10 Days to the AidCoin ICO: Register NOW

in #ico7 years ago



The Aidcoin ICO, starting on January 16, is getting the non-profit sector very excited. The community has been growing rapidly across all of our social channels with now more than 2,300 members on Telegram. We think you should join too!

While the word about AidCoin is spreading quickly, we put a few lines together to tell you more and keep you updated on the journey.

First things first, it’s important to highlight that the main issue affecting the non-profit sector is a sharp decrease in donor’s trust driven by a continuous string of scandals including gross inefficiencies, corruption and misuse of funds. It’s no surprise that 43% of people don’t trust charities. However, the adoption of new technologies can mitigate, if not solve that.

At AidCoin, we are committed to developing a new ecosystem of services to positively impact the whole non-profit sector including donors, charities and causes.

What is Aidcoin all about?
AidCoin is the ERC20 token that aims to become the preferred method to donate transparently through the Ethereum blockchain and to access the ecosystem of services provided by the AIDChain platform. Using distributed ledgers to track transactions, cryptocurrencies to transfer funds and smart contracts to ensure donations are spent correctly, we are determined to make the nonprofit sector more transparent. We believe AidCoin is ideally placed to play a leading role in this new era of charitable giving.

AIDChain – the new platform for the non-profit sector: donors, charities and more
AidChain will allow the non-profit community to connect while allowing full transparency and traceability of donations. AIDChain’s services include an internal exchange to convert major cryptocurrencies into AidCoin, a built-in wallet to store and donate easily, an explorer to track donations transparently, tools to connect donors with all the actors involved in the non-profit sector and templates of smart contracts to run fundraising campaigns.

As they say, an image tells more than a 1,000 words. We tend to agree but at the same time read through the points below. We made it short, promised!


Donors can register anonymously or with different levels of their personal data choosing the preferred privacy settings. They can access their private dashboard to manage personal data, view info related to charitable donations, request receipts for tax deduction purposes and much more.

The AIDChain platform connects directly to the Ethereum blockchain to track AidCoin transactions, ensuring full transparency on the use of the donated funds and providing relevant information such as donation amount, timestamp, donor and recipient address and name (if public). The team will be developing an advanced tracking system called Donation Tracking System (DTS). For example, thanks to the “send and notify” option embedded in the platform wallet, donors will be able to receive notifications for every step of the donation flow.

Creating a vibrant and engaged community is equally important for the future success of the non-profit sector. AIDChain will help donors to connect with all the actors involved, providing them with tools to facilitate new types of collaborations. Donors will be able to search, discover and review charities, causes and projects on a single platform.

AIDChain will allow donors to convert major cryptocurrencies into AidCoin at the current exchange rate, while the built-in wallet will allow every registered user to easily manage and store AidCoin tokens without using external services. Donors will be able to convert major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Dash and ERC20 tokens into AidCoin with the aim to add an increasing number of cryptocurrencies and also fiat currencies in the future.

What are you waiting for? Register NOW at www.aidcoin.co - ICO start January 16.

You need more information about the project? Check our whitepaper and get aboard the charitable giving of the future.

Join the growing AidCoin community to discuss the project. Get involved and spread the word with your contacts and favorite charities!

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So apparently you are interested in creating your own content here, but if someone tries to make you some free advertising you ignore them, both here and on linkedin.

Good to know you appreciate the effort...

I really like your idea of the AIDchain.
I wish you all the best for it! :-)

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