HUSSY.IO: Distributed support structure!

in #ico6 years ago

Hallo meet again with me sarta afdal, I will explain Blog I will introduce about HUSSY.IO project, and for more details let's go to the following discussion:

Red Light Legal, which offers legal representation to anyone who engages in sex trade, conducts an online introduction to your skill in the rights to create arrest plans. Anti-sex laws often prevent support groups from providing security resources to vulnerable sex workers, equating any assistance with pimping, harassing or encouraging trafficking in persons; When sex work is not a crime, these groups can easily assist sex workers. The criminalization and aggressive struggle against any sexual work is pushing sex workers to work under the ground and in an unsafe environment, possibly creating new victims of trafficking and making sex work less safe. Yet in practice, the true goals of the war on human trafficking were marginal, low-income sex work consensualists whose livelihoods and ability to remain safe for a long time depended on resources that had been erased from the Internet in order to end trafficking. It seems worth asking why exactly members of Congress can cross the passage when it means adopting legislation that suppresses freedom of speech and reduces the safety of women and men who simply make a living - although the actual, proven decision in practice to make sex work to more safely and effectively combat trafficking in human beings, rejected by liberal feminists and conservative Christians. A broad group of groups, including Amnesty International, Freedom Network USA, the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women, Human Rights Watch, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, the International Coalition on Women's Health and numerous advocacy groups and support groups for sex workers, supported decriminalization, that eliminating the possibility of arrest is the best way to ensure security and effectively combat trafficking in human beings. They specified that sex workers prefer to trade with friends, entertainment, fetish games and other services with adults, and those who are victims of trafficking are forced to provide such services against their will. Clients of the upper cortex can be sex workers on sites that provide screening services for high-profile "adult comrades". Middle Joe, on the other hand, can find more economical options in the "escort" section on other sites. Understanding this reality is the key to combating the scourge of trafficking in our country. Sex trade across America is a more hidden activity, hidden in the commercial sex industry, which has flourished for decades in our country, as well as in a clear form under the guilt of legitimate businesses. This development takes place almost a month after the House of Representatives agreed to allow states and victims to fight the law on sexual contact with women or FOSTA on a vote of 388-25 persons by placing or posting advertisements for online prostitution of federal crime. As their sponsors claim, they are aggressive legislation that will help destroy traffickers who force vulnerable women and minors into having sex against their will - a mission that most of us can handle. A related bill aimed at stopping banking services to "traffickers" found the same broad support, skipping 408-2 in the House, and convergence in the Senate seems very likely. It is likely that these laws will be challenged in court and, ultimately, challenged: Lawyers argue that, in particular, the initial bill, which targets a wide range of sex-related issues, defined as "trafficking in persons", is more likely will reduce freedom of speech by encouraging online platforms To censor its users than to combat trafficking in persons. For those for whom sex work was the only sensible option, this meant resorting to street sex work or using the services of a potentially offensive pimp or agency, landing in a situation where the war on trafficking claimed that it was protecting them. In a statement sent to the Senate Trade Committee last November, they claimed: "Internet service providers can not and should not be criminally liable only for facilitating the speech of others, even if the elements of these reports are repulsive or even illegal." The organization added that such responsibility would actually make it difficult to identify criminal activities. Its authors and supporters created section 230 as a loophole which allows websites to use forums that "knowingly help, facilitate or support sex trade." Without free online forums, sex workers of all kinds will lose access to resources that can help them both survive and thrive. According to one of John, a former journalist and current media relations specialist, "I do not pay for sex, I pay for another experience and leave later." This "John" is one of many people who call themselves "amateurs" or "merchants" on online erotic review forums. The central difference between conciliatory prostitution and sexual trafficking is the use of force, fraud or coercion for exploitation. Alex Empire, who moderated the sub-editorial title "Sex Workers," received a message from the administrator of reddit zippylooda, warning her that "any message that could facilitate the connection of sex sellers and sex buyers would be a violation" of the update for the content of the reddit policy.

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