
It doesn't matter if the money is distributed evenly; that just makes everything evenly worthless. Inflation of fiat destroys savings and encourages reckless spending and debt accumulation.

Inflation and deflation can affect no one, they can affect a few, or they can affect the majority, but they can never affect the whole negatively.

If we both have 100$ and we both get another 100$ what has changed? Nothing ratio is still the same. Inflation is not negative nor is deflation.

That's why I specified inflation of fiat currency. Inflation in that regard happens to monetize debt, which creates the negative externalities I mentioned. If a supply of money increases because more money is added to the system, that is inflation as well, but as you pointed out, it is not negative.

Ahh got cha, I wouldn't so much say fiat as I would say the current legal tender that's being passed as currency these days. Technically everything is fiat, but now I'm just getting esoteric.

Makes sense what you said though sorry I don't look at fiat the same anymore, I just completely glanced over that, you'll see me use legal tender when referencing legal currency now a days, just habitual but I couldn't agree more with you now that I've reread it. In the public democracies today, at least in all spawns of the Uk, inflation is one of the leading factors to the massive poverty gaps that have formed as well as the devaluation and blah blah on and on.

These topics tend to become quite repetitive, and after watching year after year thinking "nah people are gonna wake up, any day now" the excitement kinda goes away and you realize you're basically stuck in a system that's rigged, being kept there because most are complacently ok with it and even talking like I am now gets you labeled as a conspiracy theorist or crazy when in reality I'm discussing the current fuck of a monetary system that exists today. All math, all verifiable.

But I'm just ranting away here on steemit lol, sounds like you're quite familiar with money so I'm sure you're well aware of how it works and I can just shut up now. 😄

Sorry I missed the substance of what you said before.

No worries. It's easy to gloss over things, especially when we become accustomed to the same non-argument being hurled at us every single time. Like I read somewhere else, the best thing any of us can do when engaging with each other on conceptual issues is to clearly define terms first, so now that we've crossed that hurdle, we've discovered we are essentially in agreement. Awesome isn't it, when rational discourse prevails? :D

I'm turning in for the night. Have a great day/evening (depending where you are), and keep on Steering!

I really enjoyed our discussion, gonna give you a follow. Thanks for the spurring intellectual conversation.

I couldn't agree more in defining terms and removing ambiguity, I've caught myself arguing a few times with someone until I ask, "wait what's the definition of this word", once that's out of the way it turns out we actually agree and what we're actually debating is the definition itself and what it means to each of us individually.

Again good convo, thank you.

My pleasure, sir! Thanks for the follow, and I'm adding you to my list as well.

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