in #ibt6 years ago


Finally, it's time to travel across the ocean to the castle and kill the Boss Wizard!

There is a fleet of boats waiting for you and your all treated like royalty as you approach..

A group of strange people are cheering, some are holding up "I love you!" signs, while many are screaming and crying out you names....Seems your pretty popular in these parts. 

...You board the ship and make the voyage across.

Just as the castle is spotted in the distance, the crew of the ship turns on you!

"The Wizard has paid us well to make sure you never see the castle!".

Damn! out here your loyal fans can't aid you, the crew of the ship are armed and well trained.

The crew hits for a 6 (You must score a hit of 6 or more to win this Stage). 

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): I hope you can swim! the crew has caught you all by surprise!

Warrior: Player -1 to your hit point score

Wizard: Player -1 to your hit point score

Archer: Player -1 to your hit point score

Game Instructions - Quick summary of the battle process:

1. You need to self manage your character, you have 3 life points (3 attempts) to defeat the foe

  • To display your life points, type a reply !l3. As you lose fights, display your current life points for others to see, i.e !l2 and then !l1.
  • BOT BACKUP COMMANDS: In the event the bot doesn't activate there type !l3b or !l3c or just type in your reply how many lives you have left.Please delete/edit commands that don't work to keep the page tidy.

2. Optional Pickpocket time - You may attempt to pickpocket the enemy, you must do this before they are dead.

  • To pick the pocket of your foe, type a reply !openpockets. Then wait to see what you get, it could be a positive or negative item. 
  • BOT BACKUP COMMANDS: In the event the bot doesn't activate try !openpocketsb or !openpocketsc or finally try !picksomepockets and trusty old @schopenhauer will help is out :)  - Please if possible delete/edit commands that don't work, before trying a backup, it will help to keep the page tidy.

3. Optional Item use time - You may have purchased an item from the item shop  and wish to use it for this Stage. To begin all players are player level 0, so the only items you may purchase are level0. Level0 items only stay for the Stage you purchased them and then the item is consumed. Level 0 items are randomly summoned, to do this.

  • Transfer 0.01 Steem to the @wizardzap bot. Doing this will also have the bot upvote your other steemit posts while you remain a IBT player
  • Type in a reply below !ibtluckydip - Then just wait and see what level 0 item you luck, most are +1 to hit, none are negative items. 
  • BOT BACKUP COMMANDS: In the event the bot doesn't activate there type !ibtluckydipb or !ibtluckydipc or finally try !picksomepockets (and take the first positive item, you may need to run a couple of times)  - Please if possible delete/edit commands that don't work to keep the page tidy.

4.You need a clean reply to complete an attack

Quick Summary of attack commands per class are:

Archer attack:  

  • Quick attack, likely to hit: !onearrow
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !manyarrows

BACKUP BOT COMMANDS: In the event the above doesn't work try the same command with a b or a c at the end (finally try ! !sendanarrow  or  !sendabunchofarrows ) 

Warrior attack:  

  • Quick attack, like to hit: !warriorstab 
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !warriorslash

BACKUP BOT COMMANDS: In the event the above doesn't work try the same command with a b or a c at the end (finally try !mightystab or !mightyslash) 

Wizard attack:

  • Quick attack, like to hit:  !mysticzap
  • Difficult attack, may not hit, but hits for allot: !mysticblast

BACKUP BOT COMMANDS: In the event the above doesn't work try the same command with a b or a c at the end (finally try !magiczap or !magicblast) 


Should you win 2 Stages on the first attempt, type !upgrade1 to prove your might and unlock level1 items (leaving level 0 items behind you for the beginners)

Should you win 4 Stages on the first attempt, type !upgrade2 to strut your stuff and unlock level2 items

(leaving level 1 items behind you for the others)

HAve a great time!

 Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above, to @cryptonik who provided the original foundational bot code (hope he rejoins us soon) and @steemseph for his dividers. Boss round and optional round key Steem sponsors are @mattclarke, @jackmiller and @lordnigel

Extra Special thanks to @doughtaker our field judge and other contributors and players that upvote and participate to help to make this a fun community event.

Other images were captured from the abandonware games. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission . 100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack. 



You have all 3 life points:

Cousin Agatha is clearly disgusted with the disappointing show of loyalty at this point. She has a mind to zap the crew and their precious ship off to the Bermuda Triangle but realises her magic would be so seriously depleted by this feat that she would not be able to get herself off the ship before it disappeared into oblivion.

So instead, she decides to do something even meaner, and begins to cast a little-known but useful spell over the entire crew ..... she cannot help but smirk to herself as she watches them


You tune in deeply to your inner chackras and summon a lightening
The lightening is out of control and hits some innocient civillians that happen to be walking by. A mob of peasants gathers around and shoves that naughty wand up your A..And you are a dead magician now. You loose a life, Harry.

Cousin Agatha can not believe this, and is seriously pissed off. But determined to continue until she defeats these wily creatures.

Never fear, Bunny Fluff is here! Using my spectacular wizzy powers, I shall save the day. I hope!


You have all 3 life points:

You perform a quick fireball attack
Your fireball ignites and you manage to guide it to the target, the enemy puts it out, but it managed a hit of 2 points. Meh, looks like you need to get the good old spell book from the library and work on those skills.

Dareth was expecting such treachery from the crew and is only surprised that he wasn't paid off by the wizard too.

"Damned tight arse wizard" he grumbles.


You have all 3 life points:


### Odins Beard Shakens! You load a deadly arrow into that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. You do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...

Dareth starts rummaging through the pockets of the dead crew members.

"I'm getting paid one way or the other" he laughs.

Stage 6 result validated. 3 life points banked (final total 13), 4th flawless victory = Level 2.


Pickles screams "Everyone sit down, don't make me turn the boat around!!!!!"


Lucky you! Obtained item 2: Dagger! +1 to players hit!



You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but clip the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice try, maybe next time.

8 + 1(dagger) -1 (round bonus) = 8

Meekly, the sailors sit down and start behaving themselves. Not even a slightest peep of "are we there yet?" to be heard.

Stage 6 result validated. 3 life points banked (final total 13), 4th flawless victory = Level 2.

These pirate punks think they're tough! Serra Angel summons additional holy energy and prepares for battle!


LEVEL ONE! Your awesome!!:

Purchased the lvl 1 Helm of Dodge +2 to Players Hit.

You draw your sword and perform a powerful swing:
The sword slips out your hand hits a rock. Ha! A rookie mistake....but the battlefield does not forgive. The enemy leaps towards you with two big steps and sinks his sword into your chest. Without any mercy he watches you slowly sink to the ground as you exhale your last breath. You lose a life point.

Hahaha! That was just a warning you brigands!


Spike is back!

You have all 3 life points:


You draw and swing your sword:
Wow! It almost looked like you knew what you were doing lol, suprised the enemy is damaged with a hit of 5 points. Fake it till you make it, they say.

Roll 5
Item +2
Warrior -1
Total = 6

Spike nails round on first attempt once again!

Stage 6 result validated. 3 life points banked (final total 15), 5th flawless victory and perfect regular season achieved. Congratulations.


Ugh...Obtained item 10: Gem! -3 to players hit!


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww crap!


You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Fortunately you make contact and do significant damage with a hit of 8 points.

Hmm... think I needed more.... MOOOORRREEEEE.


You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing
You completely miss the enemy leaving yourself open to attack. No invitation is needed: The enemy finishes you off quickly, and chuckles at your weak moves. Lol, you are an idiot. You loose a life point.

Raiden- "I am here to kill or to be killed, Bring it ONN"


D-oh! Obtained item 9: Boots! -1 to players hit!


You have all 3 life points:

You perform a quick fireball attack:
### Your fibreball looks pretty magical as it flys through the air making fancy swirls - where will it hit? Impossible to predict its trajectory - it burns the enemy with a hit of 5 points. Hocus Pocus, Mothaf****r!

@lordnigel Can I call lucky dip here bro? I am falling short of one point But haven't made a transfer.
Let me know If we can do it at this point. Pickpocket hit me bad.

[EDIT] I have made a transfer of 0.01 Steem and If it is forbidden to use it at this point. Gonna use it somewhere else. :D Let me know brother

Sorry Bro luckdip was for level0 players, you cant use it anymore - unfortunately your down one life point here.

Your gonna have to try again mate.

That -1 item sux bro...hmmn You could though send lord-nigel a trophy and learn the !special attack.

But odds wise you probably got better chances going for a !mysticblast... Your call bro.

Angel Food still hates boats. Quiet and balled up in a corner he suddenly shouts, “See!!! I told you these were butt pirates too... ahh”
With that he stood up from the corner with familiar glowing red eyes and...


Holy cow! You cannot die this round! Obtained item 1: Book of Death


“Ahh yeah! Big money! Gonna get baby a new pair of shoes!”
This language is foreign to those listening. The pirates seem only concerned for their safety now.
An uneducated pirate was actually holding a Book Of Death. The book was drawn to Angel Food and Angel Food was waiting for it.
The Pirates found Angel Food’s new aura debilitating. They are stunned and appear to be crumbling from the outside as their chests simultaneously begin to glow in a way similar to the one in Angel Food’s eyes.

Angel Food is very happy and has an effortless grin. Donuts begin to lift out of his pockets and flutter like butterflies in the air around him. He laughs for the first time in a long time.
The growing light inside the chests of the pirate crew pauses and then suddenly the crews rectums all simultaneously explode.
Blood and shit cover the deck.
Unfortunately, the crew is still alive and the specticale is not over.
From a distance, the crews agony is obvious. A peasant can see flashes of light coming from the ship as the crews torture seems to last hours...


You gather your inner energy and produce a lightning bolt:
The lightning produced by your magic hands would have been great....if your enemy were an ant. The foe laughs at the pathetic spark emitted from your bony fingers and takes you down with a swift counterstrike. You lose a life and your Wizard street-cred!

Like I said... not an instant kill. Another peasant noticing the commotion aboard the ship stop to gaze for a moment.


You summon up your inner energy and produce a powerful spell:
The blast hits true, and you do significate damage with a hit of 10! Also 10 points for Gryffindor!

From a distance the Old Wizard sees the pirate ship break into pieces of hot light and boil into the ocean. He fears the display of power.
Angel Food is held in a serpents mouth and under the waves as it travels to the old wizard (Boss Stage) ...possibly to Angel Food’s doom.

And after 11 failures, on the 12th attempt the task was finally completed, the crew finally defeated.

Stage 6 result validated. 3 life points banked (final total 11).

✅ Verified record for the unofficial IBT Book of Universal Records -- Most attempts allowed and needed for one dishonorable gloryseeker to defeat a stage foe: 12

Instant win, right? Should I roll @doughtaker ?

oh actually see @doughtaker comment to me below, still must beat foe in first shot if want prize for stage...but yeah you cant lose life points :)

Ahh piece of cake. 👍

Keep rolling. You're out of the running for the STEEM prize this stage, but we still need to see that you actually beat the crew so @lordnigel or myself can validate the result. There is also the small chance that you might fail at least 7 more times and earn yourself an entry in the Unofficial IBT Book of Universal Records in the process.

ooooooh I want that... seven times!

It's time to eat arrows you smarmy seamen!

You have all 3 life points:

You load your bow with 3 arrows and shoot
Jeeeeeeez...two of your arrows nearly hit the target, but one of them hits a nearby rock and reflects. You shot yourself right in the eye and lose a freaking life. Its safe to say you are a blind turd :D

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