Peur - Revolutionizing Marketplace Beyond Ordinary

in #ico6 years ago (edited)



Peur is a Platform that focuses on providing and developing payment and marketplace services that enable users to make payments with safe, easy, and minimal fees. Peur provides a decentralized marketplace that is directly supported by Blockchain technology, which will provide users with a secure and transparent service. All transactions and information stored on the Platform will be directly recorded and stored on Blockchain's ledger, which is only accessible by authorized users. Peur aims to create a decentralized marketplace that enables users to transact safely and more easily.

Getting Started Development

Peur is developed by a reliable and professional team that sees a glorious opportunity in the global e-commerce industry. As it is well known that the e-commerce industry globally has improved over time, but in line with these developments there are still unresolved problems being addressed by today's popular services. Such problems are like the old and tiring authorization process, the low reputation system, and others. The Peur Platform comes to address these issues using Blockchain technology, which will provide users with a secure payment system and fast authorization process, and directly integrate payment systems owned by the Peur Platform to related merchants to create a trust system and better payouts.

Some points that will be described in this article related to the Peur Platform include;

  • Peur's Solution
  • Benefits of Joining Peur Marketplace
  • Merchant trust rating


More information on other points can be found at the whitepaper provided at the end of this article.

Peur's Solution

The Peur platform delivers a renewable solution in the global e-commerce industry, using Blockchain technology as the basis for its development, which will provide users with the security, speed, and transparency of services. Some of the solutions that the Peur Platform will provide include:

  • Decentralized marketplace on the Ethereum Blockchain, Peur provides an intelligent solution related to a better marketplace to users, using Blockchain technology as the basis of its development, which will create a decentralized marketplace that will secure all transactions done by users and complete problems between the seller and the buyer through the trust system.
  • Mobile payments, this feature allows users to transact via their mobile device and receive payment in the form of Ethereum tokens that can be converted directly into fiat currency.
  • Enabling Peur marketplace, merchants can participate directly in the development of marketplace solutions and payments provided by the Peur Platform, and enable merchants to expand their business network.
  • Peur payroll integration, this system allows the Peur token to be used as a salary payment option that can be used by small businesses up to large companies.


Benefits of Joining Peur Marketplace

With the solution provided by Peur Platform, it enables users to get a variety of benefits that will benefit them both from cost to business sustainability. Some of the benefits users will find in using Peur services include:

  • Flexible pricing
  • Professional teams
  • Low overhead
  • Stringent security protocols
  • Ensures Business Continuity

And some other advantages that users will get in using Peur services.


Merchant trust rating

Merchants will get a rating if they register a store or business they have on the Peur Platform and receive Ethereum-based cryptocurrency as a means of payment. Each voting, reviews, and smart-contract will be tailored to the services they provide to customers, the better the products and services they offer the better chances of getting better ratings and reviews. These ratings and reviews will be publicly available, so potential customers can see and decide before they use the services of related merchants.


In Conclusion

Peur is a platform aimed at creating payment services and a decentralized marketplace that will address the issues related to the current e-commerce industry, using Blockchain technology as the basis for its development. Peur provides several solutions such as Flexible pricing, Low overhead, etc, which will help users to manage and minimize the expense they incur. The solutions provided by the Peur Platform will address issues related to e-commerce services such as older authorization processes, greater cost charges, and so on. Peur focuses on providing decentralized payments and marketplace services that will secure and accelerate all user authorization and payment processes, and make the e-commerce industry better, more reliable and smarter.


With this opportunity, Peur invites you to enlarge this Platform to reach the Broader Society. Peur will release the Token under the name "PURC Token", here is the data.





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