in #ico5 years ago

Guys welcome. I just discovered what can be a fusion of fun, stress reduction and financial enlargement platform. For all those including myself who are game lovers who spend lots of money and time on latest games ranging from strategy to PVP down to adventure you will be very much interested in what am about to write today and the topic in discussion is about a platform that have decided to introduce millions of people all over the world who are lover of entertainment especially game lovers to the world of blockchain whereby everything is been decentralized. Many of us may have heard about blockchain but doesn't fully grab the whole idea, to simply put imagine an atmosphere whereby your identity is been kept secret from government and other forms of centralized agencies when you make a financial transactions, an environment whereby you can conduct large amount of financial transactions within seconds without fear of someone tracking you and hacking your account, an atmosphere where you can be on social media and your information won't be sold to other for profit, an atmosphere where you can decide the amount of personal data you can share and best of it a universal currency that you can use to perform various transactions anywhere you are in the world that is what blockchain products have offered and more is still coming as time goes by.
Many of us who play various types of games we are play for various reasons most importantly if I should follow most survey done is to have fun,relieve stress and to compete with others and show various forms of skill. In all these games there are usually reward attached to it which are most of the times fixed to the platform and of no important value to your present profile meaning you gain a reward that might be useless to you and can't be converted to other materials within the game platform, worst still are gaming platforms that support in app purchase due to the fact that transactions are centralized there is tendencies of either losing your money or getting items that they didn't purchase and if you send complain it might not be responded to. Leaving that aside there are platforms that support betting, gambling, lottery and many others in which you have to put in items that worth money and play against others with respective odds to win a certain a month of financial items. This platforms come in different forms and have been shown to involve millions of dollars every year.
Now looking and blockchain and it's interactions with game players you will fully understand why a platform have decided to create an environment whereby people can win more by just putting a certain amount of money inside, a platform that even if you loss you will still have items that can be used to play the next round of the game, a platform where nobody is truly a lose, a platform that provides a decentralized environment whereby transactions are fair and they is no room for manipulation and cheating that is what DABANKING platform have to offer. You might be saying this platform is like the others but just wait, sit down and read the next paragraph to the written which will tell you exactly how the platform operates and how is truly from others and the use of smart contract in execution of commands and the platform native token use.
Of all the benefits of the blockchain system to the globe today, the invention of Dapps (decentralized apps), is one of the greatest.
Dapps are decentralized applications that runs on the peer to peer (P2P)blockchain system, and makes room for increase and upgrade of the system.
Standing the test of time, a lot of Dapps (decentralized apps), has come into creation and are all directed at making the global system a great one.
The dapps is always taken in over the regular and basic applications because of its advantages and sophistication, which has made it superior over the regular applications.
These dapps(decentralized apps) ensures simplicity and clarity, efficiency and maximum security of the system when being put to use, and globally accepted, has the potential of shooting the world to its zenith.
In acknowledgedment of the great advantages dapps(decentralized apps) has....
As a result of the advantages and great potential dapps had to offer to its users, a platform based on dapps has been invented.
Dabanking is a localized blockchain based platform, that has saddled itself with the development of Dapps, with localized entertaining services featuring fairness, simplicity, clarity, efficiency and an unreflecting user friendly system.
Dabanking will surely path way for numerous dapps, as it will be a reference point for the development of a lot dapps, which are meant to influence positivitely the world's financial system.
In 2019, decentralized applications (Dapps) are becoming more and more popular due to their superior advantages over traditional applications, especially based on existing Blockchain platforms with crowded users. Additional, dApp has the ability to run on peer-to-peer networks, not just from a traditional server; therefore, information from users is not subject to the control from anyone or any corporate entity.
Dapps provides maximum privileges for users because of the advantages of unprecedented applications through transparency, stability and high security when being used.Catching that trend, DABANKING Project was born with a noble mission to become the pioneering Utility Blockchain platform in creating an environment to build Dapps with decentralized entertainment services with transparency, fairness and optimal user experience.
Thereby, it can be seen that Blockchain Technology will bring Entertainment Industry to a new level. Especially the blockchain game market is still very promising with numerous challenges and opportunities, grasping that trend, DABANKING team will focus on building a game ecosystem on Dapp, exploiting effectively entertainment market and provide the best service to the community.
II. Conditions to join DABANKING
In order to use the DABANKING platform, you need to have:
Metamask Wallet installs on your computer or TrustWallet on your phone;
Having Ethereum (ETH) available in Metamask or Trust wallet;
Visit the Dabanking.io website to start experiencing our great services.
III. Mining Token DAB
IV. FomoJackpot and FomoGame

  1. Overview
    One of the first Dapp products of DABANKING is the FomoJackpot lottery program base on blockchain technology together with the Dapp Game collectively called FomoGame, which helps participants not only entertain after a tired day but also at the same time increase their income in an easy way.
    FomoGame is an independent DApp system within the ecosystem of DABANKING built on the Blockchain of Ethereum. It promotes absolute fairness and transparency for users, thereby helping users to have a great experience throughout the applications in DABANKING ecosystem.
    FomoJackpot provides player a chance to win with a very small amount of 0.002 ETH for a ticket.
    Joining FomoJackpot means you have the opportunity to win rewards up to thousands of ETH at extremely low cost.
    DAB Mining token system and FomoGame system are 2 independent systems so users need to register account for each system to be able to use both platforms.
    Please register through 2 referral links to help you experience both platforms in the most effective way.
  2. Time for each round
    There will be two countdown clocks, Green Watch and Gold Watch:
    The green watch will be set countdown for 48 hours. When the clock runs below 24 hours, each new ticket will add up to 30 seconds plus but no more than 24 hours.
    The gold watch will be set countdown for 48 hours. The gold watch only starts to countdown when the current ETH prize is higher than the previous round.
    The first round will be called Zero Round. At the Zero Round when the prize pool has a total of at least 300 ETH, the gold watch starts running.
  3. Purchase Ticket
    Each ticket has a starting price of 0.002 ETH and the price increases as the Gold Clock begins to run:
    Call N is the current hour of Gold Watch (less than 60 minutes then N = 0)
    Ticket Fare = 0.002 + 0.002 * (50-N) * 4%
    So the highest ticket price will be 0.006 ETH when N = 0 at the last hour of the Gold Watch.
    When the Gold Watch started running, buying 1 ticket was awarded 2 more tickets.
  4. Prize Distribution
    The entire ETH purchased Ticket is allocated as follows:

50% into the award
20% Instant Income
17%: Referral Income
10% of dividends
3% Develop new products

  1. Prize
    When having a ticket buyer, 50% of ETH sales will be allocated to the prize pool and divided as follows:
    % Prize
    50% Diamond Chest
    20% Ruby Chest
    5% Gold Chest
    4% Silver Chest
    1% Drawer Prize
    20% Next Round
    ★ Diamond Chest
    When one of the two clocks returns to 0, the “Draw Now” button will appear to activate the random and fair dial algorithm for everyone to select 6 winners. The probability of winning a ticket is the same at all times.
    Absolute random dialing system by taking the Difficulty number in the current Block and the number of time points for the rotation to create a 64-bit Hash code as a seed . Each time, a dial will generate a different random seed, get the Seed number divided by the total number of tickets of the current round and get the remainder of the result to create a special ticket winner.
    Take the number of Jackpot prizes plus 10% and divided by the total number of tickets purchased when the clock reaches 0 (call this number fixed to X), the remainder is the 1st main prize.
    Take the 1st Main Seed Number plus 10% and divided by X, the remainder is the second main prize.
    Take the 2nd Main Seed Number plus 10% and divided by X, the remainder is the third man prize.
    Take the 3rd Main Seed Number plus 10% and divided by X, the remainder is the fourth man prize.
    Take the 4th Main Seed Number plus 10% and divided by X, the remainder is the fifth main prize.
    The ETH amount in Diamond Chest will be allocated to 6 lucky people as follows:
    50% for 1 lucky winner with Jackpot Prize
    10% for each of the other 5 winners in the large prize (50%).
    Ruby Chest
    Before one of the watches turn 0, the last ticket buyer is the KING OF KEY and holds the key to winning the entire Ruby Chest reward.
    The winner is counted when the time of the transaction is successfully verified and last recorded on the blockchain before the time 1 of the 2 watches turns to 0.
    ★ Gold Chest
    The Master Key Prize in Gold Chest is awarded to the person, who has buy the most ticket via ETH before 1 of the 2 watches turns to 0.
    Silver Chest
    The entire Ultimate Award in the Silver Chest is awarded to the person with the total sales of tickets coming from the largest F1, each taking no more than 1 ETH to calculate
    Drawer Prize
    When 1 of 2 watches returns to 0, the “Draw Now” button will appear to activate the random dialing algorithm and has a total of 5 “Drawer” winners.
    The person who successfully executes the first “Draw Now” will be rewarded with 60% of the Drawer prize and the remaining 4 people will each receive 10% of the prize.
    The “Draw Now” button will appear 5 times each 5 minutes after the first “Draw Now” was previously confirmed successfully.
    ★ Next Round
    20% of the ETH prize pool will be automatically transferred to the next round to ensure that prizes are always available at the beginning of each round to help develop the following rounds effectively.
  2. DAA Token Mining
    DAA Token has a maximum supply of 20,000,000 DAA and is gradually exploited when users buy tickets and play games with ETH and this is the only way to get a DAA token.
    DAA Token mining process has 10 stages, each stage has 10 rounds and the total is 100 rounds and mining difficulty will increase
    In the first round when you buy a ticket or lose a game with an amount of 0.05 ETH, you have successfully mining 1.66666667 DAA, at this time 60% is 1 DAA directly to your wallet and 40% is 0.66666667 DAA to DABANKING developer wallet.

If you play a game that wins at the first round, you need a volume of 0.055 to successfully exploit 1.66666667 DAA and receive 1 DAA.
No matter how much ETH you use to play, you still get the DAA token number that follows this ratio.

Having a maximum of 200,000 DAA is exploited each round, when 200,000 DAA is mined, it will start the next round with increasing difficulty level according to the table described above, each round has difficulty levels will increase by 0.005 ETH.

The DAA Token will be listed on the free exchange and the developer DABANKING will deploy swapping token DAA to token DAB with appropriate rates at each different time.

  1. DAA Token Distribution
    60% for Miners
    20% for Product Development
    10% for Marketing
    10% for Partner

  2. Income
    Instant Income
    When each round starts, the faster you buy a ticket with the higher the Winning Multiplier, the more opportunities you will have to increase your income up to a maximum of 650% of the amount spent at Zero Round and up to 500% of money spent from Round 1 onwards.
    The Winning Multiplier coefficient is calculated by the dependent formula on the total number of tickets purchased and when the total of 44,230 tickets is purchased, the Winning Multiplier will return to x1.
    The Winning Multiplier coefficient will decrease from x25 down to x1 depending on the number of tickets purchased at the beginning of each round, the coefficient is as follows:
    Winning Multiplier Ticket Amount
    x25 1 ➞ 8299
    x24 8300 ➞ 15,599
    x23 15,600 ➞ 17,599
    x22 17,600 ➞ 18,999
    x21 19,000 ➞ 20,099
    x20 20,100 ➞ 21,049
    x19 21.050 ➞ 21,849
    x18 21,850 ➞ 22,649
    x17 22,650 ➞ 23,399
    x16 23,400 ➞ 24,099
    x15 24,100 ➞ 24,849
    x14 24,850 ➞ 25,549
    x13 25,550 ➞ 26,249
    x12 26,250 ➞ 26,999
    x11 27,000 ➞ 27,749
    x10 27,750 ➞ 28,599
    x9 28,600 ➞ 29,449
    x8 29,450 ➞ 30,449
    x7 30,450 ➞ 31,499
    x6 31,500 ➞ 32,799
    x5 32,800 ➞ 34,299
    x4 34,300 ➞ 36,299
    x3 36,300 ➞ 39,149
    x2 39,150 ➞ 44,249
    x1 44,250 ➞
    From the 1st ticket to the 8299th ticket will be purchased with the Winning Multiplier coefficient of x25, from the 8300th ticket to the 15,599th ticket will be purchased with the Winning Multiplier coefficient of x24.
    If you are the first buyer and immediately buy 44,240 tickets equivalent to 88.48 ETH, you will have 44,240 tickets equivalent to the Winning Multiplier coefficient of x25. Whereas the following buyers are only x1, instead of decreasing the coefficient from x24 to x1.
    The Winning Multiplier factor will be updated after a successful buy order and your buy order has made the coefficient from x25 straight to x1.
    A total of 20% of the ETH amount at the Zero Round will pay for the Instant Income, but from Round 1 onwards there will be 14% (70% of 20%) of the ETH amount paid to the current round and 6% ( 30% of 20%) pay for the previous round, which means that each individual who buys a ticket will have the opportunity to receive the Instant Income of 2 consecutive rounds.
    Maximum Instant IncomeR when ending the Zero Round:
    = “ETH amount you bought at Zero” x “Winning Multiplier” x 20%
    Maximum Instant IncomeR when ending the Round 1:
    = “ETH amount you bought at Zero” x “Winning Multiplier” x 6% + “ETH amount you bought a1” x “Winning Multiplier” x 14%

Actual Instant Income formula:
As Y is the actual score you get, this score is calculated based on the ticket you bought for the Winning Multiplier coefficient.

For example, if you buy 1 ticket when the Winning Multiplier ratio is x25 and 1 ticket when the Winning Multiplier ratio is x10, the total 2 tickets will give you 35 points

Instant Income = Y / “Total points of all tickets” x “divided percentage of ETH”.

The divided percentage of ETH in the Zero Round is 20% of the total ETH, from round 1 onwards is 14%.

The ticket purchased at the Zero Round will receive a maximum of 500% of total revenue from the Zero Round and an extra 150% at the end of the first round with a total of 650%.

★ Referral Income
When you introduce a new comer buying ticket through your Ref link, you get unlimited income up to 17% for 10 levels below:

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
% 6% 4% 2% 1% 1% 1% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
★ Winning Income
When buying a ticket, you have the opportunity to win a huge amount of ETH in 4 treasures:

➢ Diamond chest
➢ Ruby Chest
➢ Gold Chest
➢ Silver Chest
➢ Accompanying is the reward value of the “Drawer” Prize

*A ticket can theoretically win many different prizes at the same time
★ Dividend Income
Dividend Pool will contain 10% of total ETH tickets purchased and all profits of FomoGame. Once every 2 weeks, the dividend pool will be paid out according to the structure:
➢ 70% of the ETH in the pool is divided equally to all accounts that have frozen DAA Token.
➢ 30% of dividends pool will be added to the next 2-week dividend pool.
At the end of the dividend payment, all DAA tokens will be unfrozen and need to be frozen again to receive next dividends round.
★ Gaming Income
DABANKING will update new games every quarter to meet the needs of entertainment and increase income for the community, now DABANKING will deploy FomoDice games first and update FomoWatch, FomoDuel…v…v…v …
FomoDice has random results mechanism based on blockchain to bring the fairness, transparency and non-intervention. By taking the number of difficulty in the current block and the number of time points for the rotation to generate the 64-bit hash code is a seed. Each dial will generate a different random seed, divide the Seed number by 100 to get the result of the lucky number.
For example: Seed of the current spin is 1459, taking 1459 divided by 100 is 14 remainder 59, so 59 is the lucky number that will be generated.
You can play games with ETH or DAA Token
You can play the game directly with your ERC20 wallet containing ETH but if you want to play the game with the DAA Token then you need to Deposit token to the system’s virtual wallet before playing, because the Smart Contract of Ethereum does not allow direct token from ER20 wallet to play.
The more you play with ETHs, the more you will exploit the DAA token whether you win or lose.
When you introduce FomoDice to many newcomers, you will receive income from the gaming volume of the entire system below up to 1.5% for 10 levels.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
% 0.5% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
The conditions for receiving referral commision are the total commissions that are always smaller than 1/10 the total volume of individual transactions in the game, which is the maximum ETH/TOKEN amount received from this commission is equal to your own game volume up to the present .
The below system plays with ETH, the commissions are received by ETH.
The below system plays with DAA Token, the commissions are received by the DAA token.

  1. DAA Token Burning
    When the community play games via DAA Token, the entire DAA Token of the platform will be in the token pool. Every 2 weeks the system will automatically burn 50% of the DAA in the token pool.
    When burning DAA in a token pool, also burning the amount of DAA token in the developer’s wallet at the rate of 60:40 (burning 6 DAA tokens in the token pool, burning 4 DAA of developer wallet).
    V. Roadmap
    DABANKING aims at long-term development, bringing entertainment services to the decentralized application platform, giving back power to users. The development team has come up with long-term strategies to make DABANKING a powerful ecosystem that allows millions of customers to experience our services.
    Phase 1:
    Q4/2018-Q1/2019 : Build a development team, prepare a detail plan and prepare technology foundation.
    Q2/2019: Officially introduce game ecosystem on DApp and start to develop DAB Token minning community.
    Q3/2019: List DAA Token and DAB Token on free exchanges and integrate new games.
    Q4/2019: Open the Swap port from the DAA Token to DAB Token for users. Add new Game Dapp.
    Phase 2:
    When the community reaches 3 million users, DABANKING will officially announce its own Blockchain and conduct swapping DAB Token to the new DABAKING Blockchain.
    VI. Technical Certification
    All the technical logic of DABANKING can be checked by community based on the open-source Smart Contract and made public for everyone.
    The database of the entire community is stored on Smart Contract and can be checked
    The results are randomly generated based on difficulty numbering in the existing Blockchain Ethereum and the number of timelines for when the results are generated to create 64-bit hash code. It is impossible to predict or intervent changes in any way because the code stored on blockchain is immutable.
    With DApp from DABANKING everything is 100% transparent and lead to a developed society with absolute transparency.
    VII. Inspiration
    DABANKING inspired by perpetual motion theory to build strategies for distributing DAB token as well as developing future game applications. We aim to create the best community and focus on project development at all times. Our development team believes at any time there would be a certain attraction from the community to inspire participation even when it is just starting or slowing down.
    VIII. Contact & Support
    If you have any questions-feedback-suggestions? Please contact us via mail [email protected]
    Website: https://dabanking.io/

Whitepaper: http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/

Youtube: http://bit.ly/2VYtVOV

Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/dabanking/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io
Btt username:damboy22
Btt profile link:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1340847;sa=summary

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