PDATA: Your personal data now dosent get stolen from you, but gets bought from you.

in #ico6 years ago

"You are what you know" is one of the greatest truths of all time. You behave in a very specific way in your life because of the knowledge you have, the things you know and the things you have been through. The compilation of it all defines the person that you are today. The people that you share this information with are generally the people who are important in your life and it helps them to know you better than what they already did. They can now judge your likes, dislikes and your wants better than what they could do before. And that's exactly what personal data helps the companies to do. Personal data is the same data that you share with the important people in lives with but more specifically concentrated about what the company wants from you. Your browsing history, your shopping preference, the content you like, etc is what counts on for the data that the companies want. This data helps them get a better sense of what the customers want, what is lacking in their products and what would be liked by the people all over. This also helps them make great profits in the market. Until a few years this data was available to them through vendors who used to steal information from people without their knowledge and sell it to companies for huge profits. The people were unaware about their data privacy and were also never compensated. This lead to people being more secure about their data and not sharing it with anyone. And even if they did they would give misleading and false information. The companies have now started to get lesser information in quantity and quality both. This would affect both the consumer and corporate sides of the market adversely. And hence to find a way out of this problem and to find a win win situation for both the parties, opiria has come up with its Pdata tokens.

Opiria Platform

Opiria is an already existing platform which proves to be a direct bridge between people and companies. The management has decided to take it one notch higher by combining the platform with Blockchain and cryptocurrency. This will thus give the platform an increased reach to all over the world and will open an all new market for data transaction. The data that is generated by people all over the world through their daily courses of work like web browsing and online shopping are recorded and used as fuel for research and advancement by most of the companies in the market and opiria acts as a platform for users to sell their data and companies to buy it. The users would be paid back in Pdata tokens in return by the company which they can further exchange for their national currency. It would be totally the choice of the users and the buyers about what kind of information they want to buy and sell. So this gives the users total control over their private data and the companies get a more efficient option about what they want to buy. Opiria is also trusted by a number of fortune 500 companies like Mercedes, intel, P&G etc. Hence it proves to be safe and accurate for bothering the parties.

Pdata tokens

The utility token and currency of opiria platform is the Pdata token. It helps in doing all the transactions on the platform. It can work as rewards for customers to give their data for filling up surveys while also help companies to pay for the data and services. It helps in regulating the whole process and making it more efficient. As more and more companies join on this platform the demand for Pdata tokens will rise as well and would hence appreciate the vaule of it too.


Personal data is the oil for the 21st century and opiria is the fuel pump for it. It opens up a new and fair market for users and companies to buy and sell their personal data. Out of the almost 250 billion dollars market of personal data selling, the people who created it would almost getting nothing back in return. Opiria challenges this kind of functioning and revolutionaries the data market forever. Now none of your personal data would ever be stolen from you, it would be bought and paid highly for.

Website - https://opiria.io/

Whitepaper - https://opiria.io/static/docs/Opiria-PDATA-Whitepaper.pdf

ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3076122.new#new

Telegram - https://t.me/PDATAtoken

Published by - prince0200

Profile - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1807689

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