IBT Testing - Test 2 - Come to play and test our game - right here on Steemit

in #ibt6 years ago

 Welcome - this is a Interactive Battle Tournament (IBT) training ground post (experimental v2.01)

Last test we tried to make the luckydip system a bit more resilient, this test is to see if we can make the !stats command work like it should have in IBT8. Here are a couple of sneaky gobbo's to help us with our test.

This above Gobbo is on Stage One (2 hit points)

This above Gobbo is on Stage Two (5 hit points)

Instructions for testers.

1) run the !life command

2)you may run the !ibtluckydip command, if you ran it in the previous test it should be available to you still now.

3) try and attack the gobbo on Stage One and then Stage Two pretending it was a fully blown IBT comp. 

4) run the !stats command allot to see if it breaks.

(note: !gobbodrop has been disabled for this test)

Also checkout the latest images @steemseph has been providing to make out IBT a bit easier to follow, I think they are fantastic and help allot, what do you think?



And if can't remember the attacks per class...

Thanks so much for helping to build this fun competition for Steemit


 ..any extra transfers will be powered up by @wizardzap 


Thanks everyone for testing - this completes the test and the bot will sleep now until IBT9

Oooh is that the Official Unofficial Secret Ice Castle of the Frigid Blue Wizard and his Iron Pumping, Fiat Hording Ice Minions mini series!?

Yeah... he got pum pa pumped! look at those guns hehe

I wanna juice one up with steroids and see what happens. Maybe after I give Mr. Natural here a trim on his left arm. He’s got some nature growing on it.


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


You hold item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!


OMG! What are you doing? You load your bow ready for a devistating magical shot, but must have got your spells mixed up, instead of enchanting your arrow you turn yourself into a...turd!
Better luck next time! you lose a life


What a show off you are!! Your hands move swiftly, your stance is impeccable, you are cooler than a bucket of ice on a sunny afternoon. An all powerful magic arrow of sparks hits home and your foe crumbles at the mighty 12 point hit you just dealed. Nice! you needed to hit for 2 and including bonuses from items you hit for 13.. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


You hold item 3: Dagger! +3 to players hit!


You draw and jab with your sword:
The years of practice with a wooden knifey boi are not lost on you! Eager for your first blood you strike well and the enemy takes damage, with a hit of 4 points. Senpai, notice me! Nice! you needed to hit for 2 and including bonuses from items you hit for 7. You won the fight. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 2 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 3
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 3
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A Proficient IBT Player
Est. tournament completed: 29%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 0.8
Your lifepoints banked: 3
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):89%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:100%

Ok lets see how it goes, here is my go. Remember its ok if it doesn't work, it means I can fix it now :)

Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 1 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 3
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 3
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A Proficient IBT Player
Est. tournament completed: 14%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 0
Your lifepoints banked: 0
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):NaN%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:NaN%

OK - so the bot has seen my +3 luckydip from test one and its helped raise my described status to proficient player..haha, well that's nice.

Hmmn Nan% prob isn't nicest description..I'll work on that, but for now lets keep testing with an attack

You attempt to perform a quick fireball attack:
it seems like you slipped on a banana! Not enough time at Wizard School or something? Gobbo happened to be walking by, knows youre an easy target, so he attacks...@gobbo You have activated gobbo, as an WIZARD you must use the difficult attack !mysticblast to equal or beat his attack!.. you will see his attack below shortly

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 5.


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 1 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 1
and the Effect of elite items: 1
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 2
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 14%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 0.8
Your lifepoints banked: 0
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):89%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:NaN%


You hold item 1: Ingot! +1 to players hit!

You load your bow with 3 arrows and shoot
Nice! At least 2 of them fly in the right direction and deal some damage, its a hit of 8 points!. Nice! you needed to hit for 2 and including bonuses from items you hit for 10. Any pickpocket item found this Stage is left behind and you may now progress to the next Stage once its posted by @lordnigel


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:


Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:

Please transfer at least 0.050 Steem or equal SBD to @wizardzap with exact spelling memo: for ibt

That's extortion!!!!
I got my eye on you @wizardzap!

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 1 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 0
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 0
Your characters power level:0 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A promising IBT player
Est. tournament completed: 14%
Active enrolled players:11
Average all players - life points banked: 1.2727272727272727
Your lifepoints banked: 0
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):94%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:NaN%

How come I always break the bot?

hahaha...your luck..
best i can tell its still running, you just typed !life at exactly the same time someone else ran another command.. Also give it a minute, then edit it. if its still bad, just yell out then.

Hmmn still it would be nice if our IBT bot could cope with this kind of thing. Let me think on this a bit, is like we need a staggered bot responder...So like if its already done a reply in last 20 seconds and someone types a new command, it just hangs on and/or keeps trying..I'll work on it, but this is a tough one for me :)

You look lost,let @wizardzap conjure up your stats:
Your on Stage: 3 and remaining attempts/life for this stage are: 3
Effect on hit - pickpocket item: 0 and Effect of hit - luckydip item: 3
and the Effect of elite items: 0
Accumalitive hit bonus (all items effect on your hit): 3
Your characters power level:1 * at level3+ you unlock !special command

@wizardzap scans you and describes you as: A Professional IBT Player
Est. tournament completed: 43%
Active enrolled players:10
Average all players - life points banked: 1.1
Your lifepoints banked: 5
Est. Average hit/win for a stage ratio (all players):92%
Your Est. hit/win ratio for a stage:84%

ok - blow myself away from ibtbot memory and try !life.

Enjoy Stage 1. You have all 3 life points to start:

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