Online: A revolutionary browsing experience

in #ico6 years ago

Access to computers and the internet has become a basic need for education in our society.

- Kent Conrad

Can you even imagine a world without internet? My God, I do not think so. It has been an integral part and parcel of my life since childhood. If I say that we have been brought up on the internet, it will not be an exaggeration. From normal day to day activities to education to work everything has been connected with this medium and life without it is simply impossible. Sometimes I wonder how people survived without it in earlier days. We are connected to internet from the first thing in the morning when we pick up our cell phone to the last thing at night when we leave the mobile beside our bed.

One of the things I do not like about the internet is that ads have become an essential part as revenues are necessary to maintain any system. The interruptions are distracting and after some time irritating. The subscription costs are also very high and it is not possible that everyone can easily afford it. Technology has advanced so much in recent years. Can't we expect a system that is free of extra costs, unnecessary ads and tracking software?

Privacy is not an option, and it shouldn't be the price we accept for just getting on the internet.

- Gary Kovacs

There are many advantages of the internet but there are some serious concerns also. We cannot be sure of any privacy. There are so many instances where we come to know that sensitive data related to health, and finance, like health reports, bank and card details are leaked via hackers and even reputable sites. Hacking has become a real issue because of cyber-attacks. Hackers are demanding a ransom on an open platform and are blackmailing people without any fear of being exposed. I was repeating my concerns to my brother and lamenting on the problems faced by internet industry when he repeated a beautiful quote-

Every time there's a new tool, whether its internet or cell phones or anything else, all these things can be used for good or evil. Technology is neutral: it depends on how it's used.

- Rick Smolan

Yes, it's true. We need a secured ecosystem that will have safe blockers and anti-malware solutions to safeguard personal and confidential data. Privacy should be the top priority as leakage of any data can cause serious repercussions. Let's take help of advanced technology to create a system that will offer a safe and secure environment. While researching, I have come to know about blockchain technology that is creating waves by disrupting the current ecosystems in a good way.

Online Platform

The Online platform is based on blockchain technology and will prove to be an asset for both users and operators. The new ecosystem is faster and guarantees a private, secure and enjoyable experience to every mobile browser and desktop user by including web wallet, anti-malware, tracking script-blocker and ad blocker.

ICO and Team

The Online coin is OIO Token which runs on Ethereum based ERC20 platform. It is a utility token for undertaking transactions on its platform and will ensure full accountability and transparency.

The team includes experience holders who are professional and dedicated members bent on achieving the desired success with hard work and sheer determination. Their ingenuity is to be admired as they work meticulously to offers solutions that have the power to disrupt the current systems.


With its decentralized interface, Online has given its users a beneficial and secured experience that is free from unnecessary interruptions in the form of ads. The platform aims at making ground-breaking changes by offering a viable solution to prevent hacking of classified and susceptible data. Internet will see a complete overhaul of its current system as the portal will work towards offering non-trackable and reliable infrastructure.

Website -

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Telegram -

Published by - dannywhelan

Btalk profile -;u=1606458

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