Trump Hysteria a Cover for Clinton Collusion

in #hysteria6 years ago

Media ignoring Putin's charge of US Intelligent Officers guiding 400 million dollars to Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

Why should President Trump believe all that US Intelligent Departments report when they obstruct and hide the truth.

Greg Hunter lays out the real story and cover-up.



I absolutely agree! Do you follow Qanon? Loved seeing Putin call out Mueller also!!

I know of Q but don't follow religiously. Nothing will happen untll after the Nov. elections. And even if the Republicans pick up seats in both houses justice still won't be served because DOJ and FBI are still corrupt.

Unfortunately, I agree but I am still hopeful. Been like that for a very long time! Luckily, more people are waking up and love seeing the #walkaway movement!

That is the key, this corruption is being exposed to those who won't follow the MSM blindly. Oversite committee is going to bring in the Communist Traitor Brennan in for questioning.

I had not even heard about that! Thanks for letting me know! I'm sure old pruneface will lie as an Oath means nothing to these people!

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