Arcona: Revolutionary augmented reality ecosystem

in #ico6 years ago

Arcona Ecosystem is building up another Digital Land which is a layer of Augmented Reality created by joining the physical and virtual universes shaping another element that is connected to this present reality. This land is made for the ordinary client to have an intuitive involvement with augmented, virtual and blended reality interactive media content in certifiable areas.

Arcona is not located anywhere in our real world, but it is also not a usual virtual world without any connection to reality. This superb project is a pioneer in merging these two worlds and providing all its users with a new, exciting and maybe even life-changing experience. This type of project is so new and futuristic that I am not even sure how to call it, maybe term augmented digital reality fantasy land is the most accurately describing what Arcona is.


Real highlights include:

• Setup remotely;

• Build and exchange;

• Property that is sheltered.

Remote setup

Arcona gives anybody a chance to fabricate virtual ventures anyplace in the Digital Land that they claim. Also nobody needs to leave home. Simply pick the most well known and most went to spots and get it. There you can make entire universes all alone Digital Land. Fabricate a virtual resort, or make a Disneyland compose venture. What about another town – you may be restricted by your own creative ability.

Fabricate and trade

The world market will be accessible to you in the new Digital World. Buy, offer, and rent your Digital Land or your computerized errand. Make a virtual resort and after that offer it. You can benefit on creative energy; making and subsequently offering stunning substance

Safe property

All the shrewd contact on the blockchain is securing the copyright and property rights are guaranteed. The structure by then will have the ability to therefore send greatness portions to creators of the substance and moreover rent to computerized asset proprietor. To take in additional about Digital Land and how you can be incorporated go to

Huge Asset

The huge asset of this Arcona ecosystem will be Digital Land in light of the measures of the blockchain. The land use rules are delineated in the Ethereum brilliant contract. You are then prepared to buy your own specific package in return for an ERC20 standard token which is the Arcona. This is all cryptocurrency, yet all cryptocurrency has a motivating force in all actuality.

Get included

You are in all probability thinking "For what reason should I buy advanced land?" Owning an incredible arrangement or heap of Digital Land is a charming foundation especially for those individuals who are imaginative and can develop a beneficial business. You can make that house you have always required and a business. You can change the world and develop the dominant part of this, an enormous number of kilometers from you, even on another terrain.

Your territory

In case it's your property – it's similarly your models. Each piece of computerized arrive is associated with a specific region in the physical world. This is the place you will attract various people to confer to them the results of all your determined work. You can amass a hotel and contract some individual to run it.

In your territory, you can have remarkable events, shows, and presentations; make beguilements, open virtual stores. Advanced Land is your advantage and you might be obliged by your innovative capacity.

You require Digital Land especially if you have to make these enlarged reality broadens wherever on this virtual planet.

Who will use Arcona, and why?
You may want to use Arcona just to boost your creativity and create amazing worlds for you, but also for all other Arcona users to admire and enjoy them. You can also visit places all over this fantasy land and see what others have created, communicate with them, get to know them and maybe start some new virtual Arcona project together. Arcona is a great choice also for all entrepreneurs, and people with a wish to create something profitable in this augmented digital reality land and make a real profit from it.

ICO details

• Total tokens to issue: 100,000,000

• Token make: ERC20

• Base assessing: 1 Token equal 1 USD

• Hard Cap: $35M

• ICO beginning: November 27, 201

• ICO completing date: December 27, 2017

• No tokens will be issued after ICO

Focuses for 2018

to start with Quarter - This quarter will see the dispatch of a business focus and the Arcona unit of record, and change packs will be accessible to be bought. Closeouts for the offer of land for holders of tokens will begin.

second Quarter – The dispatch of AR watcher show and the applications with rewards for scouts and analyzers.

second from last Quarter – The dispatch of the specific model for the AR Grid and remote arranging instruments for convenient stages.

final Quarter – The dispatch of AR Viewer and begin a program to premium customers with field errands for picking up the Arcona tokens

Arcona tokens

Arcona tokens are proportionate to what the computerized assets cost and are the broad web cash for the Arcona ecosystem. These tokens will be used for getting of each and every computerized awesome and organizations inside the ecosystem. These Arcona tokens will ensure the structure anticipated that would gather the new computerized layer in honest to goodness space will be done. It will enable this ecosystem to duplicate itself and be stacked with an accumulation of substance. All Arcona token - holders will have the ability to fund the advancement of the ecosystem. They will be given or offered the chances to win portions in tokens for:

• Finishing errand

• Developing programming squares and substance

• Testing the framework

Visit the links below for more information:






Authored by Danny_yell:;u=1273420

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