

Connie Lingus holds item 6: Adv. Helm of The Gobbo! +4 to players hit!


You summon up your inner energy and produce a devistating spell:
What the actual flying duck? You produce a spell so powerful it turns into a firey dragon - You unleash it at your enemy with full force and watch as your foe gets annihilated with a 12 point hit!!! Youre Wizard, Harry...Wait no, you said you are Tom? Gasp

First boss roll validated. 12 (roll) + 12 (life points banked) + 4 (lucky item) = 28

Grrr... even with a 12 via !mysticblast, Angel Food won’t beat a 28.
(12+4 roll and +11 banked=27)
Oh maybe the gobbo battle will help... I think I wanna wait for my bitshare account email verification so that I can finally get a trophy token so that I can get a level one item and an espresso at the IBT shop.
How much time do I have for all that?
If I wasn’t trying to break a record, I would just use !special

Alternatively, you can just leave a comment in the shop post saying that you want to use the TROPHY token you were awarded to purchase the Level 1 book -- if you do that, @lordnigel and I will accept it as proof of purchase.

That’s cool, I already rolled double zeros. Angel Food go splat. Thanks though.

Nice stuff! pssst you get 2 attacks if you wanted another one just for the heck of it

Thanks for playing IBT! its been great having another new player. Hope to see you at the next one, I normally run one a month type thing.



You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but clip the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice!

1st time was the charm :P
@Lordnigel Thank you so much for hosting this event it was so much fun!!! I can't wait to see what the next one will be like!

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