Swarm Fund - The Game Changer

in #ico7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends, today I will be writing about a big project that is infact an innovative platform to help bridge the gap between the traditional businesses and the new blockchain technology. Let us discuss the main theme and important points about swarm fund, its token and the crowd sale. you can access swarm fund main website here; http://www.swarm.fund

As I stated earlier that swarmfund is being developed to bring real world physical projects on the blockchain, just imagine a real world profitable business backed by a democratized and decentralized community managing and owning it, it is indeed a beautiful concept.
Swarm Fund's vision is to take conventional profitable businesses to next level making them technologically advanced and owned by the community and also to make crypto market grow exponentially.

Swarm fund is not a single project, software or a service, it is a platform that will be providing the projects with the required liquidity, tools, management and much much more. For the masses, swarm fund offers a unique opportunity to invest and co-own a profitable physical business and profit from it, helping people to get out of the monopoly of the big investors (Whales), with the swarm fund platform anyone can invest and partner in profit generating projects.
Swarm fund aims to take crypto market to new heights from current market cap of one billion dollars to one hundred billion dollars with the idea of linking real world projects to the crypto market and this can be achieved by involving the common man in the platform and providing them with easy one-click options to invest and profit.

Swarm fund is focusing on making the platform mainstream by registering it with the important regulatory instituitions, KYC and similar requirements will be met to make the project and members under the law. The swarm fund is also partnering with some already workable projects like wings, gnosis, aragon etc to provide the innovative, necessary tools for the enhanced management and user experience. Moreover, swarmfund platform is under development from last 12 months already and they have already a working version of the platform live which is very positive sign, they do have some early funding backers that helped the process.

Swarm Fund and Real Projects:
Swarm Fund intends to bring physical projects that can generate good profit for the investors consistently. The type of projects that will be listed include Real estate projects, solar projects, mining, softwares, apps, renewables and recycling projects etc. Secondly swarm fund will be exclusively partnering and listing already succesful, result oriented hedge fund that is performing well with big funds under its management already. More hedge funds that use auto/ artifial intelligence and machine learning softwares to generate profits will also be listed. Thirdly more and more viable and successful projects will be added through the democratized voting system of the swarm fund platform. Voting weightage percentage is calculated by the percentage of the tokens held, for example; if some one is holding 5% of the total tokens of the swarm fund then his vote will receive 5% weightage. So swarm fund will be using the crowd intelligence and make an advanced decentralized and democratic community project.

Swarm Tokens and Crowdsale:
The swarm fund will be funded using Swarm tokens that are standard ERC-20 tokens based on the ethereum smart contract. The swarm tokens will be the principle tokens used for the development, marketing of the project as well as a proof of ownership for the token holders, the holders of the swarm tokens will benefit not only from the increasing token value but they will also be able to use all the features and utilities offered by the platform, they can vote for the projects and help in making important decisions about the projects and also management of the platform, last but not the least the token holders can also decide about the profit share to be paid to the token holders from the platform revenue. Swarm fund will charge a small fee to all the partnering projects that can be shared with the token holders based on the votes of the holders.
The swarm fund will also have a sub token that will work to invest and withdraw from the projects listed at the swarm fund platform. The second tiered token will be called SUN (swarm utility network) token. The estimated value per SUN would be $1 per token.

Swarm fund seems to truly digitalize the investment industry by making it online and transparent by using blockchain technology. The team seems solid, experienced and qualified, the roadmap of the platform is realistic and i think it is a good project to invest and hold the tokens for some serious profit.
I am also posting important official links below for readers to have a look:

Swarm fund website: http://www.swarm.fund
Telegram Channel: http://t.me/swarmfund
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/theswarmfund
Whitepaper: https://swarm.fund/wp-content/uploads/Cooperative-Ownership-Platform-for-Real-Assets.pdf

Kind Regards!

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