Welcome to the IBT Training Grounds - Trial1
Welcome this is a Interactive Battle Tournament (IBT) training ground post (experimental v1.00)
You currently face an enemy spider, Destroy it to win SBD!
The spider is nasty and has 3 hit points.
To play type either: !onearrow or !manyarrows in a reply below and see if you win :)
What is IBT?
IBT is an exclusive Steemit based RPG style game that runs over a series of posts. It takes approx one week to particapate and they run approx once a month.. In between these full tournaments a series of these 'stand alone' quick battle posts will appear approx one a week.
What is the IBT Training Grounds?
The purpose of this post is to allow steemians to have a bit of fun and assist in the ongoing development of the game, in particular fun mini games (single post challenges)
This is the first training ground post, there will be approx one a week until the Next IBT.
Detailed Play Instructions
For this trial you can only play as an Archer.
The Warrior and wizard classes have been disabled.
Quick Summary of attack commands per class are:
Archer attack:
- Quick attack, likely to hit: !onearrow
- Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !manyarrows
A Quick attack will generally always land a hit, but the hit may not be enough to win against the foes indicated hit points. Difficult attacks sometimes fail, but generally are enough to win. Sometimes a character called gobbo may attack you, if this happens you must attack again to defeat him, then attack one last time to beat the Stage foe.
Once you post a reply, with your chosen attack command above, just refresh your screen a special type of Dice bot will reply and tell you what you hit for. If your attack exceeded that of the foe you win! and will share in 50% of the SBD raised by this post.
Misc. Commands.
All pickpocket and other Misc attacks have been disabled.
NOTE: All commands are responded to by the IBT bot @wizardzap. For this training ground @wizardzap is testing how code can be easily moved from full IBT mode to IBT training ground mode. Its testing to see if the bot can provide better in game instructions and it's also testing how it can interact with other Bots, i.e. Gobbo. It's also testing its memory on previous IBT players.
Anyways have fun, type either: !onearrow or !manyarrows in a reply below and see if you win :)
Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above and @ryivhnn for the new upgoats!. 50% of SBD raised will be shared equally to the winning players. The other 50% from this post will be transferred to @wizardzap for power up.
You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:

it almost looked like you were a pro (are you secretly practising?), you pierce the enemy for a a hit of 4 points.
Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; Check if your attack score is greater then the stage foes posted at the top of this page, if it is you win and will be paid SBD at the post payout.
Yay! thanks for playing.
It's helping me test the code for the next tournament, its getting hard now so I have to break it down into chunks :)
My pleasure!
What a show off you are!! Your hands move swiftly, your stance is impeccable, you are cooler than a bucket of ice on a sunny afternoon. An all powerful magic arrow of sparks hits home and your foe crumbles at the mighty 12 point hit you just dealed. Nice! you hit for 12 and totally took out gobbo, you may run !gobbodrop should you wish a bonus item before doing another attack. Your next attack will be against the Stage Foe again
still got it
Yep, that is a win.and damn a pretty bad bug in my code...it shouldnt be talking about gobbo!!...hmnn I'll need to fix that.
Head shot! Your shot is so perfect:

if anyone saw theyd know you are one bad dawg when equipped with a bow, you pierce the enemy for a hit of 6 points!.
Tip: JOb done! thanks for playing; Check if your attack score is greater then the stage foes posted at the top of this page, if it is you win and will be paid SBD at the post payout.
Nicely done :)
You did fairly well yourself.
haha cheers - doh! pity I can't win my own prizes :)
Odins Beard Shakens! You load a deadly fire magic arrow into that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. You do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy... Badluck! you needed to hit for 3 and you hit for 9
Nice you won! I have kept the randomizer separate to protect its integrity (so whatever score appears at the top is your hit). The failure is in the new code, I'll keep trying. Cheers for playing and helping :)
!onearrow - Shoot a single arrow (Archer Class)
!manyarrows - Do a difficult attack (Archer Class)
!gobbodrop - DISABLED loot gobbos carcus
!alistofcommands - Show Manual of available commands.
Tip: This items extra hit points will be added to your attack score
Your about to loud you bow and shoot

unfortunately the strain is too much, you have a heart failure and loss a life. Nice! you hit for 10 and totally took out gobbo, you may run !gobbodrop should you wish a bonus item before doing another attack. Your next attack will be against the Stage Foe again
Damn! seems my gobbo code has really bummed the bot as well...hmmmn
Gobbo makes his best attack.

He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 4.
You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:

Holy Cow! This time it actually flew straight and you pierce the enemey for a hit of 5 points!. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and you hit for 5 you won the fight and may now progress to next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel
Tim Ross almost missed an opportunity to paint the sky with arrows!
What a show off you are!! Your hands move swiftly, your stance is impeccable, you are cooler than a bucket of ice on a sunny afternoon. An all powerful magic arrow of sparks hits home and your foe crumbles at the mighty 12 point hit you just dealed. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and including bonuses from items you hit for 12. You won the fight and may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel
The first thing to test is to make sure that the commands that shouldn't work indeed do not work...
Ok, I didn't test every possible command but I am satisfied that the non-archer classes don't work and that players can't cheat by carrying over their inventory from the end of the last IBT. Boy, that spider looks familiar though... and so should the solution...
Head shot! Your shot is so perfect:

if anyone saw theyd know you are one bad dawg when equipped with a bow, you pierce the enemy for a hit of 6 points!. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and you hit for 6 you won the fight and may now progress to next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel
No surprises here.
Perfect! nice work...the bot worked for you as well! hmmn..
Seems like the bot is working okay for regular attacks but not strong attacks -- on a strong attack, the bot is assuming that the player is trying to fight off a Gobbo.
You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:

Whaaaaaat? INCREDIBLE! You run up to the enemy and deliver a blow that makes the earth shudder, and the sound of impact is heard even in the villages far beyond the horizon. Are you Achilles? You enemy is destroyed by the monstrous blow that delivers a hit of 12 points. Songs of glory will praise your name and legends will tell the story of this battle.
My bad, I used the wrong warrior command (!mightyslash) first and that's how @schopenhauer ended up getting involved. With the correct command, it appears that @wizardzap has properly remained silent.
No worries - all good :)
You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:

it almost looked like you were a pro (are you secretly practising?), you pierce the enemy for a a hit of 4 points. Nice! you needed to hit for 3 and you hit for 4 you won the fight and may now progress to next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel