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RE: every time you press a button, a randomly generated exinct animal appears (and you get $42)

in #hypothetical8 years ago

William looked down at the strange button with curiosity and confusion. Every urge in his body was telling him to push it. He didn't know how he got where he was, or where the button came from, but in that moment, nothing else seemed to matter. "It's $42...." he whispered, a faint sigh of sadness in his voice ever so apparent. "I have to....she needs me." Shaking and terrified, William brings his hand above the button, ready to press. "This is it." With one finger, he slowly inched his way closer and closer to the button, until he finally presses the button.

William slowly opens his one of his eye's, and then the other. He looks around, and sees that nothing happened. "Nothing?" Confused, he twists violently around, looking up and down before noticing, there on the ground.... exactly $42. "Well I'll be," Willam blurted out, a small smile growing on his face. He bends down to one knee and picks up the cash laying on the ground in front of him. As William is counting the money, he hears a faint sound. He looks up and around him, but he's unable to find the source. But then, in front of him, he sees it.

A big, fat mosquito.

William is frozen in terror. He can't move. Every part of him is screaming to run, but he can't he is paralyzed with fear. His eyes follow the buzzing insect with the look of a madman. Watching... watching...until finally it starts to fly up, higher into the sky, until he could no longer see it.

Slowly, William started regaining control of his body, his fingers his toes.... But as he looked up into the sky, he only had one thought. "Oh hell yeah, let it ride!"