in #ico6 years ago (edited)



The world completely has been engaging with various sort of maladies that up to this point no fix has been found and new and more confounded and desolating ailment conditions continue rising each day, henceforth the requirement for advancement in the administration of these conditions. In a mission to beat these difficulties, DNAtix has possessed the capacity to think of two developmental advancements, DNA sequencing and square bind to help enhance fundamentally the wellbeing and prosperity over the globe.

Hereditary qualities is an interdisciplinary field of science concentrating on the structure, work, development, mapping, and altering of genomes (qualities). DNAtix innovation goes for enhancing the comprehension and treatment of a few illness conditions, close by growths which has prompted early grave of numerous individuals including mind boggling and long haul maladies, for example, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative conditions, and contaminations. The square chain innovation has the capability of enhancing or changing wellbeing which should be possible ideal from time of origination, this innovation can likewise enhance the world's economy. This DNAtix innovation is among the most punctual at any point coordinated answer for patients and DNA information contributors where everyone will have the capacity to have their DNA sequenced and safely put away, and give a stage where partners that incorporate pharmaceuticals, explore associations, governments, tolerant care groups and insurance agencies to include their applications and administrations nearby DNA information investigation and customize prescription.

This innovation goes for making DNA information pervasive alongside bits of knowledge for improving social insurance safely and available to all. It will likewise manufacture a cutting edge and not-revenue driven medication revelation and exactness prescription association. Square chain innovation will enable deliver to confide in issues, for example, understanding assent, information possession, information trustworthiness, and verification which numerous people or patients are constantly worried of.

With DNAtix innovation the underlisted are benefits:

Deciding the best treatment for patients with any illness condition
capture of ailments in solid people
Guaging hazard related with a specific infection
Making conclusion of maladies
Treatment, including alternatives on which is better
Deciding the guess of an illness
Recognizing new medication target
Organizations influencing medications to can utilize this stage to refine tranquilize advancement
DNAtix clients have full and fine-grained control of who can get to the information even after an outsider foundation has approached.
All that patient need to think about his or her wellbeing is made known to them.

DNAtix is a task you can't bear to miss; extremely encouraging it is in taking care of most medical issues


Website : https://www.dnatix.com

Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4900060

Token sale link: https://www.dnatix.com/buy-tokens/

Whitepaper: https://www.dnatix.com/download/White_Paper.pdf

Blog : https://www.dnatix.com/blog/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/hashtag/dnatix

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dnatixgenetics/

Telegram : https://t.me/dnatix_tokensale

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/dnatix/

YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC63L_2KLDUOCyeJ9PK7oqkg

Github : https://github.com/DNAtix

Medium : https://medium.com/dnatix



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