White Rabbit: new level of the film industry on the blockchain

in #ico6 years ago

White Rabbit eng top.JPG

The fight against Internet piracy is one of the advanced goals of the White Rabbit project. If you analyze the WhitePaper you can easily say that the project is formed to obtain a full-fledged comprehensive benefit by all participants in the film industry. Everyone wins here: copyright holders, directors, actors, producers and all the others who participate in the development of a particular content, as well as resources for the transfer of content and of course customers, the audience.

White Rabbit will allow to create payment for services in the field of music and film production using the system of cryptocurrencies.

The idea of ​​White Rabbit is incredibly simple - connecting to a system where the viewer or listener can pay for the views directly to the seller. As a result there will be no need for intermediaries who often absorb up to 90% of the total amount of payment. Besides, the user can thank the authors and actors of the project a voluntary contribution, which is not covered by any commission including the internal commission of White Rabbit.

What is the White Rabbit?

White Rabbit is a plugin for an Internet browser, which enables P2P to learn about the authors of the posted content. Recognition takes place on the partner sites of the broadcast but it should be said that in the system can participate also stream-sites that have not concluded a contract with the "Rabbit".

The system of smart-contacts, which underlies the blockchain technologies, allowed to fully automate the process of the plugin. Once the user visits the resource the account of the owner and the author of the content receives payment in the form of tokens. In the event that they do not agree with the sale of this content the funds are returned to the buyer.

Thus, the authors will also be able to sell additional materials, for example, footage from the set, director's versions of films and other content that is not available to pirates in the public domain.

Thanks to the White Rabbit project viewers will pay for the work of the developers themselves stimulating their activities instead of enriching the incomprehensible middlemen.

Cryptocurrency of the "White Rabbit" is created according to the ERC20 standard. It can be used by project authors, users, partner and non-partner resources, which broadcast on behalf of authors.

Revenues from transactions will be divided according to this principle:

  • Owners and authors of content - 75%. It is worth saying that most modern systems do not allow authors to obtain half of all revenues.
  • Commission "Rabbit" - 15%.
  • Affiliate sites that broadcast copyright content will receive 10% of the transactions in the event that a contract is signed with the authors. Broadcast without a contract gives 5% of the profits.
  • Another 5% remain in the White Rabbit system for the development of the project.

The White Rabbit project will enable all filmmaking participants to receive a worthy reward for their work. The plugin is easily installed in the browser and is completely protected from hacking and money leakage from the account. The "White Rabbit" tokens under the name WRT easily change to almost any cryptocurrency.

To learn more about the details of this project, as well as to participate in the ICO, visit the official website https://whiterabbit.one/ and read the main whitepaper document at: https://whiterabbit.one/docs/White_Rabbit-White_Paper_v1.0.pdf

Author Cryptozond: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1190894

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