Elcoin! ICO and bounty.

in #ico7 years ago

What is ELCoin?

The goal of the project is to contribute to solving a number of problems that occur in the world medicine. We offer a comprehensive solution that is based on world scientific knowledge and proprietary developments in the field of diagnostics, treatment, prevention of a wide range of diseases, including the most common ones - cardiovascular diseases.

The release of the devices will successfully complement the creation of a decentralized system of blockchain medicine, aiming to expand the availability of medical services, improve their quality, reliability, and disseminate the maximum amount of information related to human health within the community.

Thanks to our project, the community will have access to a qualitatively new level of healthcare and longevity, as already hundreds of thousands of people have, who use the technologies and equipment produced by our company.

Developed Equipment

Apparatus “QUANTUM”


Symbiosis of age-old scientific knowledge and the most up-to-date technologies in the field of cosmetology;

Effectively restores human skin, gives the skin firmness and rejuvenation;

Favorably affects the body;

Saves time. There is no need to regularly attend procedures in the salons. It is convenient to carry out procedures at home;

Saves money. The cost of a course of similar impact, consisting of several sessions in the clinic can reach several thousand USD. The cost of the device does not exceed 1000 USD;

Portability. The device can be taken in travels, trips;

Support for the user through online counsultations and the developed Blockchain Medical Platform;

Convenient quantum radiator, the device is equipped with a Li-Ion battery;

User-friendly interface, Colorful touchscreen display;

The device is made of special medical materials;

Several modifications with the number of programs from 40 to 100.

How the device works

The device emits light pulses of a different frequency and power depending on the selected program through a quantum accessory. In this case, the device affects Collagen and Elastin - proteins, which are the components of connective tissue, ensuring the strength, flexibility and elasticity of our skin.

The process of recovery of these proteins past the age of 25-30 is significantly slowed down, after which the skin ceases to be as elastic, begins to age. This property of the effect on proteins was obtained in the course of various tests and testing of our equipment, especially when working on restoring the joints, since collagen is contained in joint cartilage.

Under the influence of light in the skin molecules, light energy is converted into thermal energy, which leads to the destruction of pigmented formations, the disappearance of dilated vessels, returning radiant purity and elasticity to the skin. This technology is an effective, safe and painless method, which makes it possible to get rid of wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, edema, pigment spots, vascular asterisks, etc.
However, the effectiveness of the device is not limited only to exposure to human skin. By affecting certain points on the face and the auricles of the person, where the projections of the organs are located, the device gives an effect similar to acupuncture - a point massage, which has been studied in ancient China, Vietnam and India.

Famous English neurologist Henry Head described in detail the areas of skin in which diseases of internal organs are reflected. Such zones are called zones. By affecting the points, the device smoothes wrinkles not only by affecting collagen, but also through beneficial effects on various organs. As it is known, the wrinkles on the face are affected not only by the cessation of collagen production, but also by the malfunctioning of the organs and systems of the body.

With the help of Quantum, it is possible to restore different areas of the skin from various injuries, including burns,
scars, other mechanical injuries, as well as various manifestations on the skin.

One of the biggest advantages of our project is the fact, that it is based on a real and working production business. The company is established in 1993 in Moscow. The main kind of activity is production of wellness and medical equipment, consultations and training. We are working with the number of doctors and practitioners from different countries. In 2015 we decided to begin transferring our main activities to European Union. The same year we registered the company in Riga, Latvia under the name Scientific and Production Enterprise
(S.P.E. ELIS).

To date, modern technologies in the field of telecommunications and data transmission are increasingly being used in medicine. The most obvious example is telemedicine, which is developing very rapidly. According to the WHO definition: Telemedicine is the provision of health services in a situation where distance is a critical factor by health workers using information and communication technologies to exchange the necessary information for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education of health professionals in the interest of improving public health and the development of local communities.

The WHO conducted a large-scale study on telemedicine. It revealed both its positive aspects, and a great potential for growth, as well as a number of obstacles to its spread. The following advantages can be attributed to indisputable advantages:

  • Telemedicine has a great potential to reduce the uncertainty of diagnoses, as well as to improve clinical management practices and the provision of medical services around the world by increasing accessibility, quality, efficacy of treatment and cost-effectiveness;

  • Telemedicine can be very useful for traditional communities living in remote and rural areas with low availability of medical services;

  • The results of the studies indicate important socio-economic benefits for patients, their families, health workers and the entire health care system.

The WHO regards the following factors as obstacles:

  • A complex of human and cultural factors. Some patients and health professionals are resistant to models that are different from traditional approaches or local practices, while others are not sufficiently literate in using ICT to effectively use telemedicine methods;

  • The most significant obstacle is the linguistic and cultural differences between patients and providers of health services;

  • Legal issues;

Hyperledger Fabric is built by The Linux Foundation, in collaboration with IBM and many other enterprises. It is designed for organizations that need to meet confidential obligations to each other without passing everything through a central authority and ensuring confidentiality, scalability and security.

At least seven well known banks have selected Hyperledger Fabric to address the challenge of managing, tracking and securing domestic and international trade transactions. ELCoin Blockchain Medical Platform brings this technology to provide state of the art solutions to health record problems. By digitizing health records and empowering users we can leverage countless industry synergies. As an example, users could license access to their health record to pharmaceutical companies in exchange for tokens.

Financing the project is required to implement the following stages.

First stage. Q1 2018 Q1 2019.
Required amount: US$ 9.530.000. Items of expenditure in the first stage:

Second stage. Q3 2019 Q4 2020.
Required amount: US$ 8.600.000. Items of expenses in the second stage:
Third stage. Starting in Q1 2021
Required amount: US$ 11.170.000. Items of expenses in the third stage:
We decided to resort to the ICO for a number of reasons.

  1. When obtaining loans from banks, a security deposit is required, which can several times exceed the requested amount of the loan itself.

  2. When receiving funds through various investment funds, investors ask for a large percentage of the company's share to be transferred to their management. This leads to loss of control over the processes of enterprise management, transfer of know-how, developments and technologies to the investor, which is not affordable.

  3. We plan that payment for the services of the medical blockchain system developed by us will be made through the release of ELCoin.

Our project is long-term and promising in terms of profitability and meeting the growing demand in the field of diagnostics, treatment and recovery. As holders of the part of ELCoin, we are interested in the constant growth of its value, which in turn will lead to a constant increase in the income of investors from the ownership of ELCoin. To this end, we are planning a series of actions that will be aimed at a significant growth of ELCoin. Also, a variety of factors will influence the growth of value.

  1. ELCoin is backed with real, unique and highly liquid products - medical and recreational devices, technologies and patents

  2. Carrying out further development and research with subsequent launch of products on the market

  3. Payment for the use of the blockchain platform is effected by ELCoin only.

  4. Within the first 3 months after the release of the devices their sale is carried out only using ELCoin

  5. Constant growth of the company due to expansion of sales markets

  6. Constant attraction of new platform users, including by increasing the number of devices sold

  7. Creation the proprietary network of health centers, which is intended to expand the range of services offered and to increase capitalization

Owners of ELCoins are fully protected, as they can always decide, whether to exchange ELCoins for real products with a discount, or keep them for further actions.

The project has not only an attractive and highly profitable financial side, but also a high social importance and responsibility as it is meant to increase the availability of medical and healthcare services, to improve the diagnostics capabilities of various diseases, in particular cardiovascular diseases, to enhance the quality of life, to significantly increase the rate of healing and timely assistance.

Specially developed application

Decentralized data storage

Combines physicians, experts and patients

Conducting training and educational webinars for physicians, patients, specialists

Substantial improvement of the quality and reliability of diagnostics through the exchange of information between professionals

Ability to prescribe more accurate comprehensive treatment programs for patients

Increasing the availability of medical and health services for people all over the world

Raising the awareness of physicians and experts about the most up-to-date methods of diagnostics and treatment

The age of the Earth's population is of great importance. By 2050, it is estimated that more than 22% of the world's population will be over 60, given the fact that by that time the world's population could reach 9 billion people
A significant part of the costs are spent on medical and recreational equipment. A new report by Visiongain predicts the global medical devices market will reach $398.0 billion in 2017. That industry generated $321.0bn in 2012, and its revenues will show strong growth to 2023. (Visiongain is a business information provider based in London, UK).

Today, medicine is divided into 2 main groups - Conventional medicine and Complementary medicine.

Our company works in both fields, trying as far as possible to cover the widest possible market. The figures for the volume of the conventional medicine market are given above. In its turn, complementary medicine is also an attractive enough and expanding market, which at the moment is experiencing a significant shortage of high-quality, effective and professional equipment, and especially portable devices for personal daily use. Therefore, one of the operation areas of our company is the supply of equipment for medicine, which is considered to be complementary.

According to the European Commission, more than 65% of the population of the European Union at least once resorted to the services of complementary medicine. More than 360,000 experts work in the EU market in thousands of clinics. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 100 million people in Europe use the services of complementary medicine. Much more services of such medicine are used in North America, Australia, Asia, and Africa.

**For ELCoin holders the following additional bonuses are provided: **

  1. 25% discount for the devices when exchanging for ELCoin as well as for ICO participants.

  2. Priority for the purchase of any equipment and services of the company for ICO participants and ELCoin holders.

  3. Priority and discounts for treatment and accommodation in the company's healthcare centers in case of payment by ELCoin and also for ICO participants.

  4. In case of an IPO and a share issue, the opportunity to exchange ELCoin for shares of the company, becoming a co-owner of the company.

ELC is a digital token, a powerful tool that rewards the users of the community and the content platform. This digital token can be exchanged for fiat money (Dollars, Euros, Yuan, etc. ) in jurisdictions where such exchange is legal, or for other crypto-currencies (Bitcoin, Ether, etc.) on various crypto currency exchanges after the initial sale of tokens. The expected value of a token is US$1 for each ELC (the value of the token in the fiat currency is provided for comparison purposes only, fiat money cannot be accepted during the initial placement of the ELC token. It can be purchased only for crypto currencies such as BTC, ETH, LTC and others).

Name: ELCoin

Ticket: ELC

Based on: Ethereum

Technical characteristics:

  • A total of 60,000,000 ELCs will be released. Additional releases of tokens are not planned, so over time the number of tokens will decrease, which will lead to an increase in demand.

Tokens will be created using the ERC20 smart contract. The system integrity will be built on the personal interests of the token owners. Owners of more tokens will have a greater power of decisions in the community and determination of development of ELIS.

High-speed network, with transactions carried out within a minute. Votes based on Ethereum technologies: the ELC token will use a blockchain to ensure true decentralization. The ability to create accounts with multiple signatures will be available in a few clicks. Fixed commissions will simplify pricing. You will not need to calculate the amount of the commission each time.The API and documentation for working with smart contracts will be available through the blockchain. A user-friendly interface makes the way from the idea to the solution simple and does not require special


20% of the funds from ELC distribution during the Distribution Period will be reserved by the Company. The reserve will be stored in the form of a differentiated portfolio of major crypto currencies. Information on the structure of the reserve and its status will be publicly available. This protection will last for 12 months, after which the reserve is put at the disposal of the Company. The tokens purchased in this way become the property of the Company.

ELIS is committed to the full transparency of all processes, not limited to the open source code. We will use the following possibilities for this:

We will ensure annual audits by means of one of the best accounting companies.

To stabilize the token, the founders and employees owning ELC will not be able to sell more than 20% of their tokens during the first half of calendar year. This will ensure that their interests are in accordance with the objectives of the community.

Reserved tokens will not be available for any operations other than future token sales. The cost of ELC tokens in future sales will be determined based on the market price on the exchange.

Approval of community decisions will be organized using voting based on smart contracts. Such votes will be able to approve unlocking reserves, changing rules for club members, or other changes affecting the community.

A minimum threshold for the successful initial sale of tokens will be set. Also, several thresholds will be set, and if any of them is not reached, the funds received in excess of the previous threshold will be automatically returned to the wallets of the senders. These tokens will be added to the volume of tokens at the next sale. If the maximum threshold is reached, all funds transferred beyond the threshold will be returned to the recipients.

Executive Team



Scientific and Production Enterprise ELIS.
Head of the European Headquarter.
Msc in Management Science.
PhD candidate in the field of Theory of
Used to work as development manager at DB Schenker.
Has essential experience in managing big international projects

Director. Crypto Technologies.
Responsible for development of Crypro Projects
Economist, Project Manager, Developer of finansial technologies in
banking, state and investment areas.
Founder and General Director of the group of companies under the brand
LavinaGroup (investments, property, IT) Has essential experience in big project management. Mail.ru Group.

Advisors and Partners

Prof., MD. Cardiologist. Author of more than 230 scientific works. Among his students there are more than 40 Doctors of Medical Sciences. Member of the European Society of Cardiology. Russia.
Msc. Founder of Totalhealth Clinics. Holistic Health Practitioner and Bioresonance Therapy. UK.
Elismed clinics, owner, senior health specialist. Msc at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Bulgaria and Greece
Doctor Cardiologist of the highest category, pulmonologist, therapist, specializes in diagnostics, treatment of various diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory, urinary and other body systems. Russia.
Academician, Prof., MD, Academician of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation.
Head of the Department of Clinical Physiology of Non-Drug Methods of Therapy at the Faculty of Advanced Training of
Medical Workers, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Doctor Therapist, expert in bioresonance technologies, dietarian and nutritionist, homeopath, masseur,gastroenterologist, Ultrasound diagnostician. Russia
Site https://elcoin.io/

Whitepapper https://elcoin.io/White_Paper%200.9_v3.pdf

Bitcointalk https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2376947.0

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/elcoinio/

Twitter https://twitter.com/ELCOIN_IO

My bitcointalk account https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1184171

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BTC 58633.15
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.31