Qilimanjaro: Ecosystem of a decentralized quantum computation

in #ico6 years ago

The mission and developing enthusiasm for quantum registering by various organizations and organizations worldwide has been tremendous as of late. Interests in quantum data look into by the military and privately owned businesses in the United States surpass billions of dollars. The Qilimanjaro venture developed to totally upset this market.

Indeed, first of all, we should return to 2000 years and recollect what PCs were around then, they were simply huge machines that had next to no memory limit of both the hard drive and RAM, and there were extremely powerless processors.

I learned at the lyceum on the claim to fame of the administrator of electronic PCs, we were recounted the entire tale about the improvement of PCs.

The great accomplishments in the field have lately changed a scholarly interest into an inescapable business reality where established PCs will be beated on chosen however to a great degree important undertakings. We are seeing the introduction of a mechanical transformation that will reshape our general public in which quantum calculation is focal. At display, various goliath partnerships, including Google, IBM, D-Wave, Rigetti, and Microsoft, are furiously seeking after the development of an operational quantum PC.

What is Qilimanjaro??

Qilimanjaro is a stage that empowers its clients to investigate the intensity of quantum processing in a simple and commonsense way. It goes for making a biological system of a decentralized quantum calculation to everybody, both for people and companies without essentially owning a quantum PC.

It additionally goes for building a quantum-processing stage that will be accessible to a large portion of its clients in this manner giving them the entrance to quantum registering ideas that are not exorbitant. Qilimanjaro utilizes tokens known as QBITs, which are ERC20-agreeable.

Quantum processing (QC) is a rising advancement with a significant transformative potential. It is coming faster than you may speculate. It will change your industry, the way you process your information. Qilimanjaro is the organic network for QC. The stage is here for you to benefit by the limits of this quantum advancement and guide you through this new, potential perspective. Reliably, a growing number of research centers, tremendous associations, and SMEs move toward becoming interested by quantum figuring, and how this advancement could upgrade and revive their basic reasoning and information planning. Qilimanjaro foresees an exponential apportionment in the retail/corporate world to give brisk and adaptable responses for the present generous/unflinching issues. At show, QC is open through models with little helpfulness. Grievously, even at such a starting time, this bleeding edge development is simply inside the scope of extensive organizations who can meet the exorbitant costs. Qilimanjaro intends to be a bit of the course of action.

Natural people group Composition

The Qilimanjaro natural network is made out of:

Qilimanjaro Computing Service: This is the quantum PC and it gives access through to everyone through a simple to utilize cloud organize.

Qilimanjaro Software Services (QSS):

It offers advise organizations to individuals or associations. It furthermore helps customers in moving their issues to quantum method of reasoning and figurings that continues running on quantum machines. The QSS progresses the quantum estimations to any present quantum gear. It is used as a piece of the running and separating tests on the quantum PC.

Open QL: This is a Universal Quantum Open Source Language, which can work over any quantum-programming condition.

Purposes important TO USERS

Customers of the Qilimanjaro have the going with purposes of intrigue:

They will have the ability to get help with making a translation of bona fide issues to the method of reasoning of quantum count

They will in like manner have the ability to run figurings on a clear quantum treating machine

Tokens will empower organizations or individuals to have the ability to deal with complex honest to goodness issues, both at the level of quantum programming and quantum contraptions.

A total measure of 300 million QBIT tokens will be open on offer in the midst of the Initial Coin Offering .

The Qilimanjaro Ecosystem

Investigate the intensity of quantum registering in a simple and functional way

Qilimanjaro Computing Service (QCS)

The Quantum Computer

Open to everybody, with an easy to understand cloud stage

Worked in stages to accomplish a registering intensity of many qubits and set up the ground for several qubits

Counseling Services

Help to clients willing to adjust their issues to quantum calculations that keep running on quantum machines

Improvement of quantum calculations to any current quantum equipment

Running and examining probes our quantum PC.


A Universal Quantum Open Source Language

Qibo can work over any quantum programming condition

A key instrument to support advance of quantum innovations

Intended to achieve a major network of developers and devotees inspired by quantum programming.


An Open Quantum Community

Making an environment for decentralized quantum calculation

The gathering point between academic network and designers, a place to look into and investigate new and existing quantum calculations

Audit process by the Qilimanjaro group

Abundance program to remarkable commitments.

Quantum Computing Use Cases

Cryptography And Security

An obvious quantum PC puts in chance each cryptographic count, for instance, RSA, DSA and EEC. Security must be improved by the usage of quantum cryptography, which is healthy against the ambush of a quantum PC

Streamlining Problems

Streamlining any kind of issues as headway calendars and booking. Quantum computations consider all the possible responses for an issue meanwhile and present the correct plan more quickly

Getting ready Of Neural Networks

Space may be gotten by using a quantum processor to set up a neural arrangement of a particular size, conferring it pick up from its blunders and self-amending more quickly and viably

Quantum Chemistry

Oversee and deal with issues related to the perception of molecules and the arrangement of new drugs, manures, gases to get climatic carbon, et cetera


Discovering better ways to deal with perform cash related information showing and thusly disconnect peril factors.


The Qilimanjaro Crowdsale and the relating token creation process will be dealt with around splendid contracts running on Ethereum. Individuals willing to help the change of the Qilimanjaro Project can do all things considered by sending Ether cash to the doled out address. Along these lines, they are purchasing QBITs Tokens (QBIT) which are sent quickly to their wallet.

The recognized cash in the midst of the ICO is Ether.

If the token arrangement campaign does not accomplish its immaterial capital goal of EUR 8.000.000 all advantages will be returned normally to the QBIT holders by the Ethereum clever contract.

Token Creation has a hard best: in the wake of achieving this best, token creation will stop, and no further responsibilities will be recognized.

Tokens that are not sold in the midst of the Crowdsale will be singed therefore by the clever contract.

The devouring of tokens could grow the valuation for the remaining

QBIT tokens as the total supply accessible for utilize decreases. The QBIT token will be an Ethereum-based token of critical worth. The token is a propelled asset, bearing a motivating force without any other person's contribution to light of its essential assets, properties and also related rights. Ethereum-build tokens depend concerning a settled Ethereum structure, benefitting from a couple of good conditions:

Security and consistency (rather than, for example, running a free blockchain mastermind).

Usage of lively and all around maintained clients (Ethereum-based tokens can be managed with official Ethereum clients).

High liquidity, less requesting posting on exchanges with structure starting at now set up.


Q3 2016 - Q4 2017


Qilimanjaro Team distributes the principal paper ever that endeavors a remote cloud quantum PC

The primary qubits touch base at the Qilimanjaro Computation Services for testing

Q1 2018


Whitepaper discharge

Contacts with various key accomplices

Q2 2018



Manages various vital accomplices

Token deal

Q4 2018

Dynamic CLIMBS

QSS entry discharge

Qilimanjaro Software Services begins giving consultancy benefits through our entrance to the quantum PCs of different organizations

Qilimanjaro Platform discharge

Foundation of QCS research facility. Conveyance of weakening fridges and other expansive hardware

Q2 2019

In the first place CAMP

In the first place explores different avenues regarding transition qubits by the Qilimanjaro Computing Services

Advancement of claim qubit manufacture

Qilimanjaro Platform is being created and tried with genuine test setup

Q4 2019


Qilimanjaro Community improvement

Corporate customer accounts give a persistent convergence of issues to tackle

Dispatch of first-since forever little measured cloud quantum annealer (5 qubits)

Q2 2020

Icy mass CAMP

Initial 10-qubit sound quantum annealer collected and tried

QSS grow new calculations for quantum annealer

Q4 2021

Assaulting THE SUMMIT

Qilimanjaro Software Services works at maxing out offering own quantum PC

In the first place reasonable quantum annealer collected and tried

Q4 2022

50-qubit, huge scale reasonable quantum annealer endeavors to achieve quantum amazingness

Q4 2023


José Latorre - CEO

Pol Forn-Díaz - Head of Q Experimental Lab

Artur García - Head of Q Software Services

Adrian Latorre - Software Engineer

Francisco Zurita - Software Engineer

Marcos Palacios - ICO and Communications

Francis Suarez - ICO and Communications

Jordi Blasco - Legal and Finance

Gavin Brenne

All the important information can be found here:
Official website: https://qilimanjaro.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qilimanjaro
Github: https://github.com/qilimanjaro-qh
Telegram: https://t.me/qilimanjaro
Whitepaper: https://qilimanjaro.io/static/whitepaper.pdf

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 61609.18
ETH 3390.27
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48