
in #ico6 years ago

A secure ,incorruptible way to save files for as long as you want.

Guess when we hear file storage the first thing that comes to mind is data storage in hardware disks of gadgets or cloud storage of data. This storage system are accompanied by problems such as

1-infrastructures- If you plan on storing vast amount of data ,you’ll need to invest on high tech server that occupy significant space in your office and building.

2-security-This is one of the major problem .To secure data most systems use a combination of encryption, authentification process, authorization practice. Even with these protective measures in place as long as it is centralized system, there’s always the possibility that a hacker will find an electronic backdoor and access to data.

3-Reliability -so you want to save your data using a centralized cloud storage system which is not 100% liable.there is always probability of system failure, crash of server or even shutdown of server due to financial and other problems and ultimately resulting to loss of data.

4-corruptibility-practically every form of data storage has the potentials to be corrupted. Stray particles can interfere with must forms of data storage and anything relying on magnetic strips and electric storage can be corrupted by electromagnetic interference .

The problems goes on and on but don’t fret I got the solution all in one platform. Introducing MEMORITY.A blockchain based encrypted decentralized information storage technology that can be used for long term storage of data with no problems of security, corruptibility and reliability.

So how does this platform work. This platform operates basically with three groups of individuals. THE USERS-a user is one who want store file on this platform .As a user all you have to do is download MEMORITY application create an internal wallet containing MMR tokens,upload the file.The uploaded is encrypted by private key which is obtained and stored by the owner\ user. MMR tokens are used for payment of space for the file storage,how much spent depends on the duration of storage, size of data stored and number of multiple file copies stored which by default is 10,the address of the hosters, time and data of the copies stored are written into users’s contract to allow check for data authenticity. The user can retrieve the file anytime by downloading it using the app .The Hoster-hosters provide physical storage space for file storage by user and receive MMR tokens .Hosters are picked from the hosters list when file is uploaded depending on the availability of the hosters, the space provided, the bandwidth provided. The Miners - owners of 10000MMR tokens or more who support the functionality of the blockchain system.

Multiple copies of a file when uploaded is made,encrypted and saved by different independent hosters. And this file are regular checked by the system to maintain authenticity, availability and corrupted file or unavailable files copies are replaced by the system by generating another copy of the file ,this is then stored by a new hoster .The blockchain platform ensure security and reliability,as it can work independently.

In conclusion MEMORITY is the best option when it comes to data saving .It strikes out all the problems encountered in data storage making data saving problem free.

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