Artificial Intelligence, the race to dominate the world.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ia5 years ago (edited)

In the past there was much talk about the arms race of some countries, the millionaire budgets destined to develop the warlike potential of each nation, missile tests, warplanes among other weapons were constantly being carried out, wanting to show the world or potential enemies , the ability to make war of each nation.


Today the issue is not so different in terms of weapons, only now a component emerged in which countries began a career trying to be the first in this area, it is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Last year the Russian president said: "that country that manages to lead the development of artificial intelligence will be the master of the world" . and the race to dominate the world through AI began.

Leading countries in artificial intelligence

The United States at this time stands as the leader in artificial intelligence in the world, however, China, Russia and France launched into the race to dominate artificial intelligence in the coming years and created plans seeking to dethrone the American GIANT, although these They are not the only countries that recognize the importance for the future and are investing in the development of AI in the world, today I want to tell you about the plans of these nations.


To begin with, China unveiled its artificial intelligence development program in 2017 called: A next generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan, which consists of three stages and includes goals until 2020, 2025 and 2030.

In 2020, China intends to match its competitors in advances in artificial intelligence, in 2025 lead some aspects of AI worldwide and by 2030 the Chinese pretend to be leaders in the world in the area of artificial intelligence, for this they are developing an ambitious program that includes the investment of 1 Billion Yuan until 2030.


For its part, the United States, in the hands of the Giants in terms of artificial intelligence (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon ...) published in 2018 the report Artificial Intelligence for American Industrysummary of the summit detailing the objectives of the White House in AI for the coming years in this regard the leader of the White House said: "The continued American leadership in Artificial Intelligence is of the utmost importance in maintaining the economic and national security of the United States."- President Donald J. Trump


The United States and China are closely followed by France, the French country is developing an ambitious model with President Emmanuel Macron at the head and the help of the mathematician Cédric Villani and the firm intention of leading the development of artificial intelligence in the coming years , presenting its strategy in 2018 in a report entitled: For a meaningful Artificial Intelligence: towards a French and European Strategy. The report presents very broad lines of action aimed at strengthening the sectors of (health, transport, defense and environment)


What will bring the advance of artificial intelligence in the coming years remains to be seen, what we are sure of is that the powers of the world understand the potential and importance of AI for the future, they also recognize the power that this represents for that They make great efforts to lead this technological area. Countries like United Kingdom, Denmark, the European Union , Italy among others presented their report regarding their strategy to lead AI in the coming years .


In the coming years it will be clear that the country achieves more developments in this area and we will check if the affirmation of the Russian president is true, until then we will enjoy this struggle to lead the world of artificial intelligence, witnessing things never seen before in the next years.
Let me know your opinion on this issue, Which country do you think will lead in AI in the coming years? Is this race for leadership for the better or for the worse of humanity?

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By @creativeblue


Dear @creativeblue

It obviously doesn't surprise me that AI is being developed by military. Something to be expected. I'm quite interested if military can compete in that area with current tech and IT giants. I hardly doubt so.

and the race to dominate the world through AI began.

Another cold war ahead of us? :( I presume that US and Europe cannot really compete in that race for very long. Tons of laws and regulations will absolutely slow down this process.

I would bet that China will dominate this industry.

Personally I'm glad that europe is so slow with adapting to new technology. At least we can monitor how others do that, learn from their mistakes and see how AI would impact social behaviours.

Yours, Piotr

Hello dear @crypto.piotr.

Another cold war ahead of us? :( I presume that US and Europe cannot really compete in that race for very long. Tons of laws and regulations will absolutely slow down this process.

Correct, although such a war has not been openly declared, it seems that we will witness this in the coming years. Some analysts are already talking about cold war in relation to the development of AI. If the United States manages to stay on the run, it remains to be seen, what is certain is that now, at this moment they are dominating the scene.

I would bet that China will dominate this industry.

It is possible, they are working with that objective, they also allocated a very high budget to finance their ambitious technological project.

In my opinion, in the coming years we will witness an increase in innovation in AI, perhaps we will enjoy benefits in the fields of medicine, information, agriculture, as we will also run the risks of its application in military matters. Let's hope!

Thank you!

Great compact resume that overtakes several geographies for a general outlook.

For me, if software technology becomes as easy as buying/selling crypto, I can only guess that the most populated countries will be the future winners. China, India, US of course, but also others like Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Bangladesh, Japan, and probably many other populated countries.

The most interesting one for me is actually Bangladesh... I think this country has enormous potential of development, potentially could start competing with India at World scale. And what makes me feel that is the reason I have already know a couple of users around STEEM that are from there. And indeed they seem very nice and adaptable, which somehow favors my theory.

But like you said, let's see.

Hi @forykw.

For me, if software technology becomes as easy as buying / selling crypto, I can only guess that the most populated countries will be the future winners. China, India, US of course, but also others like Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Bangladesh, Japan, and probably many other populated countries.

Logically here I am mentioning some of those who are developing programs and somehow publicly manifested their intention to master this technology in the coming years, with defined programs and established goals, as in the case of China that defined its program for 2030 to be dominated the scene.

Then there are all those countries that will undoubtedly join this race for being the first in this area.

My biggest expectation is focused on the amount of AI innovation that we will see in the coming years.

Thanks friend!

Nos queda esperar. Las ambiciones de las potencias mundiales siempre a sido el dominio por encima de ayudar sobre los problemas reales de la humanidad.

Queda es estar atentos y a través de esta ventana que es la blockchain, intentar mantener informados a la mayor cantidad de personas posibles.

Sometimes we focus on the risky part of the matter, however, we must think about the great amount of benefit that the development of this technology can bring in the areas of health, nutrition and education.

Logically you have to be careful, because technologies like these in the wrong hands can be dangerous, so I think there should be regulations regarding the use of this technology.

Thank you for your comment @yonnathang

@creativeblue, Artificial Intelligence will going to make masters because it will going to replace the real masters and by that i mean, Human Beings. We are emotional beings and this Technology is Emotionless stuff so it will not be hard for this Technology to dominate human beings.

Posted using Partiko Android

We are emotional beings and this Technology is Emotionless stuff so it will not be hard for this Technology to dominate human beings.

Hello @chireerocks, that is the fear of many people, that many people lose their jobs to be replaced by machines that use AI, it is a scenario that is repeated in the minds of all those who are familiar with this technology ...

Do you think this is possible, do you really think AI will dominate humanity?

Thanks friend!

In my opinion Artificial Intelligence and Technology is bigger than human beings already and very tiny example of this is, our own Smartphones.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @creativeblue

Everything you raise is very reasonable that arms race was displaced by the new era of AI, we must keep in mind that many of the current technologies were created for military use, for example the internet.

We cannot fail to mention to two other countries that their progress in AI is very high, only that they know how to keep low profile are South Korea and Japan. These two countries must be taken into account since their progress is aggravated with respect to other countries.

Many years ago I read an article, these Asian countries have something very particular and it is their letter or alphabet ... according to that article the programming language is much simpler and easier to use, since a word in your language can be one or two characters in the programming language, unlike the alphabet we use in the world, that feature allows them to advance much better in the programming language, so they have a better chance of moving forward.

Because I say all this, as you well know since you play the topic, everything breaks down into two important factors in the programming and the zero digits "0" and one "1" on that everything depends absolutely everything on the programming.

And that can make a big difference in this AI career. who in the end will succeed more?
We can't say that yet ..

We only have to keep watching from afar.

Greetings from Venezuela I send you a big hug.

Excellent comment @lanzjoseg

we must keep in mind that many of the current technologies were created for military use, for example the internet.

Indeed. Most technologies are adapted by military first. I'm quite interested if military can compete in that area with current tech and IT giants. I hardly doubt so.

Yours, Piotr

Hello Friend @crypto.piotr,

Interesting question, also some time ago I read something about it but what was discussed in that article was that the military requested specific weapons and in the way or development of them was the civil utility.
So in one way or another they are somehow precursors in all kinds of things we use in our lives.


Hi @lanzjoseg.

We cannot fail to mention to two other countries that their progress in AI is very high, only that they know how to keep low profile are South Korea and Japan. These two countries must be taken into account since their progress is aggravated with respect to other countries.

Of course, Japan is one of the most innovative countries and is surely working on technological advances of this nature, Korea for its part always works under a profile but you have to be attentive to what they are doing.

Many years ago I read an article, these Asian countries have something very particular and it is their letter or alphabet ... according to that article the programming language is much simpler and easier to use, since a word in your language can be one or two characters in the programming language, unlike the alphabet we use in the world, that feature allows them to advance much better in the programming language, so they have a better chance of moving forward.

What you describe is very interesting, I had no idea of ​​this, however, it seems to have a lot of logic.

We only have to keep watching from afar.

Right friend, let's wait to see. What we can be sure of is that in the near future we will see this artificial intelligence technology develop rapidly because of the investment of all these countries.

Thank you!

Wow, for better or worse? I think for both. We will see incredible advances in these matters and many of them will imply good inventions that will benefit the societies as a whole (when they become accessible for the majority).

But we are going to see also terrible violent uses in the hands of the powerful minorities of the world, and they (as always) will not hesitate to take advantage of this in their power games, killing masses of people, oppressing those who don't submit to their rule and taking away our rights by many unseen ingenious ways.

Technology only intensifies the actions and consequences of the human beings. It doesn't change our intrinsic everlasting motives.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @spirajn, welcome.

Wow, for better or worse? I think for both. We will see incredible advances in these matters and many of them will imply good inventions that will benefit the societies as a whole (when they become accessible for the majority).

It is fascinating the future that lies ahead, we will see many advances that will benefit the world population, especially when applied to the field of medicine, and the advances in gadgest that simplify people's lives.

But we are going to see also terrible violent uses in the hands of the powerful minorities of the world, and they (as always) will not hesitate to take advantage of this in their power games, killing masses of people, oppressing those who don 't submit to their rule and taking away our rights by many unseen ingenious ways.

This is the dangerous part of the development of this type of technology, when it is used for war uses, we have recently seen as an attack with Drones affecting the oil facilities of Saudi Arabia, limiting the production capabilities of the oil giant.

There is a good chance that these nations are developing AI programs, thinking of national defense, programs that in the wrong hands would become a real threat to the world.

In any case, the future in Artificial Intelligence matters is very promising, whether it is for better or worse, we will see it in the coming years.

Thanks for your comment!

I hope for the Czech Republic, but not sure about it. China I would say then.

I also wouldn't bet on Czech @ritxi :)

I hope for the Czech Republic, but not sure about it. China I would say then.

Surely the Czech Republic also has its plans, I'm not sure about that, but most of the nations are targeting AI for diverse development.

Thank you!

Yes. I keep telling people that while we are here working away at earning crypto, the wealthy are all discussing AI and VR.

Yes. I keep telling people that while we are here working away at earning crypto, the wealthy are all discussing AI and VR.

Dear @machnbirdsparo, there is a race to lead the AI, the world prepares to try to be leaders in this matter, we will see what will happen next years with this.

AI and it's development in the world has helped mankind so much such as Amazon in the net that we have. I'm planning to download Kindle app and audiobooks as well. Kindle has a large storage of books for those who love to read books and can give enough knowledge for everyone. I love to read interesting books there like Psychology, Literature, and etc. And another app is the audiobooks and it's nice coz you will just have to listen to an audiovoice narrator and you don't need to read books especially if you're tired and has many activities to do.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm currently writing an article for an AI blog and my topic is Artificial Intelligence in the news app. I've downloaded once this app and it's really great listening to the audiovoicenarrator to this app and I want to try to tell everyone to try it too. It's very convinient to have a news app with an audiovoice narrator because you don't need to read an article for there is a narrator who is like human and will just speak to you. Isn't that great fellow bloggers?

Posted using Partiko Android

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