in #ico6 years ago



There is no denying the fact that sharing is caring whether it is an idea or an asset. In this booming financial era where everything is so self centered and centralized, Blockchain has made sharing and lending of assets easier and trustworthy by using cryptocurrencies and smart contracts. The blockchain works on the concept of a decentralized ledger that is expanding and gripping millions of computers and online portals. Transactions carried out via blockchain are recorded inside the block concerned. Every purchase happens will be stored in blocks so over time will form a chain block. Blockchain technology provides an opportunity to make recordings permanently so that transactions that occur within the ecosystem will be secure and safe.

Transportation is one of the major needs and automobile sector has seen extensive changes. With the advent of internet, one can easily rent whatever vehicle they wish to in a few clicks. Blockchain has opened endless possibilities in every field and as a result of which Helbiz is the new shining star bring the blockchain to the transport industry. This vehicle sharing platform will have thoroughly encrypted transactions for all types of services related to automobile industry. The industry has grown to become one of the most popular and biggest industries on the planet with around 1.2 Billion cars around the world. Out of these 1.2 billion cars, barely 4% are being used on an average at a time. Helbiz offers a decentralized marketplace for renting the rest 96% cars, motorcycle or bicycles, easily and at cheaper and affordable prices.

Sharing via Blockchain? Why is it Advisable..
Blockchain has completely changed the way we used to live, not only of vehicle sharing, but of all things we come across. So coming to the point let's see what exactly will be advantages of using Blockchain for vehicle sharing in compare to existing methods?

  1. Pocket friendly with huge curtailment of costs (transaction and trust)
  2. More privacy & confidentiality between lenders and borrowers
  3. Faster and hassle free service at fingertips

Salient features and benefits of Helbiz:

  • While the other transportation giants such as UBER and AirBnb are using the sharing economy technology, they are not completely decentralised and benefits are quite limited.

  • As Helbiz is based on blockchain, the platform boasts of features like being a decentralized ecosystem which is transparent and absolutely secure to conduct transactions.


  • Helbiz platform also informs and ensures whether a particular mode of transportation is available at a particular moment or not.

  • Helbiz helps eliminate any intermediary or third party and thus saving on any extra commission costs.

  • The platform serves both, a corporate entity or an individual. Helbiz, thus, rewards you for not only sharing your vehicle but to even share your knowledge and data.

Browsing experience on the Helbiz app:

Helbiz platform supports both iOS and Android application where the customers have the liberty to pick and choose vehicle and rent that best suits their need budget and availability. Once the selected vehicle has been chose, it can be unlocked using the Helbiz application on the user's phone. Needless to say it is mandatory for both the customer and the vehicle owner to provide their digital identities to the platform in order to avail its services.


After both the borrower and lender have agreed to the pre-determined and the bargained conditions, a smart contract is generated which validates the agreement and then vehicle access is granted to the user. The payment for the vehicle is processed from the digital wallet to the vehicle owner after the trip is completed.

Coin & Token sale:


The establishment of the Helbiz Mobility System will be based on the Ethereal Blockchain form that is supported by the HelbizCoin Token (HBZ). HBZ is the utility token that will be utilized by Helbiz to conduct transactions. All the transactions that users make on the platform will be done in HBZ. The pre-sale for the HBZ tokens has ended and the ICO starts on 15th February. Here is summary of tokens, prices and date.

Concluding Remarks:

While most of the platforms lack security and are vulnerable, Helbiz assures that there is absolute uncompromised user's privacy. On a personal note I believe that investment in this project will bring a lot of profit in near future. In a nutshell, it won't be an exaggerated statement to make that Helbiz as a unique and innovative idea that barely has any market competition, given its features and future possibilities. Future can't be predicted but as of now, Helbiz can be said to be a game changer in peer to peer transportation world.

More details on:

Website: https://www.helbiz.com/

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UudcsnOrVwe0DeG4p7k7R3m4l28bAzQ0

Btalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2851691.0

Telegram: https://t.me/helbiz

Blog By: Lanirm Knayam

Btalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1308391

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 60896.89
ETH 3361.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49