in #ico6 years ago

The ABLE project is the decentralized cryptofinancial platform.

The project purpose — to create the platform based on a blockchain for management of cryptocurrency finance and the private capitals.

The project will provide cryptofinancial decisions the satisfying requirements as the party of demand and the party of the offer.


The ABLE project has been offered for providing an alternative to the usual bank structure based on a difference in interest rates for the credits and deposits and solutions of problems with initial cryptocurrency banking services.

The business model based on a difference between interest rates for the credits and at to which deposits the bank works as the intermediary between investors and borrowers is characteristic of banks. This structure allows banks to accept deposits on low interest rates and to give money on credit on high interest rates getting profit at the expense of a difference.

The existing banking services on the basis of cryptocurrencies are provided by means of the centralized structure.

The combination of irrationally high interest rates and the centralized services does banks subject to risk of dishonesty of managers and hacking of the central servers. The lack of integrated solutions in the cryptoforeign exchange market doesn't allow users to get acquainted with various banking services.

ABLE seeks to solve these problems applying technology of the decentralized blockchain. By development of a search engine of coincidence which selects investors and borrowers on a peer-to-peer basis the project directly unites investors and borrowers without any intermediaries.

Due to elimination of intermediaries and credit spread cryptocurrency interest rates will be defined by means of the mutual agreement between users in the free market and the stipulated rates will serve as market interest rates.

Investors will be able to try to obtain higher rates than in the centralized market whereas borrowers are able to take money on credit at lower rates thanks to what the safe scenario will be created. As investment and crediting happens under control of smart contracts the project will exclude a possibility of risk of dishonesty of managers and hacking of the central servers.

The existing cryptocurrency bank services offer deposits and the credits separately without uniting investors and borrowers. These services have such shortcomings as impossibility to provide steadily high interest rates for deposits. They can't soften or eliminate intermediary risks as their structure is founded on the centralized model.

ABLE directly unites users mainly by means of the account and allows to carry out a number of financial transactions such as payment of the salary and investment of money being guided by smart contracts.

First of all the project seeks for use of technology of the decentralized blockchain to functions of management of finance and the private capitals;

 to direct binding of supply and demand by means of the account on a peer-to-peer basis;

 and also to formation of reliable system.

He is aimed at consecutive creation of the internal decentralized exchange and the subsequent development to the platform on which development and use of smart contracts for services for management of finance and the private capitals is possible.

 At the initial stages of the development the ABLE project provides:

 Injection  / crediting — the mechanism for search of coincidence between investors and borrowers;

Payment of the salary and credit rating / loans — payment service for payment of the salary in cryptocurrency and credit rating for support of loans;

Service of the simplified payment and money transfer — service of the simplified address of the account and reserve money transfer;

Investment — the investment into the initial offer of coins (ICO) based on the account under control of the smart contract. The project offers the financial algorithm of interaction based on the account which includes the credits, money transfers, charge of the salary and investment.

The fundamental principle of decentralization consists in division of value between the actual participants at simultaneous elimination of unnecessary intermediaries from this business model. The search engine of coincidence which directly connects investors and borrowers on a peer-to-peer basis allows investors and borrowers to share actual value.

Whereas in case of a traditional banking system of a rate are determined by banks as intermediaries by deposits and the credits the ABLE mechanism for search of coincidence between investors and borrowers allows the last to participate in process of definition of suitable rates.

As the existing cryptoforeign exchange market of banking services usually is focused either on deposits or on the credits to provide sufficient liquidity and volume of trade operations it appears difficult. Nevertheless the market which does possible direct association on a peer-to-peer basis is capable to increase liquidity and volume of trade operations.

Generation of a large number of various cryptocurrency data which are in open access for users such as cryptocurrency short-term interest rates long-term interest rates and volume of trade operations lowers volatility and helps to create a stable cryptocurrency market environment.

Salary smart contract

Mostly personal work is estimated on the basis of the number of the fulfilled hours and productivity. The system of salary payment will focus at first on assessment of period of operation. Then payment of the salary on an annual monthly or weekly basis will be carried out.

Credit assessment

Credit assessment can lean on the fact that data of a blockchain can't be manipulated. At the initial stages on the basis of history of end of salary smart contracts and constancy of income the credit rating is generated. Then based on credit rating the option of advance payments for the salary will be added. The credit rating will be specified on technology of the credit assessment which is based on big data and external information on credit rating.

Issuance of credits on the basis of salary smart contracts

Addition of an option of receiving the credit to the system of salary payment in cryptocurrency allows users to take the credits based on the existing salary smart contracts and using data of credit rating within the account.

The smart contract for management of a state

The team develops such frameworks of smart contracts, necessary for management of means, as generators of trade strategy and tools for the analysis of a portfolio. The commission for services for management of means will involve developers of investment products and to form an ecosystem which will be:

To do possible creation of a number of trade strategy on the basis of the technical indicator.

To create a systematic environment for management of a state, providing smart contracts which provide tools for drawing up a portfolio and the analysis of productivity.

Financial smart contract

Whereas the majority of the credits realizes a search engine of coincidence between investors and demand for various financial services will be satisfied with borrowers by means of financial smart contracts which include long-term loans loans of the large sums peer-to-peer loans provided loans and credit loans.

The provided loans and credit loans based on external data of ABLE will be granted by means of various mechanisms of integration after development of the main network.

Originally financial smart contracts will be made by ABLE then an environment in which developers of various financial products will be able to make financial smart contracts on the basis of a framework for financial smart contracts will be gradually created.


Ticker: ABLE

The accepted currency: ETH, BTC

Initial issue: 25 000 000 000 ABLE

ICO ICO — I round of ICO — II round

The period on June 27 — on July 10, 2018 on July 16 — on August 10, 2018

Hardcap 1,27 000000 3,35 000000

Rate 0,00205 of $ $0,00215

Public sale: 15 000 000 000 ABLE — 60%

Reserve: 3 750 000 000 ABLE — 15%

Remunerations to team: 2 500 000 000 ABLE — 10%

Fund: 2 500 000 000 ABLE — 10%

Marketing and strategic partners: 1 250 000 000 — 5%

Ethereum API interfaces

These API are fundamental to a blockchain Ethereum and a framework of ABLE is created with use of Ethereum API interfaces. Ethereum API interfaces are caused by means of inquiries.

ABLE API interfaces

These API are allocated to API for a blockchain of ABLE and generally provide the same functions as Ethereum API interfaces. Also their number includes additional API which can process personal data and details of clients which are difficult for registering by means of a public blockchain of Ethereum.

Coins of ABLE are intended for support of the ABLE system and are used by suppliers. At registration of the smart contract of a new financial product by means of a framework of ABLE of the coin of the same name are used for payment of the commission for gas which represents a registration contribution.

Thus, for release of new financial products it is necessary to buy constantly ABLE coins from users and suppliers, and continuous purchase of coins for support of system prevents dumping of coins. In addition, when users exchange cryptocurrencies by means of the decentralized ABLE exchange, coins of ABLE are used as service charges. And at last, users can use ABLE coins for payment of the products or services offered by suppliers of ABLE.


Proof of authentication / author 

Bitcointalk profile:;u=1058023


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60429.37
ETH 2327.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52