PAYPRO A marketplace....a wallet...
PayPro is a financial marketplace where any Decentralized Application (dApp) will be able to offer its services. Thus, dApps will be competing among them to become your supplier, not the other way around as with banks.
In order to accomplish this goal, we are building first a universal wallet that will be capable to store most popular crypto-currencies and any ERC-20 token. As soon as we have released the wallet, we will build the marketplace.
PayPro is a decentralized bank that allows new ecosystems that have benefits to be put forward on Smart Contracts.
The bottom line is, PayPro is a financial market where all dApps (decentralized Apps) can post their services on a platform. On the other hand, PayPro also creates a wallet that will be developed to store cryptocurrency and all the ERC-20 tokens. Once PayPro is set up 100%, users will be able to store ETH, BTC, GAS and other cryptocurrencies as well as users can also use the available market to be invested at the time of fundraising. In addition, all shares or shares of investment proceeds will be stored on the PayPro app, so the crypto assets will be guaranteed by the platform.
Some conditions that must be met for dApps to be included in the PayPro platform include the application must be open source, and most tokens can not be controlled by certain entities, the issued tokens must have value for the appropriate services, there are rewards programs for contributors, and most importantly the platform should based Blockhain, so it should be fully decentralized.
Name PayPro Token
Symbol PYP
Pre-sale period January 8th to January 15th, 2017
Pre-sale terms Min investment of 15 ETH
Pre-sale bonus Bonus of up to 35%
Main Sale period January 15th to January 31st
Main sale terms Min investment of 0.5 ETH
Main sale bonus 1st 24 hours 20%
1st week 15%
2nd week 10%
Exchange rate 1 ETH : 500 PYP
Limits 20,000 ETH (Hard Cap) or EUR 5,000,000.00
depending on exchange rate.
Accepted currencies ETH only
Token holder benefits Decision & Economic rights.
% of Token sold 40%
Nationality Anyone except Singapore, Estonia and the
US due to legal restrictions or countries
trade sanctioned by the US.
Join ICO :
PayPro Token (PYP) will be the flagship currency in our ecosystem, facilitating transactions within the marketplace. The main purpose of PYPs is that they will be used for political rights and for usage;
Political Rights
Voting on technical design: the community can propose a new technical design to modify, add or remove elements from new versions of the protocol.
Voting on monetary policy: Whereas PayPro will set the initial inflation rate, token holders will be capable of adjusting our Token inflation up or down (within a range).
In both case, the frameworks for taking decisions will be set by PayPro as main promoter and cluster for token holders.
PayPro Products
Wallet: The first stage of development after closing the Token Sale will consist of integrating Ethereal to build a Wallet. This wallet will be able to store all major crypto currency and all tokens purchased in our market.
Marketplace: Once the wallet is built, we will start working on a marketplace where decentralized financial applications will easily deliver their services to the portfolio. Users will rate and review services to create supplier ratings.
Wallet is very important to be the product of choice in completion. With PayPro's wallet service, users will be able to store more than 100 crypto types in one wallet, including PayPro Token. PayPro Token holders will be facilitated with other crypto rewards in the easiest way. The wallet being developed, now can be downloaded in the App Store but, this new basic concept only and the new one can save. BTC. For further significant developments will be made after the ICO period is completed. That's about Q1 in 2018.
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I can see that there will be more cryptocurrency and wallets to appear in the near future.