any level of understanding. Indeed, even the main bitlock clients can move and utilize the application to improve their purchasing and offering patterns. This is an intense apparatus that anybody can use, for graphs their cryptographic money. Also, as they develop, there will be more upgrades for the stage.

BitScreener was put available in July 2017. The fundamental intention is to know how individuals have data about digital forms of money, how to diminish this data and simple access to this data. From that point forward, there has been a lot of open help and the BitScreener is developing consistently with this surprising objective.

In the meantime BitScreener is a one of a kind crypto channel based stage that gives the most precise and point by point data about digital forms of money. BitScreener can sift through cash in view of various market criteria, can overlay vital realistic specialized pointers, get to mass digital money news, and can do significantly more

Sweep apparatus: The capacity to "output" or channel with endless figures in view of the criteria determined is a great component novel to BitScreener as it were. There are additionally various inquiry criteria: costs, 24-hour volumes, showcase esteem, changes, exhibitions, speculations and even market dispatch dates. This nitty gritty sifting and efficient component is both famous and favored by merchants and brokers alike.

  1. Motivator

By tradition, the principal exchange in a square is an uncommon exchange that begins another coin claimed

by the maker of the square. This adds a motivating force for hubs to help the system, and gives

an approach to at first appropriate coins into dissemination, since there is no focal expert to issue them.

The unfaltering expansion of a steady of measure of new coins is practically equivalent to gold diggers exhausting

assets to add gold to flow. For our situation, it is CPU time and power that is used.

The motivation can likewise be financed with exchange expenses. On the off chance that the yield estimation of an exchange is

not as much as its info esteem, the distinction is an exchange expense that is added to the impetus estimation of

the square containing the exchange. Once a foreordained number of coins have entered

flow, the motivator can progress totally to exchange expenses and be totally expansion


The motivation may help urge hubs to remain legitimate. On the off chance that a voracious assailant can

amass more CPU control than all the genuine hubs, he would need to pick between utilizing it

to dupe individuals by taking back his installments, or utilizing it to create new coins. He should

think that its more productive to play by the tenets, such decides that support him with more new coins than

every other person consolidated, than to undermine the framework and the legitimacy of his own riches.

General Information of BitScreener Coin

Image: BITX

Value: 1 BITX = 0.00018 ETH

Delicate top 1,000 ETH

Hard Cap: 15,000 ETH

Date ICO: June 27, 2018 - July 4, 2018


450,000,000 BITX

No swelling, volume settled in shrewd contract

Most extreme token sum available to be purchased:

139,500,000 BITX

Token Price:

1 ETH = 7154 BITX

Future "excavators" (content supporters):




Future Operations:


Consultants and Marketing:




Least commitment:

0.2 ETH


1,000 ETH


15,000 ETH

Limited nations:

Singapore, United States, and others

KYC Required

Group development



Discharged the primary variant of iOS App BitScreener

Accomplished 1000 Daily Active User (DAU)


Discharged the main variant of Web BitScreener.Com

Application BitScreener had 5000 DAU


Application BitScreener accomplished 20,000 DAU

Web accomplished 200,000 Monthly Active Users


Actualized constant cost and graph on App

Application is in top 100 monetary applications in excess of 30 nations


Discharge the Android Version

Synchronize Watchlist and Portfolio on App and Web

Dispatch the Token Sale (BITX)


Execute Community-Generated Content Subsystem

BITX can be utilized to buy propelled administrations


Execute the BitScreener Point and Blockchain modules

Build up the BITX compensate module


Dispatch crypto advertise tracker on both on App and Web

Convey content subsystem, enabling supporters of get BITX


Actualize the Singapore securities exchange tracker


Dispatch the Singapore and Vietnam securities exchange tracker


Dispatch the worldwide securities exchange trackers: 30-50 nations

Dispatch the information and substance framework for the two stocks and cryptos

Meet Our Team
David Nguyen
David Nguyen
PhD from Oregon State University - USA, Computer Engineering, more than 12 scientific publications
Quang Hoang
Quang Hoang
BS from FPT University - Vietnam, Software Engineering, the best student award in FPT University (only one award each year), 2015
Thomas Bolleyer
Thomas Bolleyer
Lead of Business Development. He is also the lead of communications of Mycro.Jobs GmbH based in Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
Anh Nguyen
Anh Nguyen
MS from University of Denver - USA, Software Engineering, four scientific publications on data mining.
Hai Pham
Hai Pham
BS from Nanyang University of Technology - Singapore, Computer Engineering, more than 15 years working in tech startups
Ha Le
Ha Le
MBA from Vietnam University of Commerce, Business Managment, more than 5 year working in the financial field
Huy Tran
Huy Tran
BS from FPT University - Vietnam, Software Engineering, ACM Asian Award 2017
Hanh Nguyen
Hanh Nguyen
Pursuing a BS degree at Vietnam National University in Vietnam. She is leading the data and content team at BitScreener
Anh Tuan Le
Anh Tuan Le
BS from FPT University - Vietnam, Software Engineering, ACM Asian Award 2014
John Ng
John Ng
John Ng is the founder of Signum Capital, a venture capital fund specialising in ICOs. He is the advisor for many famous crypto startups including OmiseGo, KyberNetowrk, Zilliqa, TenX, etc.
Jared Polites
Jared Polites
Jared Polites is a general partner at Blockteam Ventures. Jared has tremenduous experience on advising various blockchain startups including Elastos and Patron. He holds a BBA from UT-Austin and a Master's in Finance from Sciences Po Paris.
Sophia Ha Ho
Sophia Ha Ho
CEO of CryptoStories in Munich, Germany - a global brand which builds ventures in the spheres of ICO and cryptoassets. Sophia has been advising several blockchain startups including DarcMatter.
Octavio Padilla
Octavio Padilla
Member of advisory board on cryptocurrency & blockchain regulatory task force in Mexico City, Mexico. Octavio is co-founder of Sankhara and Baktun 0 SOFOM ENR, member of the board of ConsolidaT and current co-owner of Hostel Art Gallery, and advisor for various Blockchain projects and Fintech developments.
Phong Le
Phong Le
PhD from Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour in France. His expertise lies in Cryptography, Cyber Security, as well as new Blockchain technology.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64689.90
ETH 3450.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50