hoqu ico

in #ico7 years ago (edited)


Everyone is familiar with services such as Uber and Booking.com, but few people are
aware that, in fact, they are affiliate programs. An affiliate program is a marketing
model, where an affiliate intermediary is involved in a promotional campaign, and an
advertiser pays for end results.
Any advertiser can create their own affiliate program. They can do so independently
or by using existing affiliate program constructs. In the latter case, the advertiser
is subject to the affiliate's costs, as well as the need to combat potential fraudulent
actions on the part of affiliates. Moreover, the affiliates lack trust in the advertiser, as
no one can be sure that results are not being concealed or tampered with.
Such shortcomings are absent when an advertiser relies on the services of an
affiliate network. However, costs rise as up to 50% of results could be commissions
paid for the affiliate network.
But, what if a solution could combine the benefits of both approaches? Introducing
the world's first decentralized marketing platform - HOQU.
HOQU is a decentralized affiliate platform combining the performance-marketing
model with blockchain technology. The aim of the project is to create a decentralized
ecosystem, which will be used to build CPA services, ranging from affiliate programs
to affiliate networks and related products. HOQU integrates advertisers, networks
and affiliates into a single platform, significantly reducing the financial costs for all
market participants.
The project’s mission is to make the distribution of rewards in the internet affiliate
market more equitable, and to set new standards of transparency and efficiency to
benefit all conscientious market participants.
Our goal is to provide advertisers, affiliates, and affiliate networks with a new
service so that internet marketing becomes easy for its participants, thus creating a
decentralized ecosystem where market participants can openly interact.
On the HOQU platform, an advertiser can easily create affiliate offers, and the
results of affiliate advertising campaigns will be stored in distributed registries
(blockchain). Rewards will be paid through smart contracts that guarantee honesty
and transparency of transactions. A smart anti-fraud system developed as part of the
advertiser's decentralized application will not allow affiliates to engage in fraudulent
activities, and independent, decentralized audit appeal centers will address any
emerging, controversial issues.
The HOQU platform will also be useful for existing affiliate networks. The SDK
will enable one to integrate networks with the platform, thereby lowering the cost
of paying affiliate fees. As well, it shall and add transparency to your network by
enabling all affiliates registered within the platform to work with affiliate programs
of the network.
Performance marketing is a marketing industry, whose goal is to achieve concrete,
measurable results. Its distinctive feature is the ability at all stages to see a specific,
quantitative indicator that reflects the outcome of each individual marketing
activity (e.g., site visitor cost, application cost, call cost, order cost, and end cost of
attracting the customer who has carried out the target activity).
Affiliate Marketing is an internet marketing industry that works on the basis of
a payment model for affiliates (web-masters) for each targeted action by their
customers (order, purchase, install, etc.). Advertisers often do not work directly, but
through affiliate networks (CPA Networks).
Affiliate Networks (CPA Networks) - services in the sector of affiliate marketing,
offering affiliates remuneration on the basis of the CPA model and providing
advertisers services necessary for the establishment of affiliate programs. Affiliate
networks charge advertisers for customer actions, pay commissions to affiliates and
charge commissions for the service.
An affiliate (web master, Publisher, advert) - a professional marketer (or a group
of marketers within a single account in an affiliate network) who advertises the
product or service for advertisers and receives a cash reward for the target action of
the client.
Advertiser - in this context is one who incentivizes affiliates to engage customers
by creating offers and paying the affiliates (often through affiliate networks) for
targeted customer actions that match the conditions of the offer. Often, advertisers
describe possible ways of attracting customers by providing materials, ready-made
templates, scripts, and so on.
Tracking - tracking of many different campaign metrics in the affiliate marketing
process. For example - time, source, or number of target activities.
Fraud - in terms of affiliate marketing, various ways of deceiving the affiliate
network and advertisers, in order to obtain a monetary reward. Varieties of fraud
may be: Emulation of target actions, spoofing the source of introduced clients
(cookie-stuffing), deceiving customers by using misleading ads to increase the
likelihood of target action (for example, by using a significantly lower price than the
offer of the advertiser) and others.
'Shave' - a deception of the affiliate network or the advertiser by an affiliate, which
downplays the performance of an advertising campaign in order to pay less.
Lead - the target action of a customer in response to an ad campaign: sales, order,
call, register, application installation (install), etc.
Offer - an advertising proposal to attract targeted activities from advertisers or
affiliate networks.
The stagnation of the traditional advertising industry and the development of
digital methods of attracting customers make the question of the future of internet
advertising more relevant. The International Advertising Bureau identified the main
problem for internet advertising and performance marketing as the establishing of
common client action accounting mechanisms between advertisers and affiliates.
Thus, the main problem in this market is establishing trust between the parties.
2.1. Issue of Fraudulent Schemes
On the part of affiliates in relation to advertisers:
In the area of e-commerce, affiliates could visit web the sites themselves and place
They could use "gray" or dubious schemes to obtain customers' personal data and
pass them off to the advertiser as their own clients.
When making payments, in-house personnel could make calls, impersonating
On the part of affiliate networks:
showing advertisers an exaggerated number of leads;
discreetly debit advertisers' accounts.
On the part of advertisers in relation to affiliates:
Informing an affiliate that an order has not been delivered and refusing to pay
commission on a customer's purchase.
Ignoring a customer's calls, identifying the caller's ID and contacting them directly.
Modifying the affiliate network code on a proprietary website so that not all leads are
recorded on the affiliate system
Internet Advertising Market Volume
The world market for internet advertising grew by 15-22% annually from 2010 to
2016[6]. The share of television advertising costs has traditionally been higher than
that of internet advertising. In 2017, share of internet advertising has exceeded
the share of TV advertising.[7] According to the Statista portal, the market for
internet advertising in 2017 will be US $227.802 billion.[8]
The scope of internet advertising continues to grow. According to the Dentsu Aegis
communication group, the share of internet advertising in 2018 will exceed 50%
of the total advertising market in 8 countries: Australia, the United Kingdom,
Denmark, China, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden.[9] According to
a forecast by Magna, by 2021[10] the global share of internet advertising will increase
from 36% to 50%.
source : hoqu whitepaper

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