
The most frequent english word is "the", and it is nowhere to be found in your post. 83 words and not even one is "the". On the other hand, "freelanc*" is present, eight times. I'm disappointed that Jung's synchronicity works that well, as I'm considering moving into the wonderful world of being my own employer very, very soon, and... I see it everywhere. The F word. Jung put you up to it, didn't he. Sneaky old man.

Lol someone caught it! Good eyes!

Hahah I'm a freelancer and I totally​ agree.

Get a real job! lol

Someday, maybe.

You right sometimes we can not count on another person. In my culture is said "buntute ora isok dicekel" (we can not hold her/his tail). Nice... !

Yeah.. i'm doing everything myself at the moment lol..

The burden of true freedom :P

Is this your daily experience now? xD

the best part is when someone asks you to fix the mess that the free freelance made. I ask triple price.

edit: who said anything about customer satisfaction? companies still want freelancers. no exclusive contracts, so no employers benefits ;)

Very good :)

I haven't been able to get good last-minute triple price deals during emergencies.. do ppl really pay that much?

take it or leave it :) that's the price the client pay when they try to "lower cost" with cheap workforce and bad quality service.

edit: a real businessman knows that a good job costs money, so they will try to create "incentives" in terms of money. if someone wants 16 hours of freelancer, they should actually hire exclusively with appropriate contracts and all benefits. i know it sounds shallow but thats how it works: loyalty costs money.

Nice, would have to be pretty damn exceptional at the job though..

well. i never thought you are average :)

I don't like to negotiate price.. haha


We've run into similar challenges with our business. We want all our team members to have flexible schedules, but we also need to hear from them within a given day. We've settled on "be available daily for 7 hours, they just don't have to be all in the row." If someone's not going to put in a full day or be around, we appreciate knowing ahead of time. That seems to work fairly well.

Nice - we should start practicing that. It's just some freelancers freelance pretty hard.. and I don't think 7 hour daily would work on some.. although admittedly my setup isn't the type that is as busy as Foxycart!

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