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RE: If the government is printing trillions why is there no hyperinflation?

in #hyperinflation8 years ago

You have forgotten the most important reason the dollar is not in hyperinflation: USD is reserve currency in the world trade, and most of the inflation is exported. As long as US military can enforce USD reserve currency status and the PetroDollar deal (that USA can buy oil by USD they create out of thin air), there won't be any hyperinflation in USD.

However, there are many signs that USD won't hold that reserve currency status for long, like China and Russia getting out of USD's and rise of cryptocurrencies. :D


It's not forgotten I'm just using a more generic approach that involves a lot of currencies, not only the USD. For a more USD-centric approach, I've written a small ebook (the link is the bottom of the article) and it also mentions the relative strength of the dollar and why it is the currency of choice for the whole planet - but also the currency of global external debt (countries owing to other countries in foreign currency). And as such (a currency that sustains the global debt enslavement mechanism) the USD will not be allowed to be greatly devalued, otherwise the debt enslavement scheme crumbles. If the billions of USD that the various countries owe are devalued significantly in some kind of spike then they will also be easily repayable.

A big drop in USD value (compared to other currencies) or a sharp upward revaluation of precious metals will create circumstances that will allow countries and individuals to escape their debt enslavement. I predict that this will not be allowed to happen. I do hope that I'm wrong though.

China , Russia AND India using gold or own currencies in trade pacts ... instead of USD

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