GUARIUM: The ideal way to open a business in the e-commerce industry

in #ico6 years ago

As promised, in this article we will tell you why it is difficult for many users to open an online store in order to efficiently conduct business and earn stable profits, being in one of the most promising and fast-growing markets, and also how the GUARIUM solution will help novice e-commerce businessmen.

In the previous part of the GUARIUM project review, we found out that it is aimed at creating a decentralized platform whose main goal is full automation of e-commerce using the corresponding system, Full Dropshipping technology, referral and internal payment system based on Guar Coins tokens.

Barriers and difficulties

Despite the fact that the e-commerce market is so promising, many of its participants argue that running an online business can be too hard a test, especially for those who are just about to open their online store.

Besides the fact that launching your own online store on the Internet is also a business that, like any other, requires registration and endless documentation, creating your own e-commerce store often requires serious investments to develop an online store website, its service, purchase of goods, etc.

Users who want to run their own online store to get rid of their work and make money on e-commerce may not always have enough money to finance the launch of the online store, so they do not even risk taking action.

Moreover, most e-commerce newcomers face the problem of lack of access to producers, wholesalers and their warehouses, and therefore have to use the services of distributors, who are actually the intermediary between the manufacturer and the owner of the online store, which entails a large financial cost .

The absence of full-value drop shipping and an established supply chain puts online business owners in the field of e-commerce in conditions when they are forced to rent their own warehouses to store goods that are purchased through distributors not at the best price.

Even if a novice businessman can start his online store, additional costs, and mandatory, will require marketing and advertising, because without this promotion of the online store and its products is simply impossible. Lack of sufficient knowledge in this area will lead to the fact that the business owner will have to hire individual employees who will deal specifically with marketing issues.

Hiring employees on various issues will lead to the fact that online business will function like any other business that requires serious intervention. This does not correspond at all with the potential and potential of e-commerce, so the way out of the situation is to automate the business on the Internet.

GUARIUM Solution

GUARIUM will become an effective tool in the hands of novice online businessmen, which will allow them to fully automate the entire process of doing business in the field of electronic commerce, without attracting additional employees, renting warehouses for direct storage of goods and other difficulties that prevent online businesses from fully developing. 

First of all, the advantage of doing business through GUARIUM is that it does not require any serious investments, so users do not have to look for co-founders or take loans to develop their own business on the Internet. The platform does not ask for any commissions or payments for opening a business within its framework, so anyone can easily create an online store.

The fact that manufacturers, wholesalers and online stores are in the same ecosystem with the ability to communicate with each other and automatically cooperate means that, at a minimum, there is no need to rent warehouses and store goods directly from the business owner, because the order of the goods and its delivery will be carried out automatically.

The owner of online business does not have to spend time and money to promote his online store through a specially provided referral program that allows not only to mutually advertise stores, but also to receive a percentage of commissions for purchases on other people's platforms.

Thus, all that is required from a novice online businessman to open his own online store through GUARIUM is courage enough. All other concerns do not concern the business owner, but are exclusively the prerogative of the automated system that GUARIUM provides.

In the next part of the review, we explain the meaning of the implementation and the role of the referral program GUARIUM , as it differs significantly from similar programs on other platforms.



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