One-Stop Mobile Crypto? Alttex is Up For It!

in #ico6 years ago

The Problem

Help. I'm a high-end investor, looking for a ticket into this mysterious new world of decentralized blockchain technology.

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A good friend of mine told me about Bitcoin about five years ago, but when I asked some of my investment advisers about it they told me it was too risky. They said it wouldn't amount to much in the long term, so I missed the boat.

A couple years later, those very same advisers suggested that i diversify into cryptocurrencies. I was annoyed, since based on their advice, I had missed out on the biggest possible gains from Bitcoin. After getting some new advisers, I began to explore the growing world of cryptocurrencies.

I was immediately overwhelmed and discouraged. The learning curve for this stuff was immense! I couldn't begin to wrap my head around crypto exchanges. With such extreme volatility and an ever-growing number of coins, how could I possibly know where to put my money?

I had no access to experts to help me along my way; my financial advisers were continually unwilling to take a stance on these untested intangible coins which held only speculative value. I felt like I was completely on my own.

Another inconvenient fact about myself... I'm not a computer guy. I don't even have a PC. I use my phone for pretty much everything, as my job keeps me busy and on the move.

Help. There needs to be a way for people like me to get in. I don't want a hardware wallet, a mining rig, a master node or anything like that. I just want a simple way to trade and hold cryptocurrency on my phone. Is that too much to ask?

The Solution


It's not too much to ask. If we expect these world-changing technologies to go mainstream, then we can't expect every person getting involved to become a computer genius.

Meet Alttex.

Alttex is an upcoming platform for everything crypto. It's refreshingly simple to understand, and it solves the learning curve problem beautifully. The Alttex platform will contain three basic elements:

  1. Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange - The ability to buy and sell cryptocurrencies on a peer-to-peer, decentralized market is one of the pillars of what Alttex has to offer. It's designed to work from any mobile device, and scheduled to go live in q3 or q4 of 2018.
  2. AltMessenger - Another main offering of Alttex is their AltMessenger. This will be a full-service messenger (including live customer service) designed for chatting, voice messages, affordable international calls and more.
  3. Crypto AltSafe - Alttex will also offer the ability to securely hold and transfer crypto-assets in one convenient location.

With the Alttex CryptoShop, users will even have the ability to easily buy and sell goods for crypto.

Alttex has a dedicated development team of sixteen, and sixteen additional advisers with a wide variety of skills to bring to the table. Their website is visually stunning, an incredibly well-designed masterpiece. Additionally, their WHITEPAPER is a well-constructed, quick and informative read (for a 48 page document).

Alttex is currently in Round 1 of their ICO, with Round 2 beginning on March 19th. There are plenty of incentives and bonuses for early investors, so check it out!


The Alttex team and platform aims to take something that was already working fine, and make it perfect. With the convenience and ease of accessibility their platform promises, perfection is definitely not out of the question.

This has been a submission in the @originalworks Sponsored Writing Contest. Images are copyright-free from



Thanks, very good post !!!!

Awesome Work!

Keep it up!!!


This is a great entry! I love the structure of the article, with the use case in first person right at the top. I think I might be taking lessons from you now ;p

Thanks! I was wondering if it was too confusing... Maybe it'll win the big bucks ;)

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