in #ico6 years ago (edited)


One day a friend said, indeed blockchain technology is the best thing that has happened in this current era. Think about it, Individuals can successfully send or receive money irrespective of their location in the world and at a very low rate. With blockchain technology, users are the master of their personal data, thus disrupting the centralized systems.
Within the crypto space, every blockchain-based platform or project has its own token, thus representing the aim or motive of that project. Within the crypto space, to access these coins and tokens, one needs to visit the cryptocurrency exchanges. As of today, there are about 500+ exchanges all aiming to make it possible for investors, users etc to have access to their desired coins, that is to say, the cryptocurrency exchanges are very important in the crypto space.
Just like everything made by humans is prone to error especially when deviating from the sole purpose it was created, the cryptocurrency exchanges today have underlying issues which are posing as a roadblock to its greater growth.
These challenges or issues are;
a. Insufficient security,
b. High listing fee for new blockchain projects,
c. Low efficiency,
d. Unfriendly backroom deals and host of others.
The current cryptocurrency exchanges are facing the aforementioned problems owing to the fact they tend to deviate from the true nature of blockchain technology offered by Bitcoin, How?
Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency which Introduced blockchain technology, thus creating "transaction ledger", through this, Individuals will be able to transact among each other transparently, safely, fair and securely.
In order to transform the current cryptocurrency exchanges at the same anchoring on the main idea of Bitcoin, HiBTC was created.
HiBTC can be seen as the cryptocurrency exchange of the people, by the people and for the people, that is to say, HiBTC is a platform having its community as its main priority.
HiBTC is a blockchain-based platform with an extraordinary approach in order to show a radical new cryptocurrency exchange.

The platform is made with the goal that each new member can simply get involved in the blockchain world, and by saying "Hi" which can be seen as a greeting, the Individual will be welcome to share in goals of Bitcoin thus what HiBTC has to offer.
Simultaneously, HiBTC has a tendency to be the platform that reminds every member, to be dedicated to the main objectives and keep walking towards it in order to accomplish the genuine goals of blockchain technology on a global scale.


By having the support of its community members HiBTC will keep advancing to achieve its aim.
HiBTC's main aim is to give a great, secure, efficient, and advantageous cryptocurrency exchange for all members in the platform, to such an extent that every member can successfully accomplish his investment targets without the need to worry about security threats.

HiBTC additionally aims to build a totally shared, transparent and reasonable investments platform and in addition to frequently sharing the platform incomes to all HiBTC holders, thus presenting a "Profit Bonus Program". By creating this program, users can participate with either half or all of their HiBTC token (HIBT) in return getting the necessary dividend or bonuses attached to it.

Furthermore, HiBTC plans to remove data or information barriers amongst investors and management thus presenting a co-governed and shared platform with the goal that each HiBTC holder has the privilege to;
a. Take an interest in making decisions which will promote the platform,
b. Voting for or against a plan,
c. Recommending ICOs for listing; through this HiBTC successfully solves the problems associated with backroom deals which are present in today's exchanges.


Owing to the way HiBTC was created, it has the tendency to be exceptionally profitable for all members in different ways.
HiBTC is a transparent and ordered platform which aims to present to its community members the true genuineness of blockchain technology. All information occurring on the platform will be shared with token holders, be it information relating to revenue, mining, voting etc, thus been a transparent and reliable platform.

In every human endeavour, the need to secure one's self can't be overemphasized.
Security matters a lot and thus HiBTC aims to hold this in high esteem, thereby requesting the services of top security experts to ensure that firewalls, assets wallets etc are duly taken care of. In addition, HiBTC will create tools which it's community members can use to reduced risks which leads to unwarranted losses.
There are exchanges which make trading looks like a hurricane task, that is, the transactions occurring within the exchange is no way efficient or fast, but HiBTC aims to put features in place such as a memory coupling algorithm which will make it possible to transact more than 2 million transactions as fast and efficient as possible.

Other Attributes Includes;

  1. "1+1" digital currency listing model: HiBTC Implemented this so as to abolish the high listing fee charged by current exchanges. Through this, new blockchain projects will be able to use the funds realized by ICO to develop their project.
  2. Revenue Sharing: To ensure adequate compliance with this, a program known as "Profit Bonus Program" was created. Through this program, HiBTC will be able to distribute generated revenues to token holders as well as setting some aside for upkeep of the platform. Also, community members will be given the opportunity to participate, while they will choose to either participate with all their tokens or half of it while being assured of rewards that follow afterwards.
  3. Innovative FomoHIBT: HiBTC have ways to incentivize its community members, and one of such ways is through FomoHIBT. FomoHIBT is set up by HiBTC so as to get more interaction from its community members thus rewarding them thereof.
    HiBTC set a prize pool for FomoHIBT which is daily funded with 100% of the daily dividend from "Holder Shared Fund" account. The prize pool set aside will continue to grow along with the income of the platform. The prize pool will be funded as stated earlier until the set price is achieved by a member, thus leading to the contributors of that day being rewarded. Just as humans work efficiently with rules, there are rules guiding FomoHIBT which can be accessed via Data about FomoHIBT


Never has there been an exchange platform in the crypto space like HiBTC, incentivizing its members at the same time giving them the opportunity to make decisions, vote so at to promote the platform.
HiBTC aiming to portray the true objectives of blockchain will, in the long run, be a transparent and reliable platform where users will be protected from unnecessary risks and data manipulation.
Furthermore, within the platform, there is no board of directors, just technicians who are like community members.
HIBT is HiBTC's platform token, which must be held in order to participate fully in the activities of the platform. It has a total supply of 10 billion.



Telegram Group: https://t.me/www_HiBTC_com1

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HiBTC_Exchange

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100027855751559

Website: https://www.hibtc.com/#/act/homepage

FomoHIBT: https://www.hibtc.com/#/act/fomohibt

Whitepaper: https://www.hibtc.com/om/about/en-us/whitepaper.pdf

Author's Bitcointalk Username: Flezy

Author's Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2187485

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