VOLT - Delivery service platform!

in #ico6 years ago

Welcome to the entire group(steemit), I am energetic about the crypto coins and a devotee of good undertakings. In this new production I might want to exhibit the VOLT venture . I'm certain you've heard a great deal about Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crytocurrencies, ICO ... in any case, VOLT blockchain is the coolest, and for more subtle elements we're setting off to the accompanying themes:

In the event that we watch how society has developed, from innate social orders we have moved to an alternate social structure in the cutting edge world where individuals work specializedly and can do as such in a worldwide domain, from anyplace on the planet because of the appearance of innovation and Web.

What is VOLT ?

VOLT is where brought together stages, for example, Uber can be created decentralizedly and which empowers coordinate conveyance through P2P. The Uber and different models assume a Focal Control part as middle people and get a commission of at least 20%. The P2P model of VOLT is effective and means to wipe out intermediation charges by decreasing direct expenses for customers and errand people to close to 5%, or even with the expectation of killing them through and through.

The current conveyance frame is a concentrated model, which incorporates a framework called Center and Talked. This brought together model, which incorporates DHL, has commanded the conveyance advertise far and wide. Be that as it may, the brought together model can not meet that day conveyance needs. VOLT depends on the P2P conveyance show in view of a chain of obstructs that fulfills the confinement of same-day conveyance considerably more successfully than existing models.

VOLT innovation

VOLT depends on blocking innovation and in mix with scholarly contracts and takes out the reliance of a unified framework among seriously organized banks, which altogether diminishes the conveyance costs to clients. Then again, dispatch organizations and delivery organizations will have higher incomes.

VOLT not just ensures that dispatches will get higher benefits, however that VOLT likewise wipes out the specialized impediments that enable anybody to utilize the framework. This permits the utilization of a more extensive scope of envoys, including retailers or individuals who need the second occupation. What's more, the request alteration framework can be encouraged by messages that decide a conveyance go in light of the favored transport

The primary business of VOLT utilizes Huge Information innovation. Liza in VOLT Enormous Information for the computerization of the framework offers a more helpful administration.

Preferred standpoint

Same day conveyances

Same-day conveyances of VOLT diminish the conveyance time to 1-5 hours, while in the current online exchange the conveyance time is 1-3 days.

Center point and talked is a stage that gathers every one of the things that are sent, orders them and transports them to their goal. At the end of the day, any bundle conveyed from 32nd Road to 54th Road in Manhattan, NY, will be sent to Delaware for grouping to be returned in Manhattan. This is difficult and furthermore involves an extensive stockpiling cost.

Why utilize the administrations of VOLT?

Numerous comparative models assume the part of focal control as go betweens and get a reward of at least 20%. The immediate offer model VOLT P2P is a powerful model that means to decrease business charges by lessening direct expenses for clients and delegates to under 5%, or even hope to kill them inside and out.

The current conveyance show is a unified model with the Center point and Talked framework, which incorporates DHL, which ruled the worldwide supply showcase. Nonetheless, it can not meet that day conveyance needs.

VOLT is a P2P conveyance show in light of a piece framework that purposes same-day conveyance more proficiently than existing models.

ICO data

Token: VOLT (ACDC);

Stage: Ethereum;

Sort: ERC20;

Cost: 50,000 ACDC = 1 ETH;

Fundamental deal: 10.05.18 - 31.05.2018

Number of coins: 1 200 000 ACDC

Conceivable speculations: ETH

Delicate Top: 200,000,000ACDC

Hard Top: 2 000 000ACDC

Nation: Singapore;

Confinements on investment: China, USA UU



ICO Pre and Open Deal

05 MAY Planning of the rundown

ICO Finish and Continue Posting Meeting

06 JUNE Backend Blocking Home

VOLT Blockchain Backend Home

07 JULY Meeting in Seoul

Meeting in Seoul/Contract with the advertising organization

08 AUGUST Full Android Variant

Finished the advancement of the Android variant of VOLT

SEPTEMBER 09 Full iOS Adaptation

VOLT iOS Full Form

10 OCTUBRE Related administrations Contracts

Administration affiliation contracts/Advertising advancement

NOVEMBER 11 Beginning of administration in light of the chain of pieces

VOLT Token can be utilized as a part of different conveyance administrations

DECEMBER 12 Meeting with the Universal Gathering

Meeting with the Universal Gathering

01 JANUARY Web rendition benefit

Administration of web adaptation of VOLT

02 FEBRERO Application Redesign

VOLT Application Refresh

03 Walk Profound learning Apply

VOLT Profound Learning Apply

04 APRIL Extension of the top to bottom learning rendition

Refresh of the profound learning form of VOLT

Join our group and purchase your TOKENS VOLT now and appreciate the advantages offered by the most beneficial stage in the market. Try not to squander any additional time and join our Wire bunch so you can speak with us and elucidate any inquiries you may have. Try not to miss this awesome open door offered by the Volt venture.

Exploit the accessible rewards from the beginning times of pre-deal. (ICO). Visit our Site so you can discover more about the advantages of this extraordinary undertaking.


For more information we invite you to visit the following Links:

WEBSITE: https://volttech.io/
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3337111.0
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/voltico
WHITEPAPER: https://volttech.io/public/ Final% 20VOLT% 20White% 20paper% 200410.pdf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Volt_Technology
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/VoltTechnology1
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/volt-technology
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : https://volttech.io/pdf_view?pdf=executive_en
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/volttech/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/Volt_technology

Author: Bxipp


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 63768.57
ETH 2478.16
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54