in #ico7 years ago

The past 20 February was born in Venezuela, the first cryptocurrency supported by a State, that is, the PETRO. This cryptocurrency has exceeded expectations by raising 735 million dollars in the first 20 hours. Therefore, President Nicolas Maduro stressed that this initiative puts Venezuela "at the forefront of cryptocurrencies".

"We already have it in our hands, we started up high, tremendous blow, a bombshell.There are after emphasizing that the technologies used to ensure the security of operations will prevent the action of 'hackers', drug traffickers, asset launderers." Nicolas Maduro

He also announced the creation of the Cryptoactive Treasury and ordered the certification of more than 5,000 people to exploit the PETRO in the country, prior registration in the national Blockchain: "The Petro announces a new economic time," he said. Superintendent Carlos Vargas, for his part, stressed that the machines used for digital mining are manufactured in China and assembled in Venezuela.

Although no more details have been given, the first reactions have been positive but there are still many skeptics who doubt this new technology. It only remains to wait for the new declarations of those in charge of the cryptocurrency. And above all, ask ...

Will it work or will it be a scam?


I think it will work and Venezuela will gradually experience an economic recovery! Keep it up! Upvote

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