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RE: Welcome to the IBT Development Zone - Player Vs. Player Trial 3 - Games on Steemit

in #ibt6 years ago

You chose wisely

A default archer will be assigned to you. Should you wish a custom build character simply send 1 Steem to @lordnigel with a Memo stating:
(1) Your preferred character name (steemit name is default)
(2) Your Characters Gender
(3) Spefic features you would like to appear on your character

....If you do ask for a custom char in a few days your default character will be updated. In the meantime you can play by loading credits. To load credits simply transfer at least 0.01 Steem or SBD to @wizardzap with exact memo:for ibtbattle

Type !ibtbattle for your first fight



Available credits: 10
Player total XP is:0
Your progress to the next level:0.00%
lordnigel Lvl 0 Vs. testuser Lvl 0
...Battle in progress, chance of success is:45%

You won the fight!
Attacker XP gained: 56
Defender XP gained: 0

Available credits: 9
Player total XP is:56
Your progress to the next level:56.00%
lordnigel Lvl 0 Vs. testuser Lvl 0
...Battle in progress, chance of success is:45%

You lost the fight!
Attacker XP gained: 0
Defender XP gained: 56

is this correct @doughtaker? you want the defender to get this high amount or 1/3 of this. Right now I'm assuming this is correct...

1/3 of that amount. What you have displayed is the defender's correct base value, which must then be divided by 3 every time.

Available credits: 8
Player total XP is:56
Your progress to the next level:56.00%
lordnigel Lvl 0 Vs. testuser Lvl 0
...Battle in progress, chance of success is:45%

You won the fight!
Attacker XP gained: 56
Defender XP gained: 0

Available credits: 7
Player total XP is:112
Your progress to the next level:37.33%
lordnigel Lvl 1 Vs. testuser Lvl 0
...Battle in progress, chance of success is:55%

Hi Doughtaker is this progress indicator correct - you prefer is to say you have 112 XP or the required 300XP which equals 37.3%...Do you think it would look better if I also did a line that stated your next level up at XX XP?

I think adding that line "your next level up at XXX XP" is a good idea.

The 37.3% is acceptable, I was thinking more along the lines that it was 12/200 = 6%, but your method is not wrong either.

In fact, now that I think about it, the best way to avoid any chance of confusion would be to swap out the progress line for the "Your next level up is at XXX XP" line.

Ok, I think your probably right - display XP vs. percentage although some may prefer to just glance at percentage..I guess I could set both, then make a final choice later, taking a look at it now.

You lost the fight!
Attacker XP gained: 0
Defender XP gained: 65

Defender base XP is correct. But as I mentioned before, I want that number divided by 3 to get the defender's final xp award.

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