in #ico6 years ago (edited)

Supermarket in the digital world.

Today the we will talk about the international e-commerce to the platform for sale and purchase of goods and services for cryptocurrency – FLOGmall. Now the project is at a stage of developments and prepares for carrying out a preseyl of tokens of MLC therefore we will tell the next two articles about this decision from the Russian developers.

Each of us at least once used a board of free announcements or bought any goods in online store. For those who didn't face such platforms, we will explain. Bulletin boards are Internet platforms through which anyone can sell or buy goods.

For example you have a table but in connection with purchase new or because of moving it isn't necessary to you any more. You offer it for sale on such platforms as OLX, Avito or eBay then there is a buyer the person interested to buy from you this table.

During an era of the Internet such way to sell or buy the necessary thing – the most convenient and saving time. To expose the announcement or to find a suitable subject is a business of several minutes. Quite often bulletin boards use also the commercial organizations that is the companies which are engaged in sale of goods not only through such platforms but also through other resources.

For such cases there are platform e-commerce, such as Amazon or Alibaba. These platforms provide to the companies and businessmen an opportunity to sell through them the production. In fact they are online stores which provide to the companies space for sales.

And what if to create such platform which would unite functions of a board of free announcements and e-commerce of the platform? And what if at the same time also to allow users to carry out trade and to pay off cryptocurrency? Such decision was thought up by creators of FLOGmall.

To transfer to cryptocurrency already existing large trading floors (eBay, Avito, Amazon, Alibaba) in the nearest future will definitely not seem possible as with the legal solution of a question of cryptocurrencies now big problems.

Considering jurisdictions of many countries and those in which are registered these platforms aren't ready to accept cryptocurrency as means of payment so far. Therefore these commercial organizations won't be able neither to carry out the activity with tokens nor to pay taxes.

Possibility of purchase and sale for cryptocurrency

FLOGmall is the international platform which provides to holders of cryptocurrencies worldwide to buy or sell goods at other users of the cryptocurrency world. The feature is that it not the blank decision for the commercial organizations, but also a possibility of sale of a concrete thing by the individual.

It means that FLOGmall is a certain tandem of the platform for electronic commerce and a bulletin board. Thus any user the person interested to sell the thing will be able to make it and his contractor will pay off him by means of one of cryptocurrencies. And in the same way the organization which releases konkrentny goods or a type of goods will be able to sell them through the platform.

We will take for an example of the owner of ETH who has decided to sell the old guitar which was unused more than 5 years. Instead of using habitual bulletin boards which work, naturally, through Fiat he FLOGmall can use and quickly sell a guitar in an every spot on the globe for one of cryptocurrencies including for ETH. Actually he changes a guitar for air.

Just the same situation and at retailers that is the commercial organizations which are engaged in retail trade. Using FLOGmall they have an opportunity to sell the goods to buyers from around the world exchanging him for any cryptocurrency.

The excellent way to spend the tokens is received also by their holders who can become buyers in FLOGmall. Having used the platform he can find a necessary thing and get her for any altkoina from the private seller or the company retailer from around the world.

Format of live shop

The feature of FLOGmall is the format of pages of shops which is absolutely thought up by creators of the platform. He has received the name LiveStore (live shop) as unites in himself video content and the blog about shop and its goods.

LiveStore is such format in which users can look through not just available goods and its producer but also information on him as about a brand. In general a lot of attention is paid to video content question in FLOGmall.

Video in FLOGmall

As shows experience of the consumer attracts much more an opportunity to watch video about something (goods, shop, the company, the project, etc.) than to read about it. Creators of FLOGmall have considered it therefore have given to users an opportunity to use video content to the maximum. Moreover they have also protected him from theft and abuse as each video which gets on the platform automatically is protected by the watermark.

So, the shop can seize the following opportunities to attract the buyer. First it is the video presentation of shop. She will be displayed on his homepage and will be silly not to seize the opportunity to show to the user an interior of shop his history or something like that.

Secondly it is possible to write down video messages by the owner of shop or to insert such material into the presentation. The owner of shop will be able to tell the potential clients about those goods and to services which are provided by his company.

The next way to seize the opportunity to upload video on a page of shop in the LiveStore format is to write down the video announcement or the review of the goods. The bright video about goods will unambiguously involve buyers in his purchase. All these materials can be also used and for advertizing in FLOGmall but the next way to use video has impressed most of all.

Video auction

All, of course, heard about an online auction of eBay, but a video auction – it is unambiguous something new. Online стриминг it is used differently, but the idea to use him for carrying out sales in real time seems just magnificent.

Such way of sales has a mass of advantages. First of all clients have an opportunity to buy the unique or limited in quantity goods. It means excellent chance to involve audience in purchases for the shop. The more people will participate in an online auction the more opportunity to increase sales and to draw attention of potential clients to shop.

How will it occur in practice? We will present shop which is engaged in sale of footwear through FLOGmall. The limited batch of sneakers has come to 30 couples them have begun to sort quickly and at some point there were only 3 couples. A sin not to seize the opportunity to organize a video auction and to kill at once two hares.

First sneakers can be sold more expensively as between people there will be a competition. Secondly it will draw attention of many users who weren't clients of this shop earlier.

That the most interesting – not only shops retailers can use a video auction. Private sellers can use too. We will assume you a mayner of cryptocurrency and have found old and very valuable vase in the house. She is definitely not useful to you and you decide that will be the correct decision to sell it through FLOGmall.

You don't know how many she can cost therefore you expose her on a video auction. Now it is necessary only to wait explaining what is a subject and what value bears.

And what if a video auction is carried out by some celebrity? The world famous singer or the actor decide to join the kriptovaltny world and for this purpose use possibilities of FLOGmall. It won't be important for fans at all that will be sold by their idol. Therefore having begun video broadcasting in FLOGmall a celebrity can sell in principle anything.

How will it help introduction of cryptocurrency?

It is quite logical that creators of FLOGmall haven't just like that made the decision on creation of the platform for purchase and sale of goods by means of cryptocurrency. One of the purposes of development of such platform is a sposobstviye to wider circulation of cryptocurrency in general.

Creators expect that due to creation of so convenient safe and useful platform also the general interest in the market of digital currencies will grow. The possibility of association of a bulletin board with e-commerce by the platform will attract in favor of cryptocurrency even those users who used before Fiat

In addition, creation of FLOGmall will cause formation of separate category of cryptocurrency users – those who uses her for purchase or sale of goods online. At what not important there will be it initially those who in this industry long ago or those who about cryptocurrency until recently and didn't hear.

We will continue to speak about FLOGmall in the following part of the review in which we will tell about that as the platform will look as through her to work to each of participants (the buyer, the private seller and shop retailer) and what advantages in it.

Besides we learn about plans of creators concerning further life of FLOGmall and why it is necessary to participate in the kraudseyl of tokens of MLC.

 WEB:  flogmall.com 

Whitepaper: https://flogmall.com/wp/

Social communication: 




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Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1058023 

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 68152.98
ETH 3536.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.86