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RE: How does IBT bring value to Steemit?

in #ibt6 years ago

Congrats on another successful run of IBT.

So here are my thoughts...
I know you like your rules but it needs to be simplified if you want to bring in more players. For a new person, I could see IBT being very confusing. It has taken me three games to just learn the bot commands. hehe :)

However, I think that anyone who says you are just spamming and it is not quality.....Is off their rocker.
IBT is fun as hell and they just don't understand it.
The gameplay should be a round a day once it starts. 6 battle rounds and the boss round. 7 days.
One week commitment. :)

Also the mini game could be in between IBT games in order to get people interested in it and show them how it works. More aimed at people with no prior experience.



I like the mini game during the regular game, but i also like the mini game idea a lot for the inbetween stuff like @doctorcrypto says. Those mini games become fundraisers too.

makes sense..

Thanks mate.

Nice idea - a mini-game or IBT training ground might be a useful way of helping new people. With a single post I would definitely be able to give new people more attention. The problem is each IBT is a little different. I wonder though if once people grasp the basics it will be easy to understand when the official tournament comes up. I believe the original bot by @cryptonik is still running, so nearly anyone could run their own mini IBT from that. Will think on..

You have raised a couple of times it needs to be a bit more simple to play. I've been scratching my head on it for a while :). IBT has it's own unique style which once you learn it (as you said took 3 games) you start to understand there are a few tricks and you need to use tactics a little to win. We need to to some how preserve this uniqueness/quality but make it more intuitive for the players to catch on...haha lets face it I'm not that good a writing instructions. I think with IBT7 I should have the bot ready to track things like, did you beat the foe or not, taking into account the item your holding. I might take away the environmental effect as it maybe making it a bit hard for people to add-up. It's not an easy task but will do my best. I will also try to simplify the life point thing as several people keep getting confused about getting 3 fresh points each might be better to return to you simply get 10 life points..and you need to get to the boss before you lose them all. The only issue is through just bad luck several people may lose them all before reaching the some ways though this would make it easier to run (less and less players to manage as tournament progresses) and it would feel more like a tournament where people get eliminated...I was also thinking about collapsing the classes all in to one type. So it doesn't matter if you forget what class you are, the attacks are more around your choice of weapon. Sooo each of you can cast magic, attack with a sword or shoot a choose your weapon based on what you feel like. Hopefully by all players having exactly the same choices it might make it simpler, but at the same time, give more options/choices based on personal preference. Much to think on. Cheers

I think what you are doing is working.
Perhaps don't over think it and keep on doing great crusades.

I love IBT so whatever it becomes...I will support. Unless you go all nazi. Then not so much.

Lol! ..err will try to avoid the nazi thing (I don't think you'd be the only one to leave). However, it's important to be sure there are no deliberate cheating/scams - with Doughtaker on the case, we are all good :)

...In the end it's just a bit of fun, but yeah is also good to try and keep improving it so we can get more involved.

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