EOS Coins Not For US Persons ! WHY?

in #ico7 years ago (edited)

I was so happy to see the email I had bee waiting for anouncing the EOS Ico. I went to the site and was greeted by a NO US BOYS OR GIRLS ALLOWED sign.

After a lifetime of seeing, "you must be a US citizen to participate" the shoe is on the other foot. Kind of funny actually.
Meanwhile I WANT TO KNOW WHY! I'm sure it has to with the US GOV forbidding the ICO - but why? Why are so many others able to launch?

Let's Speculate!

  1. The powers that developed the original blockchains do not want EOS to compete?
  2. The gov sees EOS as a "security risk?"
  3. The crown finally got a structure in place to take down BTC, (Royal Mint Digital Gold) and now this is going to make that structure obsolete?

Why would EOS not explain this development?

There is no legal work around. The literature clearly states no US person can hold the coins. I assume this means the US gov has decreed this or that EOS has determined it to be a violation of current laws. This would seem to therefore mean that there will be no EOS coin tradeable on servers that service US persons. So it's possible that even if you could get into to buy - well you might not be able to do anything with the coins ever?

US Person

In Last of The Mohicans with Daniel Day Lewis A British soldier scolded a NATURAL born American saying:
"You call yourself a patriot, and loyal subject to the Crown?"
The man responded, "I do not call myself subject to much at all."

This seems to continue to be the conflict - the crown ruling everything and everyone - mind and body, and the natural people saying, I just want to live, enjoy life and be burdened with excessive rules and taxes that make it difficult to enjoy daily life.

They specifically use the terminology, US person. I have learned this means a person or unnatural person (corporation) who is in contract with the US Gov (The District of Columbia). If you are a US person, you have agreed to be subject to all the laws of the federal rulers - their courts etc.

The way you agree to be subject to their contracts and laws is to:
Be delivered by the Docker (doctor) (Admiralty Law/Maritime Law-the docker authorized and credentialed the slaves (think of delivering babies) as they were Delivered From The NAVEL vessel (mom). The BERTH was the little place on the ship the slaves slept).

When you were born in the hospital you were numbered, they took your blood, usurped your parents authority, and licensed you with a BERTH certificate. At that point, with your parents consent you became a US (not USA) person. Throughout your life you have renewed the contract to consent to be collateral for the US debt (slave) by doing anything regulated by the Fed - getting a job (you must sign "I am a US citizen").
Voting (they want you to vote but your vote satiates you - it does not elect.
Any license.
Bank accounts.
Even signing up to get paid by Youtube - you must sign, "I am a US citizen."

The theory is that US is The District of Colombia, The Crown and the Vatican. US is not USA. Meanwhile state governments and individuals continue to comply with US Federal gov plans programs all in order to get their dollars (notes of debt).
This is why I thought they would never allow bitcoin to compete - but they did. That should be a red flag. But it's only one of many. Another seems to be: why can US persons not buy EOS?


It is the US upcomming ICO regulation that they are worried about. You see it now with more ICOs. Lumens are also not available for US: Due to regulatory restrictions, this program is closed to residents of the U.S. states of New York, Georgia, New Hampshire, and Connecticut as well as the nations of Iran, Cuba and North Korea (funny list if you look from a distance...)

@viralsteem So what do we know about the upcoming regulation? How are you preparing for it? Thank God for government! Saving us from those dangerous ICOS!

un fuckin believable (sorry for language but this really is retarded)

I am feeling so let down _ I was really hoping to get in on this - BUT I also found a really exciting ICO today - 21million - have you heard of it? I spent all day after not sleeping trying to get in - coinbase was locked up so It was a pain but I got and Im pumped - I might try to buy in again they are making a movie

onG coin is having an ICO on July 17th and it is attached to a social network similar to steemit. ong.social.

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