Efficient and Protective Internet Usage Powered by Honeypod

in #ico5 years ago

The internet today is like the digital hub of the world. The advent of the internet has greatly induced society in diverse ways. With further technological innovations, the internet is looking more or less like the live wire of the society. Nevertheless, the internet of today is bedeviled by numerous challenges. Privacy and security are becoming difficult to maintain, with major co-operations of the world constantly prying into personal data of internet users and utilizing it for their own needs. Censorship is also another problem; governments of the world are constantly inhibiting the free will of internet users today. The use of the internet is also impacted by slow speed and a high cost of usage which arise as a result of the effect of hidden service present on pages of the internet. Some of these hidden services not only track the activities of internet users but also expose them to malware over the internet. With emerging innovations such as IoT device set to further increase the usage of the internet, its necessary an improved data authentication, safety, and privacy mechanism is put in place to protect the interest of internet users.
Introducing HoneyPod

Honeypod is a platform designed with a primary focus of returning control and security to internet users by stepping in at the heart of all interconnection of devices. Asides from facilitating the authentication of the data stream in and out of internet devices, the Honeypod platform also seeks to provide high-speed internet usage, privacy as well as management of all financial and payment transactions. The Honeypod platform also boasts of a smart hardware unit which when linked to internet routers can block unwanted data, request, and script from getting into internet devices. This methodology hereby facilitates the detection, deflection and offset attempts to manipulate, gain unauthorized access or misuse internet connections. With this mechanism in place, internet users are free from all for prying, security threat and bandwidth issues associated with the internet of today.

Core Features of the Honeypod Platform

  1. The Honeypod hardware unit provided by the Honeypod platform is designed to be light, easy to use for both novices and techies alike. This hardware input is designed to be open-source, plug and play, easy to adopt by internet users and open to further features that will include storage for file sharing and compatibility with GSM devices. The Hardware requires no downloads, installation or applications on internet device, and with this hardware unit in place users of the internet can guarantee their safety and protection from threats on the internet.
  2. The Honeypod platform implements both the Stellar blockchain protocol as well as the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) algorithm. Asides from the accountability, immutability, and security blockchain technology is known for the stellar blockchain gives room for lighting quick consensus and transaction at a relatively cheap operational cost compared to other blockchains and with this, in place, it also empowers the honeypod platform to facilitate safe and secured transactions/payment on the platform. The inclusion of the BFT algorithm, the Honeypod will be able to efficiently verify, validate the safety of incoming and outgoing data as well as prevent data leakage and cyber security issues associated with SSL certificate.
  3. Honeypod institutes a remarkable feature known as Honeypod Trade system (HTS) and this program is designed to give internet users control over their data which in the conventional world is often monetized by third-party services on the internet. HTS creates a lucrative avenue where users don't just have avenue to control, track or manage the use of their data but also get compensation in the form of HNY token from web services that utilize their data.
  4. Honey (HNY) token is the currency of the Honeypod platform built on the stellar platform with a maximum supply of 1 billion tokens.HoneyPod has a second token known as HNYD which will be subject to buy back from the platform. HNY plays the following role on the platform: security, trading, online payments, credits to members of the ecosystem(users/advertisers) and lastly to reward partners, users of shopping outlines e.t.c. HNY is currently available in a presale that starts on the 3rd of March 2019 and ends on the 26th of May 2019.

Honeypod is a revolutionary project that has the intensity to touch the lives of over 3.9 billion users currently using the internet and with the growing demand for IoT devices, the usage of the internet will accelerate leading to higher demands for the services rendered by the Honeypod platform. With Honeypod future works on GSM enabled devices, sign-in authentication, crypto payments for services, child/family lock access control, file and DNS cache sharing mechanism among devices, the Honeypod platform really has a lot to offer the world.
For more information on the Honeypod platform check out the following channels :
Authors details :
BTT username : Mrsparks
BTT profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197564;sa=summary

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