in #hz4327 years ago

Anthony Tyler, Guest
Waking Times

Many people today have heard about the scientific explanations that quantum theory provides – such as the vibratory densities of all physical objects, showing that in a very real sense, the physical reality that encapsulates the human experience is nothing more than one large vibratory collage – a song with infinite variety. Hence the common explanation given from the Book of John, “In the beginning, there was the Word…”

While there are a lot of individuals who simply think, “Wow, what a cool idea this is”, and leave it at that, there are more deeply probing, inquisitive minds that have begun pondering more fundamental questions that this proposes, such as: If life is a song, then what is its tuning? And if there is a tuning, then how does a human determine what it is – and can we tune ourselves to this key signature?

Researcher Jamie Buturff, is one of these inquisitive minds. Having deeply investigated Pythagorean mathematics and esoteric sciences. Founder of 432 Design, LLC, Buturff has based his research premise and material around the complex analysis and understanding of 432 Hertz, which has been scientifically demonstrated by Buturff and his colleagues to represent the literal frequency of the human crown chakra. Actually, Jamie has validated and brought to light the hertz translation of all of the chakra points, all of which have been demonstrably proved in FDA-approved laboratories as controlled and professional scientific experiments. The document can be viewed here, and the table reads:

Crown – 216 / 432 / 864 Hertz – A (musical note tuning)
Third Eye – 144 / 288 / 576 Hertz – D (musical note tuning)
Throat – 192 / 384 / 768 Hertz – G (musical note tuning)
Heart – 128 / 256 / 512 Hertz – C (musical note tuning)
Solar Plexus – 182 / 364 / 728 – F Sharp (musical note tuning)
Sacral – 303 / 606 / 1212 Hertz – E Flat (musical note tuning)
Root – 228 / 456 / 912 – B flat (musical note tuning)
The study, conducted at the Centre for Biofield Medicines in Pune, India, can be seen in its entirety here.

This, in conjunction with the full extent of Buturff’s research, conclusively confirm these hertz tones. The scientific study confirms that these frequencies had a large spectrum of advanced therapeutic potential for biological life, especially when these frequencies were directed towards their ascribed bodily chakra points for therapy. Essentially, this study confirmed the tuning capability that these frequencies have on the chakra points.

Many people are probably wondering why they have not heard of Jamie Buturff and 432 Design, especially since he has been providing research on the subject since 2010–and it will not be surprising to many, considering the level of knowledge in his research, that his official research-oriented YouTube channel is literally blocked for viewing in America, even though Buturff himself is an American citizen that uses literally no vulgarity on YouTube whatsoever. Luckily, since Buturff is an honorable researcher, he can’t be legally banned from YouTube as a whole, and thus he continues to pump out videos, many of which can still be individually viewed in America–but when an American tries to click on his personal channel, or subscribe, it is quite clearly blocked out.

However, if this blocking was not some sort of indicator that this is some invaluable material, then the trolling-spree of Jesuit-affiliated, egotistical shill, Leonard Horowitz on Jamie Buturff and 432 Design is certainly an indicator. Knighted by the Sovereign Orthodox Order of the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem (a secret society inherently wed with the corrupt Vatican Jesuit Order), Horowitz has systematically made a career of spreading disinformation, castigating and even threatening a variety of authentic researchers throughout the years, and his own research seems to be heavily oriented around stroking his own ego.

In reality, however, despite the braggadocio that Horowitz exudes with the boasting of his PhD, his constant insistence that he is a chosen instrument of the “Creator,” and other narcissistic traits that this doctor demonstrates, he is only popular on his own website, and on blogs that fail to do their own research into this phony activist. In an account given by Dr. A. True Ott (whose website can be viewed here) it seems more than plausible, although not confirmed, that Horowitz is a legitimate agent of Military Intelligence of CoIntel Pro nature that is tasked with networking with authentic researchers, gathering data on their work, and reporting it to military intelligence. A piece written on the matter by Investigative Journal can be viewed here, and it is quite a thorough and damning read for Horowitz.

Before moving on, it is important to briefly mention the disinformation that Leonard Horowitz represents to the realm of Esoteric Frequency Mathematics. While this may be a bit confusing for those unfamiliar with the terminology, suffice it to say that Horowitz insists that the heart chakra can be measured at 528 Hz, and promotes the idea that the Solfeggio Ratio components are actually equivalent to the chakra point vibrations, and are an imparted spiritual gift upon humanity.

Known as the educational music scale “Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti,” Horowitz claims it to be an ancient scale used by humans, but it wasn’t actually developed until the 11th century. Also, these are six notes, leaving one chakra point out anyway. He is also popular for promoting the claim that geneticists actually use the 528 Hz frequency to repair damaged DNA–and this claim is completely unstudied, unverified, ill-founded, and essentially total bogus. And in any case, the only evidence really needed to disprove Horowitz is to play his Hertz frequency measurements that he has applied to this ratio–supposedly an ancient gift of harmony.

When actually played, the scale is hardly even a scale, and is completely disharmonious. This is a complete dead end in terms of understanding the frequencies of nature, and Horowitz not only adamantly denies any fallacies with his research, he consistently and vehemently attacks researchers that openly dispute him.

In actuality, to be fair, the Solfeggio Ratio is an important piece to this puzzle. Discovered by Buturff, this ratio is actually the Family Number Groups of circuitry developed by mathematician and inventor Marko Rodin over 30 years ago with his invention, the Rodin coil. This means that these numbers are the frequency spectrum at which the energy in the Rodin coil travels–an example serving as a Rodin coil would be a guitar, and the Family Number Groups being the fingers pressing on the strings to produce the specific notes. Horowitz, as discussed by Buturff in the video below, is using numbers that equate to the fingers on the “guitar” of the Rodin Coil, not the notes produced. Jamie Buturff and 432 Design have scientifically validated his information over Horowitz’s.

To discuss advanced mathematician Marko Rodin is to discuss the coming paradigm shift in mathematics, zero point energy, and suppressed technology. Rodin’s story is so interesting because, while he has certainly received his own amount of suppression, he has been astonishingly successful with the development of his research. His prominence is continuing to rise, both due to the thoroughness of his research and the efficacy of his inventions.

The Rodin coil is a toroidal coil used to conduct electricity that uses schematics developed by Rodin, previously unknown in modern-day mathematical computation. The invention essentially serves as an electronic torus field, and the coiled circuitry,

“… naturally creates a greatly increased magnetic field in the center of the torus, when compared to a conventional coil wound with the same amount of wire. In addition the field generated is much more coherent, in the sense of being much more sensitive to a particular frequency of applied current. These properties are the basis for useful applications of the Rodin Coil, as well as for any limitations in its use.”

The article quoted here, explaining the Rodin coil in-depth, can be read here. Marko Rodin is continuing his groundbreaking research to this day and even Rodin’s mathematician protegé’, Randy Powell, is making waves in the research community, garnering his own following in conjunction with Rodin. In the recent documentary, Randy’s Donuts, the research is explained in great depth, and the website can be viewed here.

As final thoughts on the matter, the reason Buturff has so deeply involved Rodin’s research in his own is due to the incredible applications that the coil possesses. Not only did Rodin develop his circuitry technology using his study of esoteric Pythagorean mathematics and numerology, but as discussed in the quote, the coil magnifies electrical currents applied to it quite precisely. Long story short, the Rodin coil has allowed Buturff the technology to adequately gather his research and accurately test it. As well, Leonard Horowitz considers Marko Rodin a disingenuous fool.

Here is a PDF online guide to developing your own Rodin Coil: www.panaceatech.org/Marco%20Rodin%20Coils.pdf

The current tuning of all music today is generally 440 Hz; however, many musicians have tuned their music to 432 Hz, such as Bob Marley. Consider that, and the effect that modern music, at the wrong setting, has on you.

Here is a video comparing and discussing the differences between 440 and 432 Hz, and why all music should be tuned to 432 Hz, as it had traditionally been tuned by humans in the past:

For more information, check out the article: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of Music

In summation, Globalist-elitist efforts (who are inherently involved with esoteric secret societies that teach these esoteric understandings) have gone through great efforts over the years to bury this information, and have even apparently disseminated disinformation agents to help keep it that way. However, the word is coming around, and with such attention being drawn to Rodin by the Nikola Tesla-inspired and Elon Musk-fueled mathematical/electrical forefront–it seems like the time for public understanding of these esoteric principles is getting closer and closer.

About the Author

A journalist/author from Anchorage, Alaska, Anthony Tyler is a purveyor of the esoteric. He seeks to twist the knife in phony New Age ideals, big government agendas, and today’s contrived state of scientific materialism. Far from being “Satanist,” the esoteric (i.e. occultism) etymologically marks the beginning of mathematics, astronomy, psychology and psychotherapy, medicine, and even politics through historical veins such as the Gnostic Mystery Initiations. Too few people today understand that ancient man considered “God” to be an ideal of ultimate Truth, and thus religion and science were never conceived to be separated. These truths have become a mere forgotten birthright into today’s postmodern society, but with esoteric data that men died to conceal for thousands of years now just an internet-search away, the opportunity for a societal balance presents itself.

You can follow Anthony at:

More information on Marko Rodin and his research can be found here:

Here is a playlist on YouTube that goes directly to Jamie Buturff’s primary research videos, since his channel for subscription is blocked in America.

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