Experty IO — Calls powered by cryptocurrency

in #ico6 years ago

Experty does a consulting work via the blockchain. the team is really the foundation for any ICO to succeed anybody could come up with a great idea so it’s really all about the team so the CEO his name is Kamil and he had worked at a previous company called React Poland alongside Tom their CTO but Kamil is a full stack software developer and again he has worked alongside Tom Dyl. Tom Dyl is the CEO of React Poland together they founded React Poland. Tom is is a lead developer on the team and third we have Gregor’s. he is a solidity expert the programming language used an ethereum blockchain, he is a software engineer at Cisco humongous one of the top IT companies in the world he is a front-end developer. Additionally, they have 10 existing developers to really make sure that their product gets pushed in launches in a timely fashion due to having an established company like React Poland they have access to a ton of developers act on demand if they should meet.

What is Experty? They are basically what they are is a consulting software platform or application that you can use to get paid for your time and consulting minutes and hours. The problem that they they are trying to solve is that these countless man hours are spent waiting for responses, follow ups, enquiries and solutions are on solutions to a specific problem. Now they are providing a solution to being able to monetize the consulting of meeting those clients in answering those questions. So, let’s dive down into the problem on a little bit of a closer level. So, the charge and cause confusion there are basically 2 ways that consultants can accept money. The first is that users can pay up front for consultation but the issue there is that the exact amount of time required to be on a phone call with these consultants is unknown the duration of the phone call is not clear. You can also basically work on a trust payment processing system where you pay after you console but what this does it requires trust on the knowledge seekers and that he is actually going to pay for the phone call or the consultation that he completed then on the third end of the spectrum we have third party processors out there that will mediate the first 2 options and facilitate that however they take a charge and they are regulated they cost fees so there’s problems pretty much on all fronts. When we talk about the outlook for the market so there is a huge market outlook for consulting work it’s $125000000000 industry. Just some of the bigger sectors digital consulting initially alone is over 20000000000 the US UK and Germany are humongous areas there are big consulting sectors such as tech, human resources, strategy it’s a humongous market. The US is the largest at 55000000000 the U. K. at 9.4 in Germany at 8.3. The money in this industry is huge and if they can capture even a fraction of it, it’ll be huge.

When we talk about the roadmap so they were an existing company with React Poland they get a lot of their members come from React Poland they founded React Poland back in 2014 which is a software consulting company, they launched their first small crypto for SatoshiPay in 2015 and then 2016 they really investigated the blockchain and started researching and analyzing the use cases that blockchain could provide them. In Q1 their projects sort of came that was basically developed. Q2 to they started the development on experty in quarter 3 they received investment funds from seed investors and then Q4 for they actually launched and they already launched the alpha project or the alpha product rather. So, they launched their alpha release not too long ago, they will be launching a contract management and ethereum wallet later this year in quarter 2 of next year the market release for the apps will be available to everyone and then next year in quarter 3 the desktop or website version will be out for users to use. Quarter 4 for they’ll really started advance and add some additional payment processing rules and really add some new features to it and then 2019 they’ll be able to really take user feedback and really expand the idea product and hopefully take it mainstream. User flow looks like is really simple so step one the knowledge provider. Let’s use me as an example so I do consulting, I charge an hourly rate let’s just say I charge 100 Bucks an hour what I can do is I can set my hourly or my minutely rate so if you break that down into minutes let’s just say I charge a dollar a minute let’s say $60 an hour or a dollar a minute then step 2 the knowledge provider shares his profile with other consultation networks and advice seekers can than come to me so that in step 3 and advice seeker let’s say just like you can call me up on the phone via the app the experty app and is charged minutely rate, my minutely rate and its leverage all via the blockchain which is ran off the ethereum protocol. It’s very simple so you’re basically charging money out of your wallet balance and I ensured that you have that because if you don’t have it funded you won’t be able to call me. There will be a balance if you don’t have a certain balance if you drop below that bounce the call would essentially drop.

The potential use cases as you could imagine are humongous there are consultants in every industry medical, lawyers, business advisors, everybody can be a consultant and they get paid and they can start to monetize their time and resources even professors, webcam chat models, charity donation actions. The use cases really are essentially limitless you can come up with anything that warrants, taking the time to provide answers for and get paid for it. As I mentioned they are set to launch on 2 platforms, they have the mobile application which is ready, it’s a beta right now. In a couple of months later next year they will be launching the webapp so you’ll be able to use both of them on both basically platforms.

Why blocking, what is blockchain provide experty? The first is payment settlement smart contracts can escrow payments so provides a safe home an ecosystem for consultants and knowledge seekers calls are basically only made and only available when the knowledge seeker has funds in his wallet. There is also legal simplification so peer to peer transactions are possible on the blockchain and this really removes the need for third parties we don’t need to lose fees. I dont need to trust third parties with my money, I don’t need to rely on them is holding my money, I can work peer to peer and take money directly from users and I don’t have to worry about a trusting a third party with my money. Lastly payments are basically instant with a blockchain, payments can be you know as much as several weeks or months we can truncate that to just minutes by using the blockchain so using the blockchain we can basically receive instant answers, instant access an instant payment and using the blockchain of course we always have the transparency and the open source platforms the blockchain around off of and everything is seen so you don’t have to worry about he said, she said this. If you called me it’s on the blockchain and we know exactly how many minutes were spent doing so.
They make it extremely easy to use the experty platform. You can launch links inside of platforms such as gmail, all your social media Facebook, Twitter etc. You can even launch or send out Q. R. codes where people can scan your Q. R. code and be taken directly to your profile and basically get right on the call with you within minutes they make it really easy and I think that’s really key because blockchain can be really fuzzy for a lot of people so what they can do is via these great features they can make a really simple and you don’t even need to know that you’re using blockchain to do what you’re doing.

Partnerships is also huge and you don’t see this every day with every ICO. MME, Quantstamp, Bitcoin Suisse AG, they have partnerships established already in are actually allocating money from their ICO partnering with existing companies. Quantstamp for example is a smart contract auditor who audits the smart contracts and partnerships are one of the fastest ways to grow let’s face it it’s much easier to have your name associated with say McDonald’s than it is to start your own Burger King or your own Wendy’s if you can partner and leverage existing companies, resources and tools you’re going to grow a lot faster so it’s great to see that they are partnered with existing companies.

So, what are the token economics? what is the token value? Experty abbreviated their token EXY. EXY token can be used in their platform for all payments from advice seekers to knowledge providers additionally EXY will be used by users for access to premium features. Some of these premium features include scheduling, paid group calls and conversation recording. EXY will also be used by advice seekers as a deposit for advanced scheduling so there are definitely benefits and advantages to holding the EXY tokens. The maximum cap on the crowd sale 33.000 ethereum that is the maximum that they are looking to accept for their ICO. The total token supply is 100000000 EXY and it will cost basically you’ll receive 1000 EXY for every one ethereum invested, that is the token price. The token generation event, 33 percent of the tokens are being allocated to the token sale, 33 percent are being dedicated to the company. 30 percent will be dedicated to establishing partnerships which again I think it is huge and then a small portion just a couple of percent will be allocated to token sell costs air drops and bounties. The allocation of the funds from the ICO specifically will be allocated; 40 percent will go to software development, 40 percent will go to marketing, 15 percent for long term research and 5 percent for overhead fees such as legal and administration.
See How Experty Works

Bitcointalk ANN:

Authored by: donniedarko
Bitcointalk url:;u=1720051
Eth Address: 0x6e453d404669fA4b1064C898cea3105f662C85e5

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