in #ibt6 years ago (edited)


Well gosh, that was allot of action...but time for a tough final round before we hit the boss

Finally, it's time to travel across the ocean to the castle and kill the Boss Wizard! 

To get across the ocean though you need to rent a you go down to the boat emporium and inquire.

The local rich man wants to sell you lots of added extra's for additional price of course. This guy knows it's the only place to get a boat for a 100 Miles. You'll have to buy what ever he is selling!

Everyone else is poor, but this guy is rich! and he wants $150,000 cash for a boat ride..wt?

As you have no cash your about to give up, this entire epic trip has been for nothing when suddenly @lordnigel has a great idea and asks "Hey, will you take Steem as payment?"

Outraged the old rich man attacks with the best weapons cash money can buy!

He has an attack power of 6 (You must score a hit of 6 or more to win this Stage). 

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): This old greedy man doesn't believe in crypto currency; he thinks it something ugly young people have made-up so they never have to go to work - There is no way he is gonna let you escape the system!

Warrior: Player is oppressed by a stupid cash based system -2 to hit

Wizard:   Player is oppressed by a stupid cash based system -2 to hit

Archer:    Player is oppressed by a stupid cash based system -2 to hit 

STEEM BONUS: A small hope - everyone here has at least some Steem +1 back to all players hit.

Quick Summary of attack commands per class are:

Archer attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !onearrow
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !manyarrows

Wizard attack:  

  • Quick attack, likely to hit:  !mysticzap
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !mysticblast

 Warrior attack:   

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !warriorstab 
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !warriorslash

If gobbo appears you get one shot to defeat him (must use Difficult attack), failure means loss of a life point. If you do win you may pick his pocket as well before immediately resuming your attack on the enemy... as gobbo has run away, the little Git!

NOTE: The attack will only be activated if you type the command in on it's own in a reply.   


!l3 - I have 3 lives

!l2 - I have 2 lives

!l1 - I have 1 life left 

!ibtluckydip - I want to summon my permanent level0 item please (must transfer steem)

!openpockets - Steal from the foe, could be good or bad, the item counts only for the stage you snagged it.

!special - Use the special attack available at level 1 (needs a trophy)

I know it sounds like allot of work and even a bit complicated - But it's actually heaps of fun, try to remember this is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing vital on the field testing :)  

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above, Extra Special thanks to @doughtaker our field judge and other contributors and players that upvote and participate to help to make this a fun community event. Other images were captured from the abandonware game dune2.  100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack.  


This rich jerk with cool threads is gonna be terminated

..but first surely he has something of value in his pocket.


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!


Typical....taking, taking, taking! no give.hehe

You have all 3 life points:


You load your bow with 3 arrows and shoot
Nice! At least 2 of them fly in the right direction and deal some damage, its a hit of 8 points!

It's time again for the Joy of Painting special IBT edition.

Today, we are going to try an paint ourselves a flawless victory so we can level up for the boss round! Let's get started and have some fun!

You have all 3 life points:

Tim Ross holds item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!

This grumpy money grubber needs some serenity in his life. Maybe the Joy of Painting is what he lacks... that money could never buy (crypto or fiat!) I believe that I can teach this man how to find the beauty and joy of painting in return for a heavily discounted travel expense!

You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but clip the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice!

Paging @aussieninja... less than 20 hours left until Stage 6 closes. Also, please check the Stage 3 post for my answer to your inquiry.


Doen with the rich kids, the revolution begins now!


The Archer holds item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


Look at that! Obtained item 5: Grub! +2 to players hit!



You quickly draw an arrow and shoot:
its not the best shot ever lol!, but hopefully no-one was watching. You pierce the enemy for a hit of 3 points

Hey @bengy IBT8 is on if keen

Oh yes! In!

Medivh:"How about some magic?"

You have all 3 life points:


Look at that! Obtained item 1: Grub! +2 to players hit!



Medivh holds item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


LEVEL ONE! Your awesome!!:


Kentaur holds item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!


Kentaur holds item 4: Grub! +2 to players hit!

Upset about the economic fiat oppression Kentaur starts to grind her gum! She takes aim thinking of the anti crypto philosophy of this individual...


Steemit is having problems with posting again tonight/today... try editing the comment with no changes and see if that can successfully bring out a response.

Thank you. I thought it might not have recognized that I leveled up.

You use your inner energy to prepare for a killer blow:



Odins Beard Shakens! You load a deadly fire magic arrow into that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. You do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...

Ibt8 is on if keen :)

How dare you!? Cash? Nooo, Ill go ham on you!

You have all 3 life points:


Look at that! Obtained item 1: Grub! +2 to players hit!


Aha, I knew ye pockets wasnt your children! Now take this!

hehe couldn't hide it from you.

No, haha ;)


You summon up your inner energy and fail to produce a lightening spell:
devistated by your own lack of skill, you manage a self destruct spell and leave it for the pros - you lose a life!

IBT8 has started if keen :)

BuRgEr MeCh is having audio issues and can't hear what this flamboyant human is trying to say. BM runs a visual image scan...

and according to the movement of the man's mouth he is saying....

"Now start to see it, the moist opposum guy is going poop."

Does not compute or sound like anything BuRgEr MeCh would like to see but the man will not move.
Battle Mode Activate!

You have all 3 life points:

Yes!...Obtained item 8: Adv. Helm of the Doge! +2 to players hit!


You draw your sword and prepare to do a magical overhead swing
You mess up the booster spell and zap yourself - You loose a life

Sweet lip reading scans batman!

How dare you to sabotage new technology! Stick Archer for the rescue!

You have all 3 life points:


Look at that! Obtained item 1: Grub! +2 to players hit!



Odins Beard Shakens! You load a deadly fire magic arrow into that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. You do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...

Ba bam! Take that grumpy old guy!

Exactly! what a sick old guy..hehe

Keen for ibt8?


You have all 3 life points:

Winifred van Schneedle is not impressed and hisses through her clenched teeth. It sounds like she says "Steeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmm"

She decides that "No one disses Steem. No one!" and prepares for battle against this crypto misanthrope.


You draw your sword and prepare to do a magical overhead swing
You mess up the booster spell and zap yourself - You loose a life


You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Whaaaaaat? INCREDIBLE! your sword is on fire and burning with power... You run up to the enemy and deliver a blow that makes the earth shudder and the sound impact is heard even in the villages far beyond the Horizon. Are you Achilles? Your enemy is destroyed by the monstrous blow that delivers a hit of 12 points. Songs of Glory will praise your name and Legends will tell the story of this battle.

I agree completely. 😵

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