in #ico6 years ago


Kambria is a blockchain project to decentralize, democratize the entire robotics ecosystem, a decentralized open AI & robotics platform to accelerate the development and adoption of impactful robots.

The team said they are developing the first of its kind, an open decentralized robotics platform that's backed by existing robots. Think of it as Android or Linux for robotics but with crypto-economics to super accelerate the development and align the incentives of all key stakeholders. They claim to have amazing track record with experienced founding team and world-class advisory board.

The creation of Kambria according to the team was inspired by the desire to accelerate progress, attracting a large community of developers and manufacturers. First of all-providing them with the necessary tools and connecting market demand. Two directions of providing such tools are proposed:
A new kind of open source: global scale and scale, the same as Android and Linux. Includes hardware, software, firmware, artificial intelligence and manufacturing processes.

Solution using blockchain and crypto economy. Alignment of incentives with the use of cryptocurrency. Quick start community. Rapid release of prototypes due to game design theory


Introducing blockchain technology in robot industries has been a welcome development and Kambria platform is the first industries to have adopted the use of Blockchain industry. The main objectives of Kambria platform are to Decentralize robotic Industries and give more controls to users. Over the years, there has been lots of criticism with the use of a robot which people see as a direct threat to humanity.

The use of robot by its owner has been a major concern by the authorities over the years in which authorities are afraid Robot can be misused if not handled very well which this has hindered the Global adoption of robots in our world. Another problem encountered through the use of robots is the issue of unvailability of energy to power the robots. This is what Kambria robot platform has identified and ready to bring solutions to through the introduction of Blockchain technology.

Another problem identified with the Robotic industry Includes Lack of tools to help with the building of good robots, Lack of good interface and abstractions layers for software, mechanical and electrical system, Lack of infrastructures, Lack of open platform, and lack of financial resources. All these have hindered the growth and development of the robotics industry over the years. These and many other problems are what Kambria project has come to solve with the introduction of Blockchain technology in their platform

How Kambria Blockchain AI & Robotics Platform Works

The Kambria platform will comprise of four categories of participants to sustain the robotics development. These participants comprise of:

Kambria provides for an easy-to-use interface and tools from where developers can come up with innovative robotic technology

investors and financiers can back the robotic projects and developments at a fraction of the traditional cost

Kambria delivers capable and affordable robotics services for the basic participants

the Kambria community provides companies with the chance to tap into the collective knowledge and experience of the members and benefit.


The Kambria Architecture is made up of five pillars: Codebase (KDNA), innovation marketplace, the manufacturing alliance, value capture, and legal protection. Each directly addresses the shortfalls of modern robotics.

KAT tokens are used for access and payment on the Kambria Manufacturing Network.

KAT tokens can be used for as both a signaling mechanism and a community fundraising method for legal protection.

KAT holders are free to change their vote at any time by sending another transaction with their updated vote.

Fees in the form of KAT tokens are then sent to the Kambria value capture smart contract on chain, and a set of rules handles the splitting. There are three parameters that again can be changed over time, with an estimated initial setting (to be refined through further discussion) in parentheses:

  1. Percent returned to entire community (50%)
  2. Percent returned to Karma holders as a bonus (40%)
  3. Percent held in Community Fund (10%)


Revenue streams with the users getting to earn the Kambria Tokens for their contribution to the platform

The growth of Kambria is potentially possible judging from the growing robotics market and technology

Speedy developments in robotics technology thanks to the blockchain

Liquidity of the Kambria token is easily available with exchanges available for USD, Bitcoin, Ether and other cryptocurrencies

Diversification and reduce risks since Kambria provides an opportunity for one to invest in several robotic portfolios and tested products.


As stated earlier in FEATURES, The Kambria Architecture is made up of five pillars: Codebase (KDNA), innovation marketplace, the manufacturing alliance, value capture, and legal protection. Each directly addresses the shortfalls of modern robotics and is designed to maximize the game theoretic incentives.

Interactions on the platform are facilitated by the Kambria Token (KAT), Maker Credit, and Kambria Karma. KAT is a native ERC20 utility token. Its main functions are to enable access to the Kambria platform, reward participation, and align incentives for all stakeholders in the ecosystem. As with any ERC20, KAT will be listed on exchanges and can be traded for other cryptocurrencies.

Maker Credit and Kambria Karma are not ERC20 tokens, but rather non-tradeable ledger entries for every wallet address. Karma is used to track actual work performed. It is also an incentive to promote useful work and is awarded for concrete contributions. Credit is similar to reward point or "cash back”. Its purpose is to stimulate transactions and spendings in the ecosystem.


DEC 2015
First Ohmni Prototype Deployed

NOV 2016
Signed Pilot Partners

SEPT 2017
Telepresence Robots Shipped

JAN 2018
Kambria Platform Designed

APRIL 2018
Kambria Platform MVP Released
Building Kambria Beta

Q3 2018
Beta Release & Token Issuance

Q2 2019
Full Launch


  1. Thuc Vu - Founder, CEO
    AI & Game Theory

  2. Jared Go - Co-founder, CTO
    Robotics & Blochain

  3. Tingxi Tan - Co-founder
    Blockchain & Cloud Computing

  4. Manuela Veloso - AI & Robotics

  5. Dhana Pawar - Marketing

  6. Ned Semonite - Partnerships

  7. Tra Vu - Finance

  8. Minh Nguyen - Research


Kambria as a major tool in industrial revolution is an exciting project to watch out for. With the experience the team members boast of, there is high tendency that this project will succeed.




Bounty0x username:boscoarinze

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60216.66
ETH 2326.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48