If EQUI Existed 20 Years Ago… (You’d have)

in #ico7 years ago

Entrepreneurial drive across the globe has pushed bounds at an exponential rate. In this piece, I’m going to show what opportunities have been missed by common folk simply because EQUI, a bridge that allows the masses to invest in start-ups, did not exist 24 years ago; I have chosen 24 years as the time-span because Amazon was founded 24 years ago.

For the major part of the past 20 years, investing in high-potential start-ups was an option only available to individuals with a hefty wealth—to be specific, an accredited investor must have $1 million excluding the equity held in his/her residence.

Major crowdsourcing platforms and ICOs came many years after Google, and even these allow limited access to invest in the vast amount of start-ups being launched every year. EQUI (learn more here) is going to finally be a means to invest in any, legitimate start-up, but because it is only being launched in 2018, you’ve already missed on so much.

Here’s a look at the top 6 things you could have invested in:

  • Alphabet (Parent company of Google): One of the most well-recognized companies across the world and a dominant corporation with a market cap of nearly $800 billion. This is perhaps the most painful missed opportunity. Even if you were able to get into Google a couple years after its launch, you’d have been able to earn a 1000-fold return.
    Too bad EQUI did not exist 20 years ago.

  • FB went public in 2012, but it was founded back in 2004. Facebook has a market cap of almost $550 billion and it took the company many years to reach its first billion in valuation.

  • Amazon’s CEO is now the richest person on Earth with a massive lead; with a wealth of $130 billion, he is $40 billion ahead of runner-up Bill Gates. The company was founded in 1994 and did not reach a billion-dollar valuation for many years. Had EQUI existed back then, you could have hopped on this company early and been able to share the monumental wealth Amazon has created for its founders, early employees, and early investors.

  • Netflix was founded in 1997 and has skyrocketed nearly 1100% in the past 5 years. As impressive as this gain might seem, it’s peanuts compared to the returns its early investors have earned; Netflix has a market cap of $140 billion but did not reach its first billion-dollar valuation for nearly a decade after launch. Just imagine if EQUI had been around to let you get in on the Netflix gains action.

  • Tesla’s both a hot stock and a hot topic. It was founded in 2003 and had EQUI been around back then, you could have been one of the investors having a piece of Tesla’s earliest equity distribution. You may find this entry odd given that all other entries are tech firms, but keep in mind that is the beauty of EQUI: it lets you invest in any start-up in any industry!

  • Jack Ma may not be the richest Chinese person in China, but his ability to place Alibaba as one of the most dominant companies in the world is an impressive story depicting greatness from small beginnings. You could have shared the vast wealth he has accumulated had EQUI been around in 1999. And yes, it doesn’t matter that Alibaba is a Chinese company, EQUI is a platform with global reach.

Entrepreneurial drive across the globe is only heightening and being part of a great future product or company doesn’t need you to necessarily be its founder as you could simply be one of its earliest investors. EQUI is going to give you and everyone else across the world the opportunity to be one of the earliest investors in the next great thing.

EQUI’s ICO goes live today.

Essential Information

🌐 Website: https://EQUI.capital/
💡 Whitepaper: https://EQUI.capital/whitepaper/EQUI_Whitepaper_050218.pdf
👨 ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2888110.new#new
💻 Telegram: https://t.me/EQUIcapital
⌚️ Token Sale: March 15 a
📃 Ticker: EQUItoken
👂🏻 Token Type: ERC20
💰 Accepts: ETH; BTC
👔 County: UK

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EQUI Website: https://EQUI.capital/

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