IPSX – Now Choose From Millions of IPs around the World!

in #ico6 years ago (edited)

A Disregard for User Privacy and Autonomy

Questions have been raised on the autonomy and privacy of internet users. It is common to see governments banning websites in their countries and restricting access to online content for their citizens. Innumerable websites are banned in the nations of the Middle East and countries of Asia. While access to online content is severely restricted in some nations, many websites on the internet are location-specific and prohibit users from other regions.

To add to the lack of autonomy, user consent is hurled out of the window when social media companies collect data from the browsing histories of users and sell them to advertising companies to display relevant ads, breaching user privacy.

IPSX – Browse Freely Without Hurdles

An ingenious solution from IP Exchange (IPSX) promises to resolve the issues to autonomy, privacy and more by creating a liquidity pool of IP addresses. Providers can voluntarily share their IP addresses on the decentralized platform that would ensure security and safety, and get paid when a requester uses them.

How It Will Work

IPSX platform will deploy a simple mechanism that would help providers of IP addresses meet the requesters through the app. Once the requester selects the IPs they wish to use, the provider(s) for the respective IPs will get paid for it. This is a first-of-its-kind liquidity pool of IP addresses. It would help users to have unrestricted access to websites banned in their locations or area-specific websites. At the same time this liquidity pool will serve companies that require IP addresses in bulk and have to buy them from multiple IP providers to meet their requirements.

Flexible Features

IPSX is extremely flexible for its users. Requesters will have the option of renting the IPs for durations as per their requirements, from as short as five seconds to one month. So if a user only wants access to a website, they can rent it for a short time and pay accordingly.

Providers will be extremely safe as their deals with requesters will be recorded on smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. All transactions will be made using ERC-20 compliant IPSX tokens which will be convertible to fiat.

The Upcoming Token Sale

The idea of IPSX is by the creators of TOR – a free popular software that enables anonymous communication between its users. TOR is used by 2.5 million users every day. Before the token sale began for IPSX, the soft cap was assigned at around six thousand Ethers. Astonishingly, even before the public sale could commence, IPSX witnessed an overwhelming response and reached half of its initial goal through the support of partners and clients. Now the hard cap is increased to 10,800 ETH for public sale. The token sale is due to launch on the 28 of February, with 4,000 ETH left for sale!

The Team

IPSX is preceded by a successful venture in TOR which proves the mettle of its creators. All three of its co-founders, George Bunea, Sergiu Draganus and Xaviar Buck are entrepreneurs with a long and extensive career spanning over years. The IPSX team is experienced and strong with details of their venture and career achievements displayed on their LinkedIn profiles accessible through the website.

IPSX is based on an unprecedented idea without any competitors in the market. The team has successfully developed a B2B model and the final product will be launched soon. Add to that the whopping sale of tokens even before the launch of the public sale. It would be interesting to track their journey as it is quite likely that IPSX will touch heights like TOR or reach even higher!
Website - https://ip.sx/
Telegram - https://t.me/IPExchange
Bitcointalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2897132.0

Published by - dannywhelan
Profile - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1606458


great post, my upvote at @ bram17

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