Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued....The chicken or the egg with the US Congress?

in #ice6 years ago

The  US Congress passes laws.  The Executive branch executes these laws and  the Judicial branch helps define the boundaries of the law when passing  out punishment for those who do not execute or follow the law.  Simple  folks.Maxine Watters and many other  Democrats want to impeach Donald Trump and abolish the Immigration  Customs Enforcement agency [ICE] who it is that protects our borders.  Q  believes that this and other actions will be the END of the Democrat  Party in America.  I hope he/she/they are right.     Open borders will  be the end of the USA as we know it and I fear the same is happening in  Europe.  This is the plan of the DEEP STATE.  To destroy individual  cultures and create the slave state.  Donald Trump was elected to stop  this.


So  Congress is in a pickle with Donald Trump.  They need to pass these  laws in order to get elected every 2 or 4  or 6 years, but lets not  enforce these laws so that their special donor class and the DEEP STATE  can be above the law.  DJT wants to enforce the laws and the hypocrite  US Congress has to get elected while complaining about it!  Well, Maxine  Watters and her crowd want to eliminate ICE, who enforces the laws that  they in Congress passed!  Maxine cannot have her cake and eat it too.   And the folks that bought her 4 million dollar house can no longer live  above the law either.


So  Congress cannot impeach some one for enforcing the law.  Why the  Mainstream Media does not report the facts on this truthfully is another  matter.  We must be winning folks because the hysteria cannot be  explained for any other reason.  4+ percent economic growth, Supreme  Court Appointments to influence our country for the next 40 years.   Appellate and lower court appointments as well.  Building a real border  wall with Mexico whether Congress wants it or not.  76+ members of  Congress retiring, voluntarily or not.  Our political enemies are  committing political suicide and I for one am going to make my popcorn  and enjoy the show.


Even  Obama had something to say on this, but remember he closed ICE  facilities all over the Border States region that made the problem  worse... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrwrsAC3OJk


Tucker Carlson defines the issue with Democrats and ICE.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wiCdQ52Pl0


Q Post 1652Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 35b53c              No.1983529 📁 Jul 1 2018 09:48:43 (EST)

“ICE  executes its mission through the enforcement of more than 400 federal  statutes, and focuses on smart immigration enforcement, preventing  terrorism and combating the illegal movement of people and trade.”https://www.ice.gov📁Abolish ICE?#GoodbyeDemocratsQ


Let us let Maxine have the final word for her own political funeral: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAdhGYboNXI


I just cannot let her have the last word.  Sorry.

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