Quadrant Protocol: This is more convenient with a blocking protocol

in #ico6 years ago

Speaking of trade, you imagine counters and showcases, but do not think that it can only be information in the cloud or on a physical medium. Having learned about the Quadrant Protocol platform , you will understand that the data is sold no worse than the products of prime necessity, because for business there is nothing more important than knowing about their product and consumer.

The Quadrant Protocol is a decentralized protocol that uses a block system to ensure the reliability and reliable storage of data, as well as their transmission in an appropriate manner. Well, let's start!

Without peace, the world is full of deception

In fact, there is too much untrue information around us. News, advertising, information programs - they all bear at least a little deception or just sound from the mouth of incompetent sources, there most distorting the real picture of the world. On the example of ordinary news broadcasts, you can accurately say that the truth is at stake, if you look at the statistics below. 

The reasons that lead people to such behavior may be different, but, basically, they are associated with a certain benefit for private interests. Someone defends their positions in a better society, someone simply damages the reputation of competitors, someone manipulates the opinion of the audience to promote their product or service - this list may last too long for our Quadrant Protocol review.

Instead of finding out the reasons for which lies surround us, it is better to concentrate on the conditions that make such actions real:

  • Impossibility to establish the truth. Very often, when you look at certain information (from news programs you can already go away - it was just an example), you doubt its reliability. But it is also true that you can not verify this data, because there are practically no resources for this, with rare exceptions. Therefore, the following factor.
  • Lack of alternative sources. Generally, broadcasters do not care too much about whether their information is true or not. Their main task is profit, so they never squeamish to get data by someone else's hands. As a result, we have a situation where all information is taken from one source, which can be absolutely unreliable, and then actively spreads by others, referring to each other. As a result, neither the origin of information nor its reliability can be established.
  • Impunity. We can talk for a very long time about the criminalization and decriminalization of providing untrue data (we still believe that freedom of speech for a person is one of the highest values), but the fact remains that there will be no legal consequences for the provider of false information, even if its will catch red-handed. Again, the intent of this act can not be proved, which means that he can continue to cash in on lies.

That is why the world and business need a source of reliable information. Something like a technology intermediary that can guarantee the truth of the data and the timely payment for its provision, which is the Quadrant Protocol platform. 

Technology of truth

The Quadrant Protocol is not so much the platform itself, which it will cut, as a sequence of actions that ensures the accuracy and truthfulness of the information. As always, the blockage plays the role of an impartial registrar and a repository that you can not access without proper authorization. At the same time, thanks to it, it is possible to calculate crypto-currency for the services provided by the protocol. 

But not only does this allow the Quadrant Protocol to become one of the most successful ways of storing and distributing information due to the possibility of its implementation in other systems, such an algorithm can be used by other enterprises and government agencies. Its essence lies in the construction of a kind of data map that allows you to verify the reliability of information in a matter of minutes.

Also, we can confidently say that, thanks to the Quadrant Protocol, data trading will become much more honest, and therefore more profitable. So far, you will not find this a decisive factor, but, we promise, in the future we will definitely tell everything.

Also, let's show how valuable information can be - a product that you, as an entrepreneur, constantly produce, but, perhaps, do not use it for profit. With Quadrant Protocol, this can become a reality: additional sources of income will never interfere.


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