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RE: Secret of Freedom

in #hygiene6 years ago

Ok, never mind in that case.. Because I don't think you can judge how awake I am by only reading a few sentences.. We probably have experienced things that most people will never be aware of that they're happening. And I would like to leave it with that. Because this part is very insensitive:

If one is fully awake, one has no such problems.

It was not after all these things that happened to us, that I became aware. I had no clue in what kind of world we lived. Maybe it's smarter to not make a comment like that to someone you don't know the history of. I'm sure you don't have bad intentions but saying this to me after what I said, is like telling me that it's my fault that I don't have my son with me. So no, not going there today..


The lady doth protest too much.

I did not promise sensitivity. Facts don't care about anyone's feelings. The demands and possibilities of life are what they are, and I won't try to change that for anyone.

Awake people:

  • do not claim to be awake
  • are not sensitive about how awake they are
  • are responsible about their lives.
  • make the distinction between being at fault and being responsible.
  • have found a way to feel all their pain, so they don't project it on others.

The number of awake people I have met in my life I can count on one hand. The rest of us have a long way to go.

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